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单词 fit/not fit
释义 fit/not fitto be the right size1 when clothes are the right size2 when clothes are not the right size3 to be the right size for a particular space4 to be almost too big to fit into a spacephysically strong and healthy5 physically strong and healthy6 not fitrelated wordssee alsoclothes,tight,loose,suit/look good together,size,1. when clothes are the right size 衣服合身 fit /fɪt/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in progressive or passive] if clothes fit, they are the right size 合身;合…身 he's put on so much weight that his clothes don't fit any more. 他体重增加了这么多,衣服都穿不下了。 do these shoes still fit you? 这双鞋子你还穿得下吗?fit like a glove fit perfectly 十分合身 the pants were a little tight at first, but after i wore them a few times, they fit like a glove. 这条裤子一开始有点紧,但我穿过几次后就很合身了。 be the right size /biː ðə ˌraɪt ˈsaɪz/ [verb phrase] why don't you try it on to see if it's the right size? 为什么不试穿一下,看看大小是否合适呢? they had the jacket i wanted and it was just the right size too. 他们有我要的夹克衫,而且尺码也正好。be the right size for are you sure those shoes are the right size for bill? 你肯定那双鞋子给比尔穿大小正好吗? be a good fit /biː ə ˌgʊd ˈfɪt/ [verb phrase] to fit very well and be comfortable to wear 非常合身 the suit was a good fit, but i didn't like the pattern. 那套衣服穿着非常合身,不过我不喜欢那种花样。 i had to guess what size she was, but fortunately the dress was a good fit. 我只好猜她的尺寸大小,幸亏这件连衣裙正合适。 grow into /ˈgrəʊ ɪntuː/ [transitive phrasal verb not in passive] if a child or young person grows into clothes, they grow big enough to be able to wear them [孩子或年轻人]长大就能穿 i know the sweater's too big for jenny, but she'll soon grow into it. 我知道这件毛衣珍妮穿还太大了些,但她很快就会长大,那时就合身了。2. when clothes are not the right size 衣服不合身 not fit /nɒt ˈfɪt/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in progressive or passive] if the boots don't fit, we can return them tomorrow. 假如靴子大小不合适,明天我们可以去退货。not fit somebody there was nothing wrong with the coat - we took it back to the shop because it didn't fit her. 这件外套没什么地方不好,只是她穿着不合身,我们就把它退还给商店了。 be too big/small /biː ˌtuː ˈbɪg, ˈsmɔːl/ [verb phrase] you can't wear your father's suit, it's far too big. 你不能穿父亲的衣服,那太大了。 i have to buy tim some new sandals. the ones he's wearing are too small. 我得给蒂姆买双新的凉鞋。他穿的那双太小了。be too big/small for those jeans must be two sizes too big for you. 那条牛仔裤你穿肯定大两号。 not be the right size /nɒt biː ðə ˌraɪt ˈsaɪz/ [verb phrase] i bought him a shirt, but it wasn't the right size. 我给他买了件衬衫,可尺寸不合适。not be the right size for that sweater won't be the right size for him -- he'll need an extra-large. 那件毛线衫他穿尺寸不对,他要穿特大号的。 tight /taɪt/ [adjective] clothes that are tight are uncomfortable to wear because they are too small and press into your body 紧的;太小的 i don't wear my black dress very much. it's very tight around the waist. 我不大穿这条黑色的连衣裙,腰口很紧。 if your shirt collar's too tight, undo your top button. 如果衬衫领口太紧,就把第一颗纽扣解开。 can't get into /ˌkɑːnt get ˈɪntuː ǁˌkænt-/ [verb phrase] if you can't get into a dress, skirt, trousers etc, you have difficulty putting them on because they are too small [因太小而]穿不下 i put on five pounds over christmas and now i can't get into these jeans. 我圣诞期间体重增加了五磅,现在这条牛仔裤穿不下了。3. to be the right size for a particular space 对某一空间而言尺寸正合适 be the right size /biː ðə ˌraɪt ˈsaɪz/ [verb phrase] we didn't know if the carpet would fit in the bedroom, but it turned out to be just the right size. 我们原先也不知道这张地毯铺在卧室是否合适,结果大小刚好。be the right size for do you think this bulb is the right size for the lamp? 你认为这只灯泡配这灯大小合适吗? fit /fɪt/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in progressive or passive] to be the right shape or not too big for a particular space, hole etc 适合[某个地方、某个洞等] we were going to put the fridge between the stove and the washing machine, but it wouldn't fit. 我们本来打算把冰箱放在炉子和洗衣机中间,可放不下。 does your key fit the lock on the garage door? 你的钥匙能开车库的门锁吗?fit in/into will this bag fit in the trunk? 这个袋子能放进箱子吗? we've designed a computer that fits into an ordinary briefcase. 我们已设计了一种能装进普通公文包内的电脑。 