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单词 headline
释义 headline noun¹ 1title of an article in a newspaper报刊文章的题目adjective | verb + headline | headline + verb | headline + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤newspaper, tabloid报纸/小报标题◆'carnage at airport!' screamed the tabloid headline.通俗小报的标题耸人听闻 - 《机场喋血》。➤banner, front-page通栏大标题;头版标题▸➤lurid, screaming, sensational令人毛骨悚然的/骇人听闻的/轰动性的标题◆lurid headlines about the sex lives of the stars关于明星性生活的骇人听闻的标题➤sporting, sports体育新闻标题verb + headline➤carry, have, run刊登标题◆the paper carried the front-page headline 'drugs company shamed'.该报的头版标题是《药品公司蒙羞》。➤read, scan, see阅读/浏览/看到标题◆i just had time to scan the headlines before leaving for work.离家上班之前我只有浏览报纸标题的时间。➤be in, capture, dominate, generate, get, grab, hit, hog, make headlines成为头条新闻◆she's always in the headlines.头条新闻中老有她。◆he always manages to grab the headlines.他总是设法成为头版人物。◆the hospital hit the headlines when a number of suspicious deaths occurred.由于发生了几起蹊跷的死亡事件,这家医院上了报纸的头条新闻。◆the story has been hogging the headlines for weeks.这一事件几周来一直是头条新闻。◆the story was important enough to make the headlines.这一报道足以成为头条。➤write写标题◆journalists don't usually write the headlines for their stories.新闻记者一般不为自己的报道写标题。headline + verb➤announce sth, blare sth, declare sth, proclaim sth, read sth, say sth, scream sth标题显示⋯;标题是⋯;标题触目惊心地写着⋯◆the headline said 'star arrested'.标题是《明星被捕》。headline + noun➤news头条新闻◆'dog bites man' is hardly headline news!《狗咬人》可算不上什么头条新闻!preposition➤in a/the headline在标题中◆the most unusual fact in the story is often used in the headline.报道中最不寻常的内容常用作标题。➤under a/the headline以⋯为标题◆the daily gazette ran a story under the headline 'pope's last words'.《每日新闻》刊登了一则题为《教皇的临终遗言》的报道。➤with a/the headline用⋯作标题◆a story in the newspaper with the headline 'woman gives birth on train'报纸上一则题为《孕妇在列车上分娩》的新闻➤headline about关于⋯的标题◆there was a banner headline about drugs in schools.有一个关于校园毒品问题的通栏大标题。phrases➤make headline news成为头条新闻◆the engagement of the two tennis stars made headline news.两位网球明星的订婚成了头条新闻。headline noun² 2the headlines main news stories on tv/radio电视或广播中的主要新闻adjective | verb + the headlines adjective➤news新闻提要▸➤national国内新闻提要verb + the headlines➤hear收听新闻提要◆let's just hear the news headlines.咱们听听新闻提要吧。➤look at, see, watch收看新闻提要headline /hedlaɪn/ adjective (bre) (economics 经济学) used to describe a number, figure, rate, etc. that includes everything 总体的(数字、资料、比率等)◆the unadjusted headline figure for unemployment is 4.2 million. 未经调整的失业总体数字为 420 万人。 (finance 金融) used to describe a figure that does not include profits or losses related to unusual events 剔除非正常项目损益后的(数字)◆headline pre-tax profits before goodwill rose 32% to $98 m. 剔除商誉损益的总体税前利润上升了 32%,达到 9 800 万元。  ➡  underlying ☞ headlineheadline/ˈhedlaɪn ||; ˈhɛdˌlaɪn/noun1. [c] the title of a newspaper article printed in large letters above the story (报纸的)标题 2. the headlines [pl] the main items of news read on television or radio (电视或电台新闻报道的)内容提要 headlinesee ⇨ newspapers 2 head·line /`hɛdˏlaɪn; ˈhedlaɪn/n 1. [c] the title of a newspaper report, printed in large letters [报纸上报道的]标题,大字标题 2. the headlines the important points of the main news stories 新闻提要




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