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单词 change/not change
释义 change/not changeto become different1 to become different2 to change all the time or often3 often changing or likely to change4 someone who has changed completelyto make something different5 to change something or someone6 to make something completely different7 to change something for a particular use or purpose8 to make small changes to something in order to improve it9 to change the way something is done or organized10 to change facts or information in a dishonest way11 easy to changeto change something you have for another one12 to change what you do or use13 to keep changing from one thing to another14 to change your clothes15 to change from one vehicle to another during a journeya change16 when things change17 a change made in order to improve something18 a small change that is made to improve or correct something19 a change made in order to use something for another purpose20 a change from one thing to another21 a gradual change from one thing to anothernot changing22 not changing and always the same23 difficult or impossible to changeto change/not change your plans, opinions, or decisions24 to change your decisions, intentions, or plans25 to change your opinion or belief about something26 to keep changing your mind27 willing to change the way you do something28 to refuse to change your mind29 unwilling to accept changes or new ideas30 unwilling to change the way you do things31 when something that has been decided cannot be changedrelated wordssee alsodevelop,improve,become,1. to become different 变得不同 change /tʃeɪndʒ/ [intransitive verb] she's changed a lot since she went to college. 她自从上大学以来变了许多。 it's amazing how much things have changed since we were young. 和我们小时候相比变化太大了,真令人惊异。 her expression did not change, and she answered me calmly. 她面不改色,冷静地回答了我的问题。 ‘the telecommunications industry is changing at lightning speed,’ said richard miller, the company's chief financial officer. “电信业正在飞速改变。”公司首席财务官理查德·米勒说道。change into the caterpillar eventually changes into a beautiful butterfly. 毛毛虫最终变成了美丽的蝴蝶。change from something to/into something in the 18th century, britain changed from a mainly agricultural society to an industrial one. 18世纪时,英国从一个以农业为主的社会转变成了工业社会。change to the lights changed to green, and the motorbike sped off. 交通信号灯变为绿色,那辆摩托车疾驰而去。change colour british change color american it was the end of september, and the leaves on the trees were starting to change color. 9月底了,树上的叶子开始变色。change out of all recognition change completely 彻底地变化 the town i grew up in has changed out of all recognition. 我成长生活的小镇已经彻底变了样。 changing /ˈtʃeɪndʒɪŋ/ [adjective] becoming different 变化着的 i find it hard to keep up with changing fashions. 我觉得很难跟上时尚变化的潮流。 his book is concerned with the changing role of fathers. 他的书写的是父亲角色的变化。 ansel adams loved wide landscapes and changing light. 安塞尔亚当斯喜欢视野开阔的自然风光和变幻的光线。constantly/rapidly changing businesses need to be flexible enough to adapt to changing conditions in a rapidly changing world. 企业得随机应变,以适应飞速变幻的世界中不断改变的情况。fast-changing/ever-changing changing quickly or frequently 迅速变化/变幻无常 job insecurity is widespread in the fast-changing american workplace. 工作缺乏保障普遍存在于美国飞速变化中的各行各业。 alter /ˈɔːltəʳ/ [intransitive verb] to change - use this especially about someone's feelings or behaviour, or about a situation 变化,改变[尤用于指某人的感情或行为,或环境] his mood suddenly altered and he seemed a little annoyed. 他的情绪突然变了,似乎有点不高兴。 