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单词 stricken
释义 stricken/ˈstrɪkən ||; ˈstrɪkən/adj (formal 正式) 1. stricken (with/by sth) seriously affected by an unpleasant feeling or disease or by a difficult situation 受煎熬的;患病的;遭受挫折的: ◇she raised her stricken face and begged for help. 她仰起苦闷的脸,乞求帮助。 ◇whole villages were stricken with the disease. 整村整村的人染上了这种病。 ◇he was stricken by a heart attack on his fiftieth birthday. 50 岁生日的那一天,他心脏病发作。 ◇we went to the aid of the stricken boat. 我们前去救助那艘失事的船。 2. (in compounds 用于构成复合词) seriously affected by the thing mentioned 遭受…的;受…之困的: ◇grief-stricken relatives 悲痛欲绝的亲戚们 ☞ look also at panic-stricken and poverty-stricken. 另参看 panic-stricken 及 poverty-stricken。 strick·en /`strɪkən; ˈstrɪkən/adjformal suffering the bad effects of trouble, illness, sadness etc 【正式】 受困扰的; 患病的; 忧愁的:◇a patient suddenly stricken with flu 突然感染流感的病人→ see also 另见 poverty-stricken




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