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单词 heal
释义 heal verbadverb➤completely, fully, properly痊愈◆the wound hasn't healed properly yet.伤口还没有痊愈。➤partially部份愈合▸➤nicely, well愈合得很好▸➤slowly慢慢愈合▸➤quickly迅速治愈▸➤eventually, finally终于治愈▸➤up愈合◆the wound healed up very nicely.伤口愈合得很好。heal [transitive] to cure sb, especially without medicine; to make sb feel happy again(尤指不用药物)治愈;使愉快起来◆he told stories of jesus healing the sick.他讲了耶稣治愈病人的故事。◆the children were healed by a local witch doctor.这些孩子为本地一个巫医治好了。◆i felt healed by his love.他的爱使我又快乐起来了。ⓘ heal is often used to talk about people being cured through faith (= religious belief) or magic. * heal 常指通过信仰或魔法治好病。  ➡ see also healing → treatment heal [intransitive, transitive](of a wound or injury) to become healthy again; to make a wound or injury healthy again(伤口或损伤)康复,复原;使(伤口或损伤)复原◆it took a long time for the wounds to heal.那些伤口过了很长时间才愈合。◆ (bre) the cut healed up without leaving a scar.那处割伤愈合后没留下疤痕。heal/hi:l ||; hil/verb [i,t] heal (over/up) to become healthy again; to make sth healthy again (使)痊愈: ◇the cut will heal up in a few days. 这个伤口过几天就会愈合。 (figurative 比喻) ◇nothing he said could heal the damage done to their relationship. 不管他怎么说也弥补不了他们之间的关系所受到的损害。 healsee ⇨ cure 1 heal /hil; hiːl/ also 又作 heal upv [i,t]if a wound or broken bone heals, or if someone heals it, it becomes healthy again 愈合; 治愈:◇the scratch on her finger healed quickly. 她指上擦破的地方很快就好了。




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