will go /wɪl ˈgəʊ/ [verb phrase] if something will go into a particular place or space, it is possible to put it there 可以放进[某个地方] it's no good trying to force it, it just won't go. 硬挤没用,这儿放不下。will go in/into do you think the car will go in that parking space? 你觉得这辆车能停进那个停车位吗? i've measured the space, and with a bit of luck, the washing machine should just about go into it. 这地方我量了一下,如果运气好,洗衣机应该刚刚放得进去。4. to be almost too big to fit into a space 对某个地方来说太大了一点,几乎进不去 squeeze /skwiːz/ [intransitive verb] to get into a space with great difficulty and only by forcing your way into it because the space is almost too small for you 挤进 squeeze into/through/past etc the tunnel was so narrow that only one person at a time could squeeze into it. 隧道非常窄,一次只能挤过去一个人。 i squeezed through a hole in the hedge into the garden. 我挤过树篱的一个洞进了花园。squeeze in the bus was already full but someone opened the doors and another passenger squeezed in. 公共汽车已经客满,可是有人开了车门,又挤进了一个乘客。 be a squeeze /biː ə ˈskwiːz/ [verb phrase] use this to say that there are too many people or things in a small space 需要挤一下 it'll be a squeeze but i think we can get everyone into stephen's car. 需要挤一挤,但我认为我们能让每个人都挤进斯蒂芬的车。it's a tight squeeze we got everything into the suitcase, but it was a tight squeeze. 我们把所有东西都放进了手提箱,但塞得很挤。5. physically strong and healthy 身强体壮的 fit british /physically fit american /fɪt, ˌfɪzə̇kli ˈfɪt/ [adjective] healthy and strong, especially because you play sport or do exercise regularly 强健的;身强体壮的 sandy's very fit - he runs five miles every day. 桑迪很强健,他每天跑五英里。 just because you're in your sixties doesn't mean you can't be physically fit. 你年过六旬并不意味你不能保持身体健康。keep fit/stay fit remain fit 保持强健 cycling is a good way to keep fit. 骑自行车是保持强健的好方法。 we've got a match next month, so we've got to keep ourselves reasonably fit. 下个月我们有场比赛,因此我们得把体能保持得不错。 i stay fit by swimming for an hour each morning. 我每天早晨游泳一小时来保持强健。 (physical) fitness [uncountable noun] i began running about a month ago to improve my physical fitness. 一个月前我开始跑步来提高体能。 the magazine contained several articles about healthy eating, fitness, and exercise. 这本杂志有几篇关于健康饮食、身体健康和锻炼的文章。 be in shape /biː ɪn ˈʃeɪp/ [verb phrase] if you are in shape, you are not fat and you can play sport or do exercise without getting tired 体能良好,健康状况良好 i'll start playing basketball with you as soon as i'm in shape. 我身体状况一好就和你一起打篮球。be in good shape she's in pretty good shape but i don't know if she'll be able to run a marathon. 她身体很好,但我不知道她能否跑马拉松。stay in shape/keep in shape to exercise regularly 保持身体状况良好 walking to and from work helps me to stay in shape. 走路上下班有助于我保持良好的身体。 he's good at badminton but plays handball to keep in shape. 他很擅长打羽毛球,但他打手球以保持强健。 be in good condition /biː ɪn ˌgʊd kənˈdɪʃən/ [verb phrase] to be generally fit and healthy, especially because you take exercise regularly 身体状况良好[尤因经常锻炼] we were both good runners and in good condition but we still found the course difficult. 我们俩都很善跑,身体也好,可还是觉得这比赛的场地很难跑。keep yourself in good condition most of the players had kept themselves in good condition over the summer months. 大多数球员在夏季都使自己的身体保持良好的状态。 athletic /æθˈletɪk, əθ-/ [adjective] fit, strong, and usually also good at sports 强壮的;擅长运动的 he can play any sport, he's naturally athletic. 他什么体育运动都会,他天生就擅长运动。 if you want me to play, i will, but i'm not very athletic. 如果你要我玩,那我就玩,可我不是很善于运动。6. not fit 不强健的 unfit /ˌʌnˈfɪt/ [adjective] british not fit and not able to do hard physical activities easily, especially because you do not take enough exercise 【英】孱弱的,不强健的 i realised how unfit i was when i tried to run up the stairs. 我想跑上楼梯时意识到自己的身体是多么的虚弱。 the survey shows that the typical 16-year-old is unfit, lazy, and probably plays no sports at all. 这次调查表明一般16岁的孩子身体孱弱、懒惰,很有可能根本不运动。 not be in shape/be out of shape/be out of condition /nɒt biː ɪn ˈʃeɪp, biː ˌaʊt əv ˈʃeɪp, biː ˌaʊt əv kənˈdɪʃən/ [verb phrase] to be unfit at the present time, especially when you have been fit in the past 身体状况不好[尤指以前是好的] he knew that he was out of condition and it would be risky to attempt the climb. 他知道自己身体状况不好,爬那座山可能很危险。 i've been really out of shape since i stopped running every day. 自从我停止每天跑步以来,我身体状况就很差了。




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