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单词 snob
释义 snob/snɒb ||; snɑb/noun [c] a person who thinks he/she is better than sb of a lower social class and who admires people who have a high social position 谄上欺下的人;势利的人: ◇he's such a snob -- he wears his oxford university tie all the time. 他真是个势利小人,老是系着他那条牛津大学的领带。 ➔snobbish adj ➔snobbishly adv ➔snobbishness noun [u]snobsee ⇨ class 9 ⇨ proud 3 snob /snɑb; snɒb/n [c] 1. someone who thinks they are better than people from a lower social position 势利的人 2. music/wine etc snob someone who knows a lot about music, wine etc and thinks their opinions are better than other people's 因为很懂音乐/会品葡萄酒等而自命不凡的人




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