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单词 lift
释义 lift noun¹ 1 (bre) for taking people/goods between floors电梯  ➡ see also elevator adjective | verb + lift | lift + verb | lift + noun adjective➤private, service私用/员工用电梯◆the hotel has a private lift linking it to the beach.旅馆有一部私用电梯与海滩相连。➤baggage, goods, passenger, wheelchair运行李/载货/载客/轮椅可进入的电梯▸➤electric, hydraulic电动/液压升降机verb + lift➤go down in, go up in, take乘电梯下去;乘电梯上去;乘电梯◆we took the lift down to the ground floor.我们乘电梯下到一楼。➤operate操作电梯lift + verb➤serve sth电梯为⋯服务◆the lift serves the top four floors of the building.这部电梯为大楼最上面的 4 个楼层服务。➤arrive电梯到达lift + noun➤button电梯按钮▸➤doors电梯门▸➤shaft电梯井▸➤attendant, operator电梯服务员/操作员lift noun² 2for taking people up mountains, etc.载人登高adjective | verb + lift | lift + noun adjective➤ski(运送滑雪者的)上山吊椅▸➤chair (usually chairlift) , gondola (bre) 升降椅;厢式缆车verb + lift➤take坐缆车▸➤operate操作缆车lift + noun➤car升降车▸➤operator缆车操作员▸➤pass缆车通行证◆you'll need your lift pass for the ski lifts.乘坐上山吊椅需要通行证。lift noun³ 3 (bre) free ride in a car, etc.搭便车  ➡ see also ride adjective | verb + lift | phrases adjective➤free免费搭车verb + lift➤ask for, hitch, thumb请求搭便车;免费搭顺风车;竖起拇指拦便车◆we stood by the roadside and thumbed a lift.我们站在路边竖起拇指请求搭便车。➤give sb, offer sb让某人搭便车▸➤accept接受搭便车◆don't accept lifts from strangers.不要搭乘陌生人的便车。phrases➤a lift back, a lift home搭便车回去/回家◆he offered us a lift home.他让我们坐他的便车回家。lift noun⁴ 4feeling of increased happiness/excitement振奋adjective | verb + lift adjective➤big, great, huge, real极大的振奋;巨大的鼓舞;真正的鼓舞◆winning the semi-final gave the team a huge lift.赢了半决赛令该队大受鼓舞。➤emotional感情上的振奋verb + lift➤give sb使某人振奋▸➤get得到鼓舞lift verb¹ 1raise/move sb/sth升起;移动adverb | verb + lift | preposition adverb➤almost, half几乎举起;半举起◆he hugged her, almost lifting her off the ground.他紧紧拥着她,几乎把她抱起来了。➤fractionally, a little, slightly稍稍提起;提起一点儿;略微提起▸➤slowly慢慢举起▸➤sharply突然抬起◆her head lifted sharply.她突然抬起头。➤carefully, gently, gingerly小心地抬起;轻轻提起◆carefully lift the cake off the tray and cool on a wire rack.把蛋糕小心地从托盘上拿起,放到金属架上冷却。➤easily, effortlessly毫不费力地提起▸➤bodily整个儿抬起◆she was lifted bodily aboard by two sailors.两名水手将她整个儿抱起抬到了船上。➤back, down, out, up向后提;拿下来;向外提;向上提◆she lifted back the sheet.她把被单往后拽了拽。verb + lift➤can barely, can hardly几乎不能提起◆the box was so heavy i could barely lift it.箱子太重了,我几乎拎不起来。➤try to尽力举起▸➤manage to设法举起▸➤be too heavy to太重而不能抬起preposition➤above抬到上面◆he stood, legs apart, arms lifted above his head.他站着,两腿分开,胳膊举过头顶。➤down抱下来◆she leaned on him and he half lifted her down the stairs.她靠在他身上,他几乎是把她抱下楼的。➤from从⋯提起◆he felt as if an enormous weight had been lifted from his shoulders.他感到如释重负。➤into放进去◆the heavy beams were lifted into place.沉重的横梁已经放到位了。➤off拿开◆she lifted the book up off the table.她从桌上拿起书。➤out of拿出来◆he lifted the baby out of its cradle.他把婴儿从摇篮里抱出来。➤over抬过◆she lifted the child over the fence.她把小孩抱过篱笆。➤to抬向◆juliet nodded, lifting her face to david's.朱丽叶点点头,抬起头看着戴维的脸。lift verb² 2remove a law/rule撤销法规adverb | verb + lift adverb➤completely完全解除▸➤partially部份撤销◆the police managed to restore calm and the curfew was partially lifted.警方设法恢复了平静,宵禁部份解除。