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单词 shortcoming
释义 shortcoming nounadjective | verb + shortcoming | shortcoming + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤alleged, perceived所谓的/意识到的缺点➤obvious明显的不足◆there were obvious shortcomings in the report.报告有明显纰漏。➤fundamental, main, major, serious, significant根本缺陷;主要缺点;重大缺陷;严重缺陷▸➤minor小缺点➤potential潜在缺陷▸➤sb's own, personal某人自己的缺点;个人的不足▸➤methodological, technical方法/技术缺陷➤moral道德缺失verb + shortcoming➤have, suffer from有缺点▸➤call attention to, draw attention to, expose, highlight, identify, point out, reveal把注意力引向缺点;暴露缺点;突出缺陷;找出缺陷;指出缺点➤deflect attention from, divert attention from使注意力偏离缺点➤acknowledge, recognize承认/认识缺点▸➤be aware of意识到缺点◆they are well aware of their own shortcomings.他们很清楚自身的缺点。➤ignore, overlook忽略/忽视缺点◆the committee was willing to overlook her shortcomings.委员会情愿对她的缺点忽略不计。➤address, compensate for, correct, make good, make up for, overcome, remedy处理缺陷;弥补不足;纠正缺点;改正缺点;克服不足◆their proposal seeks to remedy the shortcomings of the current system.他们的建议旨在弥补当下体制存在的缺陷。shortcoming + verb➤stem from sth缺陷源自⋯◆not all these shortcomings stem from inadequate resources.这些缺陷并非都源自资源不足。preposition➤despite sb/sth's shortcomings, in spite of sb/sth's shortcomings尽管⋯有缺点◆despite its obvious shortcomings, the plan was accepted.尽管有明显的缺陷,方案还是通过了。➤shortcoming in⋯中的缺陷◆the shortcomings in the law法律上的缺陷phrases➤shortcomings on sb's part (especially bre) 某人的过错◆they said the accident was due to shortcomings on the part of the pilots.他们说是飞行员的过失造成了这起事故。shortcoming /ʃɔːtkʌmɪŋ; name ʃɔːrtkʌmɪŋ/ [countable, usually plural] a fault in a system, service, plan or piece of work that makes it fail in what it is supposed to do(系统、服务、计划或作品的)缺点,短处◆what are the real shortcomings in the inspection procedure?该审查程序的真正不足在哪里?note 辨析 weakness or shortcoming?in many cases you can use either word. however, a weakness is usually sth that makes sth fail to be as good as it should be for its own sake.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用。但是 weakness 通常指因自身缺陷而不能达到预期的良好效果◆we need to highlight any potential weaknesses in the proposal (= or the proposal may not be accepted).我们需要注意该建议可能存在的任何不足。a shortcoming is usually sth that makes sth fail in its duty to other people. * shortcoming 通常指因缺点而未能向他人履行职责◆the report highlights the shortcomings of the prison service (= where it is failing prisoners / society).该报告特别强调了监狱部门的缺失。shortcoming/ˈʃɔ:tkʌmɪŋ ||; ˈʃɔrtˌkʌmɪŋ/noun [c] [] a fault or weakness 缺点;短处 short·com·ing /`ʃɔrtˏkʌmɪŋ; ˈʃɔːtˌkʌmɪŋ/n [c usually plural 一般用复数]a fault in someone's character, or in a product, system etc [性格或产品、系统等的]短处,缺点:◇shortcomings in the public health system 公共卫生系统中的不足




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