his defence lawyer said that wilson's lifestyle had altered dramatically since the offences three years ago. 他的辩护律师称,自从三年前犯罪以来,威尔逊的生活方式发生了戏剧性变化。 her face hadn't altered much over the years. 几年过去了,她的面容没有多大改变。 turn into something /ˈtɜːʳn ɪntə something/ [transitive phrasal verb] to become something completely different [完全]变成了某物 in fairy tales when the princess kisses a frog, it turns into a handsome prince. 童话故事里,公主吻了青蛙后,青蛙就变成了英俊的王子。 a trip to the beach turned into a nightmare for a local family yesterday. 昨天,当地一家人的海滩之游变成了一场噩梦。 turn cold/nasty/violent etc /ˌtɜːʳn ˈkəʊld/ [verb phrase] to suddenly become cold, unpleasant etc [突然]变冷/凶/暴躁等 the ink-black nights were turning cold, and the stars were frosty and fewer. 漆黑的夜一下子冷起来,星星冷冰冰的,也越来越少了。 the protest turned violent when groups of demonstrators stormed the parliament building. 示威人群冲进了议会大楼,抗议活动突然变得激烈起来。 go from ... to ... /ˈgəʊ frɒm ... tuː .../ [verb phrase] especially spoken to stop being one thing and start being something else, especially something very different 【尤口】从…变成 in less than five years, he went from being a communist to being a member of the military government. 不到五年时间,他从一名共产主义者转变成了军政府的一员。 his face went from pink to bright red. 他的脸由粉红变得通红。 the mexican economy went from boom to bust very quickly, with disastrous results for the people. 墨西哥经济很快由繁荣转向崩溃,给民众带来灾难性后果。go from bad to worse change from being bad to being even worse 每况愈下 after kathy lost her job, things went from bad to worse, and eventually she and ed split up. 凯茜失业后情况变得更糟,最终她和埃德分手了。2. to change all the time or often 一直或经常变化 keep changing /kiːp ˈtʃeɪndʒɪŋ/ [verb phrase not in progressive] especially spoken his ideas about what he wants keep changing. 他对于自己想要什么一直在变。 i'll check the regulations for you - they keep changing. 我会替你核实一下这些规定,它们一直在变。 the police strongly suspected that she had been involved - her story kept changing and was filled with inconsistencies. 警方非常怀疑她也有份—她的说法一直在变,而且充满矛盾。 vary /ˈveəri/ [intransitive verb] to change often if something varies, it changes according to what the situation is [经常]变动,[随情况而]变化 ticket prices to new york vary, depending on the time of year. 一年中,时间不同,去纽约的票价也不一样。vary driving regulations vary from state to state. 各州的驾驶条例都不同。vary considerably/enormously/greatly change a lot 变化很大 her income varies considerably from one month to the next. 她的收入每个月都起落很大。vary in price/quality/size etc vegetables vary in quality according to the season. 季节不同,蔬菜的质量也不一样。it varies ‘how much milk do you use a day?’ ‘oh, it varies.’ “你一天要喝多少牛奶?”“哦,每天都不一样。”vary from day to day/week to week etc it hadn't been established where we'd all sleep - the location seemed to vary from night to night. 我们睡的地方没有确定—一地点似乎每晚都在变。 fluctuate /ˈflʌktʃueɪt/ [intransitive verb] if something such as a price or amount fluctuates, it changes very often from a high level to a low one and back again [价格或数量等]上下波动,浮动 the car industry's annual production fluctuates between 5.1 million and 9.2 million vehicles. 汽车工业的年产量在510万辆至920万辆之间波动。 cholesterol levels in the blood fluctuate in the course of a day. 一天内血液中的胆固醇含量会上下波动。fluctuate wildly share prices on the new york stock exchange often fluctuate wildly. 纽约证交所里的股价经常暴涨暴跌。 fluctuating [adjective] your savings will earn fluctuating rates of interest. 你的存款会按浮动利率计息。 fluctuation /ˌflʌktʃuˈeɪʃən/ [countable/uncountable noun] is there any way of avoiding fluctuations in coffee and tea prices? 