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单词 and/also
释义 and/also1 and/also2 ways of adding something to what you have just said3 ways of saying 'and others’ at the end of a listrelated wordsincluding something or someone 包括某物或某人 include/not include (4),see alsowith/together,add,1. and/also 和,也 and /ənd, ən, strong ænd/ [conjunction] use this to join two things, actions, ideas etc in one sentence or in one part of a sentence 和,与,及,同;又;并;也[用于连接句子中的两个事物、动作、概念等] we had coffee and hot buttered rolls. 我们喝了咖啡,又吃了热乎乎的黄油面包卷。 come in and sit down. 进来吧,坐下来。 maria finally turned around and confronted the man. 玛丽亚最后转过身来正视着那男人。 ‘we've got about ten friends coming to the party.’ ‘and half of your family.’ “我们大约有十个朋友要来参加聚会。”“你家里也要来一半人。” this is a flexible and user-friendly system suitable for beginners and advanced users alike. 这是个灵活易用的系统,对初学者和高级用户都同样适用。 also /ˈɔːlsəʊ/ [adverb] use this when you are adding another fact about someone or something, or when mentioning another person or thing 而且[也],此外[还][用于补充新的内容,或提及别的人或物] françois speaks perfect english. he also speaks german and italian. 弗朗索瓦英语说得非常好,他还会说德语和意大利语。 sugar is bad for your teeth. it can also contribute to heart disease. 吃糖对牙齿不好,而且还可能会引致心脏病。 chris came from england. martin also. 克里斯来自英格兰,马丁也是。not only .... but also meissner was not only commander of the army but also a close friend of the president. 迈斯纳不仅是军队的司令官,而且还是总统的密友。 too /tuː/ [adverb] use this when you are adding another fact about someone or something. too is usually used at the end of a sentence 也,还,而且[常用于句末,补充新的内容] gary and martha and the kids are coming to visit. they're bringing grandmother, too. 加里和玛莎,还有孩子们要来,他们会把祖母也带来。 it's fast and comfortable. it's economical, too. 它又快又舒适,而且还省钱。 besides /bɪˈsaɪdz/ [preposition/adverb] in addition to what you are mentioning 除了[所提及的事物]之外;此外[还] besides being my doctor, he's a really good friend of mine. 他不仅是我的医生,而且还是我非常要好的朋友。 martina's got other things to think about besides work. 除了工作,马丁娜还有其他事情要考虑。 she's bought a fridge, a freezer, a microwave, and lots of other things besides. 她买了冰箱、冰柜、微波炉,此外,还买了许多其他的东西。 besides going to aerobics twice a week, she rides horses on saturdays. 除了一周两次有氧操,她星期六还骑马。 as well /əz ˈwel/ [adverb] at the same time as something else 同时;也;还 while you're at the store, could you get a few things for me as well? 你去商店时,能不能给我也买几样东西? our vacation was a disaster: not only was the food terrible, the weather was awful as well. 我们的假期糟透了:不仅食物很差,天气也很恶劣。as well as as well as being a community worker, he's a fully qualified nurse. 他不仅是社区工作者,而且还是个完全合格的护士。 in addition (to) /ɪn əˈdɪʃən (tuː)/ [adverb] use this when you are adding a fact that makes an amount of money, work, information etc even larger 除…之外,另外[用于加入某项内容后使金额、工作量、信息量等变得更大] we'll have to pay $800 travel insurance in addition to the air fare. 除了机票,我们还得付800美元的旅行保险费。 in addition to their normal teaching duties, teachers these days have stacks of paperwork to do. 如今的教师除了正常的教学任务之外,还要做大量的文案工作。 our survey will produce the essential statistics. in addition, it will provide information about people's shopping habits. 我们的调查将得出基本的统计资料,此外还能提供有关人们购物习惯方面的信息。2. ways of adding something to what you have just said 表示补充刚才所说的话的说法 what's more /ˌwɒts ˈmɔːʳ/ [adverb] spoken use this to add something, especially something that gives more force to what you have just said 【口】而且;此外[用于补充内容,尤指使前面所说的话更加有力的内容] what's more this stuff is cheap to manufacture so we should make a big profit. 而且,这东西生产起来成本也低,所以我们应该能赚到大钱。and what's more the prisoner has a gun, and what's more he's prepared to use it. 犯人有枪,而且他是准备用这支枪的。 besides /bɪˈsaɪdz/ [adverb] spoken use this especially when you are giving another reason for something 【口】而且,再说[尤用于为某事再说明一个原因] i don't mind picking up your things from the store. besides, the walk will do me good. 不要紧,我去店里帮你买回来,而且,走走路对我也有好处。 sonya says she couldn't get here through all the snow. besides, her car's broken down. 索尼娅说下这么大的雪她不能过来了,再说,她的车也坏了。 