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单词 occupation
释义 occupation noun¹ 1job工作adjective | verb + occupation | phrases adjective➤full-time全职工作➤current目前的工作➤main主要的工作▸➤dangerous, hazardous危险职业▸➤female, male女性/男性职业◆agricultural work is traditionally seen as a male occupation.在传统观念中,农活儿被认为是男性的工作。➤managerial, professional, technical管理/专业/技术工作▸➤skilled, unskilled需要特殊技能的/无需特殊技能的职业▸➤manual, non-manual (both especially bre) 手工/非手工行业▸➤blue-collar, white-collar蓝领/白领职业▸➤service服务业工作◆service occupations such as cleaning and catering诸如清洁、餐饮之类的服务业工作➤civilian平民职业◆he left the army in 1999 and chose a civilian occupation.他 1999 年退役,选择了一个文职工作。verb + occupation➤choose, find选择职业;找到工作▸➤follow (bre) 从事职业◆the people interviewed followed a variety of occupations.接受面试的这些人从事过各种工作。phrases➤list sb's occupation as sth把某人的职业列为⋯◆her occupation is listed as 'homemaker'.她的职业被列为“家庭主妇”类。➤a range of occupations一系列的职业◆the college provides training in a wide range of occupations.学院提供一系列范围广泛的职业培训。occupation noun² 2control of another country占领他国adjective | verb + occupation | occupation + verb | occupation + noun | preposition adjective➤foreign外国占领▸➤continued, continuing持续的占领▸➤military军事占领➤post-war战后占领➤colonial殖民占领➤brutal残暴占领➤illegal非法占领verb + occupation➤begin开始占领▸➤end结束占领◆the invaders have ended their occupation of large parts of the territories.侵略者结束了他们对大部份领土的占领。➤maintain仍然占据➤fight, resist与占领者作斗争;抵抗占领➤oppose, protest反对/抗议占领➤support支持占领occupation + verb➤begin, end占领开始/结束➤continue占领继续occupation + noun➤force占领军preposition➤during the occupation占领期间◆during the occupation, the church was used as a mosque.占领期间,教堂被用作了清真寺。➤under occupation在占领下◆part of britain was under roman occupation.不列颠的部份领土曾被罗马人占领。➤occupation of对⋯的占领◆the occupation of territory领土的占领occupation noun³ 3living in a room, house, etc.居住adjective | verb + occupation | preposition | phrases adjective➤land土地占用▸➤illegal, unlawful (bre) 非法居住◆illegal occupation of the building非法占用建筑物➤exclusive (bre, law法律) 独自占用▸➤multiple (bre, law法律) 多户合居◆the conversion of big old buildings to multiple occupation庞大的老建筑改建成为多户合住房verb + occupation➤take up (bre) 入住◆you can only take up occupation once the tenancy has been signed.你签了租赁合同后才能迁入。preposition➤in occupation of (bre, law法律) 居住在⋯◆he intends to remain in occupation of the building for as long as possible.他打算尽可能长久地住在这幢房子里。phrases➤ready for occupation (especially bre) 可以入住◆the houses will be ready for occupation by march.这些房子 3 月份便可入住。 occupation /ɒkjupeɪʃn; name ɑːk-/ noun1. [countable] a job or profession 工作;职业◆please state your name, age and occupation below. 请在下面写明姓名、年龄和职业。◆what is your current occupation? 你目前的职业是甚么?◆high-risk/low-risk occupations 高风险/低风险职业⨁ to choose / follow / take up an occupation选择/从事/开始从事某职业 2. (formal) [uncountable] the act of living in or using a building, room, piece of land, etc. (建筑、房屋、土地等的)居住,使用,占用◆the offices will be ready for occupation in june. 这些办公室将在六月交付使用。☞ occupationoccupation [countable] (rather formal) something that you do for interest or pleasure, especially when you are not working(尤指工作之余的)消遣,爱好◆her main occupation seems to be shopping.逛商店购物似乎是她的主要消遣。note 辨析 activity, pursuit or occupation? activity is the most general of these words, with a wide range of collocates relating to business, government and the military, education and sport and leisure. * activity 在三个词中含义最宽泛,与之搭配的词涉及商务、政府、军队、教育、体育与休闲◆business / commerical / trading / training activities商务/商业/贸易/培训活动◆government / economic / political / military / guerrilla / terrorist activities政府/经济/政治/军事/游击队/恐怖主义活动◆classroom / cultural / extra-curricular / educational / learning activities课堂/文化/课外/教育/学习活动◆leisure / outdoor / recreational / social / sporting activities业余/户外/娱乐/社会/体育活动 occupation, in this meaning, is often used with favourite, and is used to talk about gentle activities that people enjoy doing to pass the time such as knitting, watching the sun set, walking in the countryside, sitting on a bench watching people or going to a gallery. pursuit is often used in writing, and is used to talk about more structured sporting, cultural or intellectual activities.表达此义时,occupation 常与 favourite 连用,指人们喜欢的、可以消磨时光的、运动量小的活动,如编织、看日落、在乡间漫步、坐在长椅上看人、去美术馆等。pursuit 常用于书面语,指较为严谨的体育、文化或智力活动。occupation /ɒkjupeɪʃn; name ɑːkjupeɪʃn/ [countable] (rather formal) a job or profession工作;职业◆please state your name, age, and occupation.请写明你的姓名、年龄和职业。◆why is nursing still seen as a female occupation?为什么护理工作仍被看作是一种女性从事的职业?occupationnoun [uncountable] ◆the military occupation has created anger and resentment.军事占领激起了人们的愤怒和怨恨。occupationnoun [uncountable] ◆the military occupation has created anger and resentment.军事占领激起了人们的愤怒和怨恨。occupation/ˌɒkjuˈpeɪʃn ||; ˌɑkjəˈpeʃən/noun1. [c] (written 书面语) a job or profession; the way in which you spend your time 工作;职业: ◇please state your occupation on the form. 请在表格上申明你的职业。 ☞look at the note at work. 参看work的注释。 2. [u] the act of the army of one country taking control of another country; the period of time that this situation lasts 占领;占据;占领时期: ◇the roman occupation of britain 罗马人占领英国时期 3. [u] the act of living in or using a room, building, etc 居住,占用(房间、建筑物等)occupationsee ⇨ job 1 oc·cu·pa·tion /ˏɑkjə`peʃən; ˌɒkjˈpeɪʃən/n 1. [c] formal a job or profession 【正式】 工作,职业:◇please state your name and occupation. 请写下你的姓名及职业。 2. [u] when an army goes into another country and takes control of it using force [军队]占领,占据:◇the occupation of poland 波兰的失陷 3. [c] formal something that you enjoy doing 【正式】 消遣:◇his favourite occupation is fishing. 他最喜爱的消遣活动是钓鱼。




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