verb + lift➤agree to, decide to, vote to同意/决定/表决解除◆the government decided to lift the ban on arms exports.政府决定解除武器出口的禁令。➤refuse to拒绝撤销 lift /lɪft/ verb 1. [transitive] to make an amount or level of sth greater 提高;增加◆the number of new jobs this year helped lift consumer confidence and incomes. 今年新增职位数目增强了消费者的信心并提升了他们的收入。 2. [intransitive, transitive] to become or to make sth become more valuable or successful 使更有价值;使更成功◆efforts to lift the economy out of recession 使经济摆脱衰退的努力◆some stocks lifted yesterday. 昨天有些股票升值了。 3. [transitive] to remove or end a restriction, policy or threat 解除,撤销,停止(限制、政策或威胁)◆the ban was later lifted. 禁令后来解除了。◆efforts to lift economic sanctions 解除经济制裁的努力 4. [transitive] to raise sth to a higher position or level 提起;举起;吊起;抬高◆there are special ways of lifting large, heavy objects. 有特殊的方法用来提起大型重物。 ▸ lifting noun [uncountable] ◆a partial lifting of the ban 局部解禁◆who will do the heavy lifting? 谁来完成“主要”任务? lift /lɪft/ noun1. [countable, usually singular] an increase in sth; an improvement in sth 提高;增加;改善◆we recorded a 3% lift in sales in april. 我们四月份的销售额增长了 3%。 (bre) (name elevator) [countable] a machine that carries people or goods up and down to different levels in a building or a mine 电梯;升降机◆it's on the sixth floor—let's take the lift. 在七层 ── 我们乘电梯吧。☞ lift☞ liftlift [transitive] to remove or end restrictions解除,撤销,停止(限制)◆to lift a ban / curfew / blockade解除禁令/宵禁/封锁◆martial law has now been lifted.戒严令现已解除。lift [countable] (bre) a free ride in a vehicle or on a motorcycle to a place you want to get to免费搭车;搭便车◆she offered me a lift home.她让我搭她的车回家。◆his car broke down and he hitched a lift (= stopped a passing car and travelled in it) into town.他的车抛锚了,就搭了一辆便车进城。ⓘ in american english use ride.在美式英语中用 ride。lift [transitive, intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to move sb/sth or be moved to a higher position or level; to take hold of sb/sth and move them/it to a different position(被)抬高,举起;移开◆i lifted the lid of the box and peered in.我掀起箱盖往里看。◆her eyebrows lifted. 'apologize? why?'她眉毛往上一扬:“道歉?为什么?”◆he lifted the suitcase down from the rack.他把手提箱从行李架上搬下来。note 辨析 pick sb/sth up or lift? pick sb/sth up is usually used to talk about things and people that are not very heavy. lift suggests that the person or thing is quite heavy. lift is also used to talk about moving heavy people or things in different directions. * pick sb/sth up 通常用于物或人不是很重的情况。lift 则暗含人或物很重之意。lift 还指向不同的方向移动沉重的人或物◆to lift sth up / down / into sth / from sth搬上/搬下/搬进/移开某物 pick sb/sth up can only be used to talk about moving a person or thing upwards. * pick sb/sth up 仅用于将人或物往上抬或举。lift¹/lɪft ||; lɪft/verb1. [t] lift sb/sth (up) to move sb/sth to a higher level or position 举起: ◇he lifted the child up onto his shoulders. 他把小孩举到肩膀上。◇lift your arm very gently and see if it hurts. 把胳膊抬起,看看痛不痛。◇it took two men to lift the piano. 这架钢琴要两个男人才抬得动。 2. [t] to move sb/sth from one place or position to another 把…抬起后搬到别的位置上: ◇she lifted the suitcase down from the rack. 她把手提箱从架上搬下来。 3. [t] to end or remove a rule, law, etc 撤销(规则、法令等): ◇the ban on public meetings has been lifted. 