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单词 snip
释义 snip /snɪp/ noun [singular] (bre) (informal) a thing that is cheap and good value 物美价廉的商品;便宜货◆the phone is a snip at $50. 这种电话机才 50 元,真便宜。 syn bargain ☞ snipsnip(-pp-) [transitive] to cut sth with scissors using short, quick strokes(用剪刀快速)剪,剪断,剪开◆snip a tiny hole in the paper.在纸上剪一个小孔。◆she snipped at the stitching.她把针脚剪掉。◆snip off the end of the tube.把管子末端剪掉。▸ snip noun [countable] ◆make a series of snips along the edge of the fabric.顺着布边细碎地剪。snipnoun [countable] ◆make a series of snips along the edge of the fabric.顺着布边细碎地剪。snipnoun [countable] ◆make a series of snips along the edge of the fabric.顺着布边细碎地剪。snip¹/snɪp ||; snɪp/verb [i,t] (snipping;snipped)snip (sth) (off, out, in, etc) to cut using scissors, with a short quick action (用剪刀)剪: ◇he sewed on the button and snipped off the ends of the cotton. 他缝上钮扣,剪掉了线头。◇to snip a hole in sth 在某物上剪个洞 snip²/snɪp ||; snɪp/noun[c] 1. a small cut made with scissors 剪下的碎片: ◇she made a small snip in the cloth. 她在布上剪了一小块。 2. (brit 英) (informal 非正式) something that is much cheaper than expected 比预期的便宜得多的货品 snipsee ⇨ cut 1     • • •• ⇨ be a snip☞ snip¹☞ snip²




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