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单词 posting
释义 posting noun¹ 1message sent to a discussion group on the internet(发布在网上的)帖子adjective | verb + posting | preposition adjective➤internet, online因特网上的/在线帖子➤blog博客帖子➤job招聘帖子◆online job postings on the website网站上的在线招聘帖子➤earlier, original, previous早先的帖子;原始帖;以前发的帖子➤last, new, recent最后发的/新发的/最近发的帖子verb + posting➤make, write发帖子;写帖子◆i've made a couple of postings about identity theft.我发了几个关于身分盗窃的帖子。➤read, see读帖子;看帖子◆have you read my posting?你读了我的帖子吗?preposition➤posting about关于⋯的帖子◆a posting about cats关于猫的帖子➤posting on⋯上的帖子◆postings on our message board我们留言板上的帖子posting noun² 2 (especially bre) being sent to a place for work派任adjective | verb + posting | preposition adjective➤diplomatic外交派驻▸➤foreign, overseas派驻国外/海外➤hardship (= a job abroad where conditions are difficult) (hardship post in name) 派驻国外条件艰苦的地方▸➤three-month, two-year, etc.为期 3 个月、两年等的派驻verb + posting➤get, take up得到/接受派驻◆she was unable to take up the bangkok posting.她不能接受派驻曼谷的任命。preposition➤posting as作为⋯的派驻◆she has now accepted a posting as ambassador to latvia.她现在已接受任命,担任驻拉脱维亚大使。➤posting to前往⋯的派驻◆he received a posting to japan as soon as his training was finished.培训一结束,他就收到了派往日本的任命。 posting /pəʊstɪŋ; name poʊ-/ noun (hr 人力资源) [countable] an act of sending sb to a particular place for a period of time as part of their job 派驻◆an overseas posting 派驻海外◆a two-year posting in/to athens 派驻雅典工作两年2. (it 信息技术) [countable] a message or information put on the internet (互联网上的)帖子◆the newsgroup gathers postings on a particular topic and distributes them to the newsgroup's subscribers. 新闻组将有关某专题的帖子收集起来并发送给新闻组的订户。 (accounting 会计) [uncountable, countable] the activity of writing figures in a book where money paid and received is recorded (a ledger); the figures written 过账;誊入总账;过账记录◆transaction and payment posting 交易和付款过账◆identifying and correcting routine posting errors 找出并纠正日常的过账错误◆interest is charged on credit from the date of posting. 信贷利息从过账之日起计算。 certificate of posting ◇ cross-posting ☞ postingposting [countable] (especially bre) an act of sending sb to a particular place to do their job, especially for a limited period of time; the job that sb is sent to do派驻;派驻的职位◆he asked for a posting to the middle east.他申请派驻中东。◆staff will work abroad on 2-5 year postings.员工将被派往海外工作 2 至 5 年。ⓘ posting is also used in american english, but usually only to refer to limited-term government jobs. * posting 也用于美式英语中,但通常仅指有期限的政府驻外职务。  ➡ see also post → send 2 posting/ˈpəʊstɪŋ ||; ˈpostɪŋ/noun [c] a job in another country that you are sent to do by your employer 受雇主派往国外工作的职位 post·ing /`postɪŋ; ˈpəʊstɪŋ/n [c]especially bre when someone is sent to another place to do a job 【尤英】 派任,派驻




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