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单词 obstinate
释义 obstinate /ɒbstɪnət; name ɑːbstɪnət/ (usually disapproving) refusing to change your opinions or behaviour when other people try to persuade you to执拗的;固执的;顽固的◆he can be very obstinate when he wants to.他的犟劲儿一上来,简直执拗得要命。◆their position remains one of obstinate denial, even in face of the new evidence.即使在新证据面前他们还是固执地持否定立场。▸ obstinately adverb◆she obstinately refused to consider the future.她执意拒不考虑未来。obstinate/ˈɒbstɪnət ||; ˈɑbstənɪt/adj refusing to change your opinions, way of behaving, etc when other people try to persuade you to 顽固的;固执的: ◇an obstinate refusal to apologize 固执地拒绝道歉 [syn] stubborn 同义词为stubborn➔obstinacy /ˈɒbstɪnəsi ||; ˈɑbstənəsɪ/ noun [u] ➔obstinately advobstinatesee ⇨ determined 3 ob·sti·nate /`ɑbstənɪt; ˈɒbstɪnɪt/adjrefusing to change your opinions, or behaviour; stubborn 固执的,顽固的; 倔强的:◇an obstinate old man 顽固的老头




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