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单词 encouraging
释义 encouraging adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, look, seem, sound鼓舞人心;看上去令人鼓舞;似乎振奋人心;听上去令人鼓舞▸➤remain始终鼓舞人心adverb➤extremely, highly, immensely, most, really, tremendously, very极为令人鼓舞;非常鼓舞人心◆this news is most encouraging.这个消息十分令人鼓舞。➤mildly, quite, reasonably略微令人鼓舞;相当鼓舞人心▸➤hardly难以鼓舞人心 encouraginggiving you hope that sb/sth will be good or successful有希望的;令人鼓舞的◆last year's results were very encouraging.去年的结果很令人鼓舞。◆the response we got from our readers was extremely encouraging.读者给我们的反馈让我们极为振奋。opp discouraging → disappointing note 辨析 promising or encouraging?in many cases you can use either word.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用◆a promising / an encouraging sign / result / start / prospect令人鼓舞的迹象/结果/开始/前景 promising, but not encouraging, is used to talk about people's careers. * promising 用于描述事业,encouraging 则不然◆a promising young player / newcomer / candidate / career前途无量的年轻球员/新人/候选人/事业◆an encouraging young player/newcomer/candidate/career encouraging, but not promising, is used to talk about other people's reactions to things. * encouraging 用于描述他人的反应,promising 则不然◆the response we got from readers was extremely promising. ☞ encourageencouragingsee ⇨ hope 6 en·cour·ag·ing /ɪn`kɜɪdʒɪŋ; ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒɪŋ/adjgiving you hope and confidence 令人鼓舞的,振奋人心的:◇this time, the news is more encouraging. 这一次的消息更加令人鼓舞。




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