by the way/incidentally /ˌbaɪ ðə ˈweɪ, ˌɪnsə̇ˈdentəli/ [adverb] use this when you want to change the subject and talk about something else you have thought of or remembered. incidentally is more formal than by the way 顺便提一下[用于想改变话题谈论另一件想到或记起的事;incidentally比by the way正式] how is she, by the way? i hear she's been ill. 顺便问一下,她怎么样?我听说她病了。 i'll meet you at eight o'clock. oh, by the way, could you ask john to come too? 我8点来接你。噢,顺便问问,你能叫约翰也来吗? the course is organized by sheila dean who, by the way, is head of marketing now. 这课程是希拉·迪安安排的,顺便说一下,她现在是市场部的主管。 incidentally, these products can be dangerous if used carelessly. 顺便提一下,这些产品如果使用不慎会很危险。 he was offered a raise of 18% which, incidentally, is double what the rest of us got. 他的工资增加了18%,顺便提一下,那是我们其他人的两倍啊。 btw [adverb] informal an abbreviation for ‘by the way’, used especially in e-mail messages when you want to add some news at the end of a message 【非正式】附[by the way的缩写,尤用于电子邮件末尾补充信息] btw, i got a message from andy. he's getting married in june. 附:我收到安迪的一封电邮,他6月份要结婚。 not to mention /ˌnɒt tə ˈmenʃən/ [preposition] use this to introduce something that makes the situation more interesting, more surprising, worse etc 更不用说[用于引入使情况更有趣、更令人吃惊,或更恶劣等的事情] there will be live music and food, not to mention games and prizes for the whole family! 届时将有现场演奏的音乐,有各种美食,更有各种游戏等待您全家来赢取大奖! climbers have to carry all their equipment on their backs, not to mention their tents and bedding. 登山者得把所有的装备都背上,更不用说帐篷和寝具了。 several rare south american mammals escaped from the zoo, not to mention a three-metre-long python. 几只南美珍稀哺乳动物从动物园逃走了,更糟的是还有一条3米长的蟒蛇也逃走了。 furthermore/moreover /ˌfɜːðəˈmɔːʳǁˈfɜːrðərmɔːr, mɔːrˈəʊvəʳ/ [adverb] formal use this especially to introduce more information that will help persuade people to agree with what you are saying 【正式】而且;此外[尤用于引入更多增加说服力的信息] this new equipment will be very expensive to set up. furthermore, more machines will mean fewer jobs. 安装这种新的设备成本很高,况且,机器越多将意味着就业机会越少。 the drug has powerful side effects. moreover, it can be addictive. 这种药有很强的副作用,而且还可能使人上瘾。 on top of /ɒn ˈtɒp ɒvǁ-ˈtɑːp-/ [adverb] as well as other problems or bad things you have just mentioned 除…之外[还有其他问题或不好的事情] on top of all this the management has decided to make us come in on saturdays. 除了这一切之外,管理层还决定要我们星期六也来上班。 ... and on top of everything else my tv's broken. 除了这一切之外,我的电视机也坏了。 and another thing /ənd əˈnʌðəʳ θɪŋ/ [adverb] spoken use this at the beginning of a sentence to show you are going to add something else to what you have just said, especially when you are complaining about something 【口】还有[用于句首,尤表示抱怨] and another thing! where's the fifty dollars you owe me? 还有呢!你欠我的50美元呢?3. ways of saying 'and others’ at the end of a list 在所列举的最后表示“等等”的说法 etc british /etc. american /et ˈsetərə/ an abbreviation for et cetera used at the end of a short list to mean ‘and others of a similar kind’. when you say etc you pronounce it ‘et cetera’ 等等,以及其他[类似的事物] near the exit was a stand selling sandwiches, hot dogs etc. 出口附近有一个卖三明治、热狗等食品的小摊。 please bring pens, pencils, rulers etc to the exam. 考试时请带好钢笔、铅笔、尺等。 and so on /ənd səʊ ˈɒn/ informal used when you expect someone to guess what the other things are 【非正式】等等[用于表示还有其他事物,让别人去想象] when you leave, make sure you lock the doors and windows, turn off the heating and so on. 你走的时候,一定要锁好门窗、关上暖气等等。and so on and so forth jake does odd jobs around the house - mowing the lawn, cleaning the windows and so on and so forth. 杰克做点家里的零活—修剪草坪、清洁窗户等等。 or/and whatever /ɔːʳ, ənd wɒtˈevəʳǁ-wɑːt-/ informal used when someone is making a choice and can have what they want 【非正式】等等,或者什么的[表示可以随意选择自己想要的东西] please help yourselves to tea or coffee or whatever. 请随便喝点茶、咖啡或其他什么吧。 the canteen isn't bad, you can have a salad, some soup and whatever. 这食堂不错,你可以吃到沙拉、汤之类的东西。 if i buy him a giftvoucher for his birthday he can get what he likes, a record or whatever. 他生日时我如果给他买张礼券,他就可以去买他喜欢的东西,一张唱片啦什么的。 and suchlike /ənd ˈsʌtʃlaɪk/ british and other things of a similar kind 【英】这一类的事物 you could spend the day doing the garden, cleaning the windows and suchlike. 你可以在花园里弄弄花草,擦擦窗户,或做些类似的事情打发一天。 a fertilizer ideal for trees, bushes and suchlike. 适用于树、灌木之类的肥料




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