对公众集会的禁令已经撤销了。 4. [i,t] to become or make sb happier (受)鼓舞: ◇the news lifted our spirits. 这消息振奋了我们的士气。 5. [i] (used about clouds, fog, etc) to rise up or disappear (指云、雾等)升起,消散: ◇the mist lifted towards the end of the morning. 快到中午的时候,薄雾才渐渐散去。 6. [t] (informal 非正式)lift sth (from sb/sth) to steal or copy sth 偷;抄袭: ◇most of his essay was lifted straight from the textbook. 他这篇文章的大部份内容都是从那本教科书上直接搬过来的。 ☞ look at shoplifting. 参看shoplifting。 lift off (used about a spacecraft) to rise straight up from the ground (指航天器)发射升空 lift²/lɪft ||; lɪft/noun1. (us 美 elevator) [c] a machine in a large building that is used for carrying people or goods from one floor to another 电梯;升降机: ◇it's on the third floor so we'd better take the lift. 我们要到四楼,最好还是乘电梯。 2. [c] a free ride in a car, etc 搭便车: ◇can you give me a liftto the station, please? 可以让我搭你的便车到车站去吗?◇i got a lift from a passing car. 我搭了一辆过路的汽车。 3. [sing] (informal 非正式) a feeling of being happier or more confident than before 欢欣;鼓舞: ◇her words of encouragement gave the whole team a lift. 听了她鼓励的话,全队士气为之一振。 4. [sing] the action of moving or being moved to a higher position 提;抬;举 thumb a lift→thumb²lift1 to lift a person or thing2 to lift a part of your body to a higher positionrelated wordsoppositedown (6),see alsocarry,hold,put,1. to lift a person or thing 提起人或物 lift /lɪft/ [transitive verb] to move something upwards to a higher position, especially something heavy, either by using your hands or a machine 提;抬;举;吊[尤指重物] his doctor has told him that he must not lift anything heavy. 医生告诫他不能举重物。 she lifted the lid from a huge pot and took a sniff. 她揭开一个大锅的盖子闻了闻。lift onto/out of/over etc they lifted me onto a stretcher and took me to the ambulance. 他们把我抬到担架上并送上救护车。 firemen had to use a mobile crane to lift the carriages back onto the rails. 消防队员不得不使用移动式起重机把车厢吊起来,重新放回铁轨上。lift somebody bodily lift someone's whole body up, using a lot of strength 把某人的整个身体举起 the massive bull lifted him bodily into the air and shook him repeatedly. 那头庞大的公牛把他整个身体举向空中,然后不停地摇晃。 lift up /ˌlɪft ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to move something upwards to a higher position and hold it there - use this especially about something fairly heavy that you use your hands to move 举起;提起;抬起[尤指较重的东西] lift somebody/something up he lifted her up in his arms. 他把她抱起来。lift up somebody/something can you help me lift up this table so we can get the carpet under it? 你帮我把这桌子抬起来,以便我们把下面的地毯拿出来好吗? six men lifted up the coffin and carried it out of the church. 六名男子抬起棺材走出教堂。lift something up onto/out of/over etc i couldn't see the game so i asked my dad to lift me up onto his shoulders. 我看不见比赛,所以让爸爸把我举起来放到他的肩膀上。 pick up /ˌpɪk ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to lift something up from the ground, from a table etc, especially something small or light 拿起;捡起;拾起[尤指小而轻的物体] pick up somebody/something she picked up her bag and left the room. 她拎起手提包离开了房间。 maurin picked up the gun and put it in his pocket. 莫林拿起枪放在口袋里。 the lioness picked her cub up by its neck. 母狮咬着幼狮的脖子把它衔起来。