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单词 occupancy
释义 occupancy /ɒkjəpənsi; name ɑːk-/ noun [uncountable] (commerce 商业) the occupancy of a hotel, plane, etc. is the number of rooms, seats, etc. that are being used at any one time (酒店、飞机等的)占用率◆our room occupancy rate is high. 我们的客房入住率很高。◆occupancy levels on short-haul flights have increased. 短途航班的入座率提高了。2. (formal) the fact of a building, room, piece of land, etc. being lived in or used (房屋、土地等的)居住,占用,使用◆the offices will be ready for occupancy next month. 办公室将于下月交付使用。  ➡  certificate of occupancy ☞ occupancy oc·cu·pan·cy /`ɑkjəpənsɪ; ˈɒkjpənsi/n [u]formal when someone uses a building or other space to live or work in 【正式】 [对房屋或土地的]使用; 占用




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