单词 | suddenly |
释义 | suddenlyadverb◆i suddenly realized what i had to do.我忽然明白了我该做些什么。◆it all happened so suddenly.一切都来得那么突然。suddenlyadverb◆i suddenly realized what i had to do.我忽然明白了我该做些什么。◆it all happened so suddenly.一切都来得那么突然。suddenly1 suddenly2 something that happens suddenlyrelated wordssee alsosurprised/surprising,fast,1. suddenly 突然 suddenly /ˈsʌdnli/ [adverb] if something happens suddenly, it happens quickly when you are not expecting it 突然,忽然,猛地 suddenly there was a loud bang and all the lights went out. 突然“砰”的一声,所有的灯都熄灭了。 i suddenly realized that there was someone following me. 我突然意识到有人跟踪我。die suddenly die unexpectedly 突然死去 several years ago her husband died suddenly at the age of 64. 几年之前她丈夫突然去世,终年64岁。 all of a sudden /ˌɔːl əv ə ˈsʌdn/ [adverb] suddenly - use this especially in stories or descriptions of past events 突然,猛地[尤用于故事中,或用于描写过去的事件] we waited and waited, then all of a sudden we saw a sail on the horizon. 我们等了又等,突然看到地平线上出现了一艘帆船。 the way he decided to leave all of a sudden didn't make any sense. 他这样突然决定离去让人难以理解。 out of the blue /ˌaʊt əv ðə ˈbluː/ [adverb] if something happens out of the blue, you are not expecting it at all, and you are very surprised by it 出乎意料地,突然地 she told me, out of the blue, that she was going to live in new york. 她突然告诉我她要到纽约生活。completely out of the blue do you remember jane? well, she phoned me yesterday, completely out of the blue. 你还记得简吗?昨天她忽然打了个电话给我。 abruptly /əˈbrʌptli/ [adverb] if something ends or if someone moves or speaks abruptly, they do it suddenly and unexpectedly 突然地,意外地 the party was stopped abruptly when the police turned up. 警察来了,聚会骤然终止。 she turned abruptly and went back inside. 她猛然转身回到屋里去。 ‘you may leave now,’ he said, abruptly. “你现在可以走了。”他突然说道。 without warning /wɪðˌaʊt ˈwɔːʳnɪŋ/ [adverb] if something bad or dangerous happens without warning, it happens suddenly and there were no signs that it was going to happen [坏事或危险的事]没有任何先兆 without warning, tears began to roll down his cheeks. 突然间,眼泪顺着他的面颊滚滚而下。 at five to four greg went into convulsions. it happened suddenly and without warning. 3点55分的时候,格雷格突然出现痉挛,没有任何先兆。 on the spur of the moment /ɒn ðə ˌspɜːr əv ðə ˈməʊmənt/ [adverb] if you do something on the spur of the moment, you suddenly decide to do something that you had not planned to do 一时冲动之下;未经仔细考虑地[决定做某事] i bought the car on the spur of the moment. 我一时冲动买下了这辆汽车。 on the spur of the moment, we decided to head north that day instead of east. 那天我们一时冲动,决定改变方向不往东走,而是向北出发了。 spur-of-the-moment [adjective only before noun] it was a spur-of-the-moment decision. 这是个出于一时冲动的决定。 from out of nowhere /frəm ˌaʊt əv ˈnəʊweəʳ/ [adverb] if you say that someone does something or something appears from out of nowhere, it happens suddenly so that you are surprised or shocked 突然地,突如其来地 from out of nowhere he asked me to marry him. 他突然向我求婚。 i was doing 80 miles per hour when from out of nowhere this cop on a motorcycle pulled me over. 我正在以每小时80英里的速度开车,这个警察骑着摩托车不知从哪里冒了出来,叫我靠边停车。 at short notice /ət ˌʃɔːʳt ˈnəʊtə̇s/ [adverb] if something happens at short notice, it happens suddenly without you having time to prepare for it 在短时间内,临时 both players pulled out of the competition yesterday at short notice. 两名球员都是昨天临时退出比赛的。 occasionally, tours may have to be cancelled at short notice. 行程偶尔也会不得不临时取消。2. something that happens suddenly 突然发生的某事 sudden /ˈsʌdn/ [adjective] happening suddenly 突然的 i felt a sudden sharp pain in my stomach. 我感到胃里突然一阵剧痛。 rebecca's decision to leave was very sudden. 丽贝卡打算离开的决定很突然。 depression is sometimes brought on by a sudden change in your life. 忧郁症有时候是生活中的一场突变导致的。 dramatic /drəˈmætɪk/ [adjective] happening suddenly, and making a situation either much better or much worse 突然的;急剧的 there has been a dramatic increase in homelessness over the past few years. 过去几年里,无家可归的人剧增。 the dramatic changes that took place in eastern europe 东欧发生的剧变 dramatically [adverb] oil reserves have fallen dramatically since the war broke out. 自战争爆发以来,石油储备骤减。 abrupt /əˈbrʌpt/ [adjective] sudden, unexpected, and often unwanted 突然的,意外的 abrupt end/departure/change etc the police brought the demonstration to an abrupt end. 警方把示威游行一下子镇压了下去。 his departure was abrupt and completely unexpected. 他的离去很突然,完全出乎意料。 there has been an abrupt shift in the government thinking regarding these issues. 政府在这些问题上的想法来了个180度的大转弯。 snap /snæp/ [adjective only before noun] snap decision/judgement a decision or judgement that is made very suddenly, often without thinking about it enough 仓促的决定/草率的判断 snap decisions are not always the best decisions. 仓促的决定并非总是最好的决定。 usually she did not make snap judgements about people. 她一般不会对人草率下判断。 sud·den·ly /`sʌdṇlɪ; ˈsʌdnli/advquickly and unexpectedly 突然地,出乎意料地:◇i suddenly remembered that it was jim's birthday. 我突然想起这是吉姆的生日。 ☞ suddenly |
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