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单词 endorse
释义 endorse verbadverb | verb + endorse adverb➤enthusiastically, heartily, strongly, warmly, wholeheartedly热情地支持;诚心地赞同;强有力地支持;全心地赞同▸➤entirely, fully完全赞同▸➤overwhelmingly, unanimously压倒性地支持;一致赞同▸➤broadly大体上赞同◆the government has broadly endorsed the research paper.政府基本上认可这一研究报告。➤explicitly, openly毫不含糊地/公开支持◆the plan does not explicitly endorse the private ownership of land.该计划没有明确地支持土地私有制。➤implicitly, tacitly (especially name) 含蓄地认可;默认▸➤formally, officially正式支持;官方支持◆the newspaper has formally endorsed the democratic candidate.这家报纸已经正式表示支持民主党的候选人。➤publicly公开支持▸➤effectively有效地支持verb + endorse➤fail to, refuse to不赞同;拒绝支持 endorse (name spelling also indorse) /ɪndɔːs; name ɪndɔːrs/ verb [transitive] say publicly that you support a person, statement or course of action (公开)赞同,支持◆i strongly endorse the directors' plans. 我非常赞同董事们的计划。 2.(marketing 营销) to say in an advertisement that you use and like a particular product or service so that other people will want to buy or use it (在广告中)宣传,赞同◆we decided to use a celebrity to endorse our restaurant. 我们决定利用名人来宣传我们的餐厅。◆products endorsed by loyal customers 受忠实顾客认同的产品 (finance 金融) to sign the back of a cheque or bill of exchange so that it can be paid to sb else; to sign the back of a cheque in order to receive cash from the bank 背书(在支票或汇票背面签名以将款项付给别人;在支票背面签名以便从银行提取现金)◆you must endorse the cheque before we can deposit it. 在支票存入银行之前必须先背书。 (insurance 保险) to add conditions to a standard insurance policy so that it applies to particular circumstances (在标准保单上)附加条款◆policies that refer only to employees should be endorsed to include volunteer workers. 应在仅适用于雇员的保单上附加条款,将志愿工作者包含进去。☞ endorse endorse /ɪndɔːs; name ɪndɔːrs/ [transitive] to say in an advertisement that you use and like a particular product so that other people will want to buy it(在广告中)宣传;为(产品)做广告◆i wonder how many celebrities actually use the products they endorse.我不知道究竟有多少名人真正使用他们做广告宣传的产品。  ➡ see also endorsement → endorsement endorse/ɪnˈdɔ:s ||; ɪnˈdɔrs/verb[t] 1. to say publicly that you give official support or agreement to a plan, statement, decision, etc 正式支持或赞同: ◇members of all parties endorsed a ban on firearms. 所有政党的成员都支持禁止枪械。 2. (brit 英) (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) to add a note to the document which allows you to drive a vehicle (driving licence) to say that the driver has broken the law (在驾驶执照上)记上违章事项 ➔endorsement noun [c,u] endorsesee ⇨ approve 3 ⇨ support 1 en·dorse /ɪn`dɔrs; ɪnˈdɔːs/v [t]to officially say that you support or approve of someone or something 赞同,支持:◇the president refuses to endorse military action. 总统不赞成采取军事行动。




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