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单词 swamp
释义 swamp /swɒmp; name swɑːmp/ verb [transitive] to make sb/sth have more of sth than they can deal with 使不堪承受;使疲于应付◆we are swamped with work at the moment. 我们目前被工作压得透不过气来。◆the market has been swamped by cheap imports. 市场上充斥着廉价进口货。☞ swampswamp /swɒmp; name swɑːmp/ [countable, uncountable] an area of land that is very wet or covered with water and in which plants and trees are growing沼泽;沼泽地◆most coal fields began life as swamps 300 million years ago.大多数煤田形成于 3 亿年前的沼泽。◆the country contains around 700 square km of swamp.该国约有 700 平方公里的沼泽地。▸ swampy adverb◆swampy land is ideal for the cultivation of rice.沼泽地很适合种植水稻。note 辨析 marsh or swamp?a marsh may have grass and other plants growing in it, but it does not have trees. a swamp has trees and other woody plants growing in it. * marsh 内可能长有草和其他植物,但没有树。swamp 内长有树和其他木本植物。swamp /swɒmp; name swɑːmp/ [transitive, often passive] to be so great that sb cannot deal with it; to give sb more things than they can deal with使不堪承受;使疲于应付;使应接不暇◆this is a big task and i am finding myself swamped.这是个艰巨的任务,我觉得自己无法招架。◆radio stations have been swamped with requests to play the song.不断有人点播那首歌,令电台应接不暇。note 辨析 overwhelm or swamp?people are typically overwhelmed by the amount, number or volume of a thing; people are swamped by the things themselves- complaints, requests, offers or enquiries. * overwhelm 一般指事物数量巨大,使人不堪应付,通常与 amount、number 或 volume 搭配; swamp 指事情本身,如 complaint、request、offer 或 enquiry,使人不堪承受、疲于应付。swamp¹/swɒmp ||; swɑmp/noun [c,u] an area of soft wet land (一片)沼泽 swamp²/swɒmp ||; swɑmp/verb[t] 1. to cover or fill sth with water 使充满水;淹没: ◇the fishing boat was swamped by enormous waves. 渔船被巨浪淹没。 2. swamp sb/sth (with sth) (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) to give sb so much of sth that he/she cannot deal with it 使不胜负荷: ◇we've been swamped with applications for the job. 工作申请书多得使我们穷于应付。 [syn] inundate 同义词为inundateswampsee ⇨ wet 4☞ swamp¹☞ swamp²




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