有没有办法可以避免咖啡和茶叶价格的波动? be in flux/be in a state of flux /biː ɪn ˈflʌks, biː ɪn ə ˌsteɪt əv ˈflʌks/ [verb phrase] if something such as a system or a set of ideas is in flux or in a state of flux, it is changing a lot all the time, especially in a confusing way, so that you do not know what it will finally be like [体制或主意等]处于不断变化之中[尤指令人迷惑的变化] the computer industry is in constant flux, responding all the time to changes in technology. 随着技术的不断变化,电脑产业也一直处于不断的变化之中。 our education programme is in a state of flux, as new approaches are being developed. 随着各种新的教学法的发展,我们的教学计划也在不断地变化。3. often changing or likely to change 经常改变或可能改变 changeable /ˈtʃeɪndʒəbəl/ [adjective] feelings or conditions that are changeable change frequently so that it is difficult to know what they will be like in a short time [感情或环境]多变的,易变的,不定的 you love him now, but at your age feelings are changeable. 你现在爱他,可在你这个年纪感情是多变的。 i'm a changeable sort of person. 我是性情多变的人。 changeable weather 变化无常的天气 erratic /ɪˈrætɪk/ [adjective] behaviour, processes, or services that are erratic change suddenly in an unexpected and surprising way, when it would be better if they remained the same 反复无常的,难以捉摸的 her behaviour was becoming more and more erratic. 她的行为变得越来越反复无常。! heating was difficult owing to erratic supplies of gas, electricity and water. 取暖困难是由于煤气、电力和水的供应不正常造成的。 the company's erratic performance is a cause for some concern. 公司业绩不稳定引起了一些人的关注。 erratically [adverb] my car has been performing very erratically - some days it's fine and other days it won't even start. 我这辆车的性能令人难以捉摸,有时很好,而有时就是发动不起来。 volatile /ˈvɒlətaɪlǁˈvɑːlətl/ [adjective] a volatile situation or character is likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly [局势]动荡不定的;[情况或性格]多变的,变化无常的 the political situation in the balkans is still extremely volatile. 巴尔干各国的政治局势仍旧极其动荡。 she formed enduring friendships with women and more intense, volatile ones with men. 她与女性的友谊稳定持久,而与男性则更为激烈、多变。 unstable /ʌnˈsteɪbəl/ [adjective] a person, situation, or system or government that is unstable is likely to change suddenly and become worse, because there is something wrong with their character or the way things are organized [人、局势、体系、政府]不稳定的,易变的,动荡不安的 regimes governed by violence are always unstable. 靠暴力统治的政权总是不稳固的。 was it safe to trust someone who was so emotionally unstable? 相信一个感情这么多变的人可靠吗? instability /ˌɪnstəˈbɪlɪti, ˌɪnstəˈbɪləti/ [uncountable noun] the area is going through a period of instability and social crisis. 该地区现在动荡不安,面临着社会危机。 government policies have resulted in higher inflation and financial instability. 政府制定的政策导致了通货膨胀的加剧和财政状况的不稳定。 variable /ˈveəriəbəl/ [adjective] changing according to the situation - use this about amounts, prices, speeds, temperatures etc 易变的[用于指数量、价格、速度、温度等] demand for the company's products is variable. 市场对该公司产品的需求不稳定。 the weather here is likely to be very variable. 这里的天气可能很多变。 inconsistent /ˌɪnkənˈsɪstənt/ [adjective] inconsistent behaviour or work changes too often from good to bad, and you cannot trust it to be good all the time [行为或工作]易变的,反复无常的 people feel threatened when decision-making is inconsistent and arbitrary. 如果决策多变而武断,人们就会感到不安。 a succession of injuries produced an inconsistent season for one of our best players. 连续受伤使我们的最佳选手之一在整个赛季比赛中的表现时好时坏。 inconsistency [uncountable noun] the inconsistency of her work makes a really good result unlikely. 她工作表现时好时坏,这使她不大可能取得特别好的成绩。 unsettled /ʌnˈsetld/ [adjective] conditions or situations that are unsettled change frequently so that it is impossible to make plans or know what will happen [条件、情况]不稳定的,不稳固的 it is dangerous to visit there while the political situation is so unsettled. 