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单词 jeopardize
释义 jeopardize (bre also jeopardise) verbadverb➤seriously, severely严重危害◆this scandal could seriously jeopardize his chances of being re-elected.这桩丑闻可能会严重妨碍他再次当选。➤potentially有可能危害◆any delays could potentially jeopardize the company's ability to do business.任何延误都可能损害公司的经营能力。jeopardize (bre also jeopardise) /dʒepədaɪz; name dʒepərdaɪz/ [transitive] (written) to threaten the future development of sth such as sb's job, a plan or a system冒⋯的危险;危及,损害(某人的工作、计划、系统等)◆she would never do anything to jeopardize her career.她决不会做任何有损她事业的事。◆this scandal could seriously jeopardize his chances of being re-elected.这桩丑闻可能严重危及他再次当选的机会。jeopardize/ˈdʒepədaɪz ||; ˈdʒɛpɚdˌaɪz/(also -ise) verb [t] to do sth that may damage sth or put it at risk 危害;损害;破坏: ◇he would never do anything to jeopardize his career. 他决不干任何有损自己事业的事。 jeopardizesee ⇨ risk 8 jeop·ar·dize /(also 又作 -ise bre 【英】) /`dʒɛpədˏaɪz; ˈdʒepədaɪz//v [t]to risk losing or destroying something valuable or important 危害,毁掉:◇he didn't want to jeopardize his career by complaining about his boss. 他不想因抱怨老板而毁掉自己的事业。




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