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单词 itself
释义 itself/ɪtˈself ||; ɪtˈsɛlf/pronoun1. used when the animal or thing that does an action is also affected by it (表示动物或事物受自己行为影响)它自己: ◇the cat was washing itself. 猫儿在清洁自己。◇the company has got itself into financial difficulties. 这家公司陷入财务困境。 2. used to emphasize sth (用于强调)它本身: ◇the building itself is beautiful, but it's in a very ugly part of town. 这大楼本身相当漂亮,可是所在的城区却很难看。 (all) by itself 1. without being controlled by a person; automatically 自动: ◇the central heating comes on by itself before we get up. 我们起床之前,中央暖气已经自动启动了。 2. alone 单独;独自: ◇the house stood all by itself on the hillside. 这座房子孤零零地座落在山腰上。 ☞ look at the note at alone. 参看alone的注释。 it·self /ɪt`sɛlf; ɪtˈself/pron 1. the reflexive form of 'it' [it 的反身形式]:◇the cat was washing itself. 这只猫在清洁自己的身体。 2. in itself only the thing mentioned, and not including anything else (这件事)本身:◇we're proud you finished the race. that in itself is an accomplishment. 我们对你完成了全部赛程深感自豪,完成赛程本身就是一个了不起的成就。




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