由于政局很不稳定,去那儿很危险。 the weather has been very unsettled lately. 最近天气很不稳定。 eliot led a strangely unsettled life, drifting from place to place and job to job. 埃利奥特到处游荡,无固定职业,过着一种奇怪的不稳定生活。4. someone who has changed completely 完全改变了的人 a changed man/woman /ə ˌtʃeɪndʒd ˈmæn, ˈwʊmən/ [noun phrase] use this to say that someone has changed a lot from what they were like before because of an important or powerful experience [因经历过大事而成为]一个改变了的人 my father came back from the war a changed man. 我父亲从战场上归来,整个人都变了。 she returned from her travel a changed woman. 她旅行回来,变得判若两人。 reformed /rɪˈfɔːʳmd/ [adjective] someone who is reformed has completely changed their behaviour and stopped doing things that other people disapprove of, for example stealing or drinking too much [人]改过的,弃邪归正的 since the birth of his baby, mark has totally reformed. 马克在他孩子出生后就完全改好了。 al pacino plays a reformed crook who gets pulled back into a life of crime. 阿尔·帕西诺饰演一个改过自新的罪犯,后来又走上犯罪道路。5. to change something or someone 改变某物或某人 change /tʃeɪndʒ/ [transitive verb] to make someone or something different 改变 they've changed the timetable, and now there's only one bus an hour. 他们改变了时间表,现在每小时只有一班公共汽车。 going to college changed him a lot. it made him much more mature. 上大学改变了他许多,令他更成熟了。! having a baby changes your life completely, whatever your age. 不管年龄有多大,有了孩子会完全改变你的生活。 alter /ˈɔːltəʳ/ [transitive verb] to change something so that it is better or more suitable 改动[使更好或更合适] you can alter the color and size of the image using a remote control. 使用遥控器可以改变色彩和图像大小。 the border was closed, and they were forced to alter their plans. 边境关闭了,他们不得不改变计划。 make changes /ˌmeɪk ˈtʃeɪndʒə̇z/ [verb phrase] to change some parts of a system or the way something is done, but not all of it [部分]改动 don't make any major changes yet. 不要作大改动。 i've analysed the system and made changes where i thought they were needed. 我分析了那个系统,在认为有需要的地方作了改动。make changes to/in you'll have to make some changes in your life - stop smoking and eating fatty food, and stop working so hard. 你必须在生活中作些改变—戒烟、不吃油腻食物、工作不要太累。 the manufacturer has agreed to make one or two changes to the computer's design. 制造商同意就电脑的设计作一两处改动。 revise /rɪˈvaɪz/ [transitive verb] to change an idea or plan because of new information 改变[主意或计划],修正 this discovery made them revise their old ideas. 这一发现使他们改变了原来的想法。 you should review and revise the plan in the light of events as they unfold. 随着事情逐渐明确,你应该检讨并修改计划。 by the time the president arrived at keflavik, the revised speech was ready. 总统到达凯夫拉维克的时候,修改过的演讲稿已经准备好了。6. to make something completely different 使某物完全改变 transform /trænsˈfɔːʳm/ [transitive verb usually in passive] to completely change something, especially so that it is much better 使改观;使转化[尤变得更好] well, you've certainly transformed this place - it looks great! 嗯,你使这地方完全变了样。看上去漂亮极了。transform something into something in the last 20 years, korea has been transformed into a major industrial nation. 在过去的20年里,韩国已变成了一个工业大国。totally/completely transform when she smiled, her face was completely transformed. 她笑的时候,脸部完全变了样。 turn something/somebody into /ˈtɜːʳn something/somebody ɪntuː/ [verb phrase] to make something become a completely different thing or make someone become a completely different kind of person 使某物/某人变成[完全不同的物或人] we're planning to turn the spare bedroom into a study. 我们在计划将闲置的卧室变成书房。 the war had turned cassidy into a violent thug. 战争将卡西迪变成了暴徒。 edwards saved the tivoli, an elegant 1920s art deco hotel, and turned it into a movie theatre. 爱德华兹救了蒂沃利—一家以20世纪20年代装饰派