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单词 protective
释义 protective adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, feel有保护意愿;起保护之心▸➤become变得有保护之心adverb➤fiercely, highly, very悉心保护;极力呵护◆lionesses are fiercely protective of their young.雌狮细心呵护自己的幼崽。➤overly过度保护◆an overly protective father过度保护孩子的父亲preposition➤of对⋯有保护之心◆he's too jealous and protective of her.他太珍惜爱护她了。➤towards/toward对⋯有保护之心◆she felt suddenly very protective towards / toward her mother.她对母亲突然萌发出强烈的保护欲。 protective /prətektɪv/ adjective1. [only before noun] providing or intended to provide protection 保护的;防护的◆protective gloves/goggles/headgear 防护手套;护目镜;保护头盔◆workers should wear full protective clothing. 工人应该穿着全套防护服。 (economics 经济学) [usually before noun] intended to give an advantage to your own country's industry 有贸易保护倾向的;实行关税保护的☞ protective protective adjectiveprotective ♦︎ defensive ♦︎ preventive ♦︎ precautionary ♦︎ waterproofthese words all describe sth that is intended to protect sb/sth.这些词均表示保护的、防护的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a protective / defensive / preventive / precautionary measure / action◆a defensive / preventive / precautionary approach◆protective / waterproof clothing■ protective /prətektɪv/ [only before noun] intended to keep sb/sth safe from injury, damage or loss保护的;防护的◆workers should wear full protective clothing.工人应该穿着全套防护服。◆the ozone layer forms a protective barrier against the sun's rays.臭氧层是抵御太阳射线的保护层。 ➡ see also protection → security ■ defensive /dɪfensɪv/ intended to keep sb/sth safe from attack防御的;保护的;保卫的◆troops are taking up a defensive position around the town.部队在城的周围设置了防卫力量。 ➡ see also defence → precaution ■ preventive /prɪventɪv/ (also preventative /prɪventətɪv/ ) [only before noun] intended to stop sth before it happens, especially sth that causes problems预防性的;防备的◆she stressed the importance of basic health education and preventive medicine.她强调了基本健康教育和预防医学的重要性。◆the police were able to take preventive action and avoid a possible riot.警方得以采取防范措施,避免了一场暴乱的发生。  ➡ see also prevent → prevent ■ precautionary /prɪkɔːʃənəri; name prɪkɔːʃəneri/ (rather formal) done in order to prevent possible problems or avoid danger预防性的;防备的◆he was kept in hospital overnight as a precautionary measure.为谨慎起见,他留院观察一夜。  ➡ see also precaution → precaution ■ waterproof /wɔːtəpruːf; name wɔːtərpruːf, wɑːtəpruːf/ that does not let water go through防水的;耐水的◆a waterproof jacket防水夹克ⓘ there are a number of other compound adjectives formed with -proof, that describe things that can resist or protect against the thing mentioned. examples include rainproof, windproof, heatproof, fireproof and shatter-proof.-proof 还可构成其他一些复合形容词,意为“防⋯的、耐⋯的”,如 rainproof (防雨的)、windproof (防风的)、heatproof (耐热的)、fireproof (防火的)和 shatter-proof (防碎的)◆the car has childproof locks on the rear doors.这辆车的后门有儿童锁。◆an inflation-proof pension plan防通胀养老金计划protective /prətektɪv/ [only before noun] intended to keep sb/sth safe from injury, damage or loss保护的;防护的◆workers should wear full protective clothing.工人应该穿着全套防护服。◆the ozone layer forms a protective barrier against the sun's rays.臭氧层是抵御太阳射线的保护层。 ➡ see also protection → security protective/prəˈtektɪv ||; prəˈtɛktɪv/adj1. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) that prevents sb/sth from being damaged or harmed 保护的;防护的: ◇in certain jobs workers need to wear protective clothing. 某些工作的工人需要穿着防护服。 2. protective (of/towards sb/sth) wanting to keep sb/sth safe 希望保护(某人或某物);对(某人或某物)呵护备至: ◇female animals are very protective of their young. 雌性动物对幼崽呵护备至。 protectivesee ⇨ protect 4,5 pro·tec·tive /prə`tɛktɪv; prəˈtektɪv/adj 1. used to protect someone or something 保护的,防护的:◇protective clothing 防护服 2. wanting to protect someone from danger or harm [对人]关切爱护的:◇she suddenly felt very protective towards him. 她突然有很想要保护他的感觉。




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