pick somebody/something up there are papers all over the floor - could you pick them up and put them away? 地上到处都是报纸—你能把它们捡起来放好吗? the little girl's mother laughed and bent down to pick her up. 小女孩的母亲笑着弯下腰把她抱起来。 the vacuum cleaner won't pick this stuff up. 吸尘器吸不起这东西。pick up the phone pick up the part of the telephone that you speak into, so that you can use it 拿起电话筒 the phone rang and hutton picked it up, frowning. 电话响了,赫顿皱着眉头拿起电话筒。 raise /reɪz/ [transitive verb] to move something to a higher position for a short time before lowering it again 举起;提起;抬起[一会儿再放下] the bridge can be raised to allow ships to pass under it. 这座桥可以升起来让船从下面驶过。 ‘cheers, everyone!’ said larry, raising his glass. “大家干杯!”拉里举起杯子说道。 scoop up/out /ˌskuːp ʌpm ˈaʊt/ [verb phrase] to dig or pick something up with a scoop a round deep spoon, a spoon, or with your curved hand [用勺子、汤匙、手等]舀/挖出 scoop something up/out/off etc he scooped up a handful of sand and dropped it in the bucket. 他舀起一把沙子放进桶里。 slice the eggs in half, then scoop out the yolks into a bowl. 把鸡蛋切成两半,然后挖出蛋黄放入碗内。 hoist /hɔɪst/ [transitive verb] to lift up something which is heavy and difficult to carry 升起;吊起;提起;举起[重物] hoist something on/onto/over joe picked up the sack and hoisted it onto the truck. 乔拎起麻袋,把它举到卡车上。 the crowd hoisted him onto their shoulders and carried him triumphantly down the main street. 人群把他举到肩上,意气风发地抬着走在大街上。 jack up /ˌdʒæk ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to lift up the corner of a car using a special tool, in order to change the wheel or look under the car 用千斤顶托起[车的一角] jack up something fred jacked up the car and started to unscrew the wheel nuts. 弗雷德用千斤顶把汽车托高,然后开始旋下轮胎上的螺帽。jack something up why don't you jack it up and we'll have a look at the suspension? 你为什么不用千斤顶把它托起来让我们看看悬架?2. to lift a part of your body to a higher position 抬起身体的某个部位 raise /reɪz/ [transitive verb] raise your eyes/eyebrows/hand/arm etc to move or turn your eyes, head etc upwards for a short time 抬起双眼/扬起眉毛/举手/举起手臂等 she raised her eyes from the newspaper when he came in. 他走进来时,她把视线从报纸上抬起来。 if you have any questions, please raise your hand. 有问题请举手。 lori raised her arms over her head. 洛莉把双手举过头顶。raise to do something mum raised her hand to hit me and then stopped. 妈妈抬起手想打我,一下子又停住了。 lift also lift up /lɪft, lɪft ʌp/ [transitive verb] lift your arm/leg/head to move your arm, leg etc upwards, especially when this is difficult to do [尤指困难地]举起手臂/举起腿脚/抬头等 i was feeling so weak that i could hardly lift my head from the pillow. 我感到软弱无力,头靠在枕头上几乎都抬不起来。 the child lifted up her arms, asking to be picked up. 那小孩举起双手要抱。 lie on your side, use your hand for support, and lift your leg to the level of your shoulder. 侧身躺着,用手作支撑,把腿抬到齐肩的高度。 put your hand up /ˌpʊt jɔːʳ ˈhænd ʌp/ [verb phrase] to move your arm upwards and keep it in the air, for example because you want to speak in a class or meeting, or because you are being counted 举手[因想发言或被点数目等] put your hand up if you know the answer. 知道答案就举手。 if you are not able to take part, please put your hand up. 如果不能参加就请举手。☞ lift¹☞ lift²




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