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单词 january
释义 january noun  ➡ note at month january/ˈdʒænjuəri;-jueri/noun [u] [c] (abbr jan.) the first month of the year, coming after december 一月: ◇we're going skiing in january. 我们一月要去滑雪。◇last/next january 刚过去的╱明年一月◇we first met on january 31st, 1989. 我们第一次见面是在1989年1月31日。◇christine's birthday is (on) january 17. 克里斯廷的生日是1月17日。◇our wedding anniversary is at the end of january. 我们的结婚周年纪念在一月底。◇january mornings can be very dark in britain. 在英国,一月份早上天可能还很黑。 ☞we say ‘on january the seventeenth’ or ‘ on the seventeenth of january’ or, in american english, ‘january seventeenth’. in both british and american english, the months of the year are always written with a capital letter. jan·u·a·ry /`dʒænjˏɛrɪ; ˈdʒænjuəri/written abbreviation 缩写为 jan n [c,u]the first month of the year 一月→ see usage note at 见 month 用法说明 ☞ january




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