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单词 set³
释义 set³adj 1. fixed and not changing 固定的,不变的:◇we meet at a set time each week. 我们每个星期在一个固定的时间碰头。 2. informal ready to do something 【非正式】 准备好的,准备就绪的:◇all set spoken (=completely ready) 【口】 准备停当的: if everyone is all set, we'll start the meeting. 如果大家都准备好了,我们就开会了。 3. be set to do sth used to say that something is likely to happen 很可能会做某事:◇the band's success story looks set to continue. 乐队的成功故事看来还将继续下去。 4. set on/upon sth informal determined to do something 【非正式】 决意[下决心]要做某事 5. set against sth strongly opposed to something 坚决反对某事:◇my parents seemed set against the idea. 我父母似乎坚决反对这个想法。 6. be set in your ways to be used to doing things in the same way and not want to change 做事方式一成不变,固执刻板 7. to be in a particular place 位于,坐落:◇the palace is set on an island in the middle of the lake. 宫殿坐落于湖中心的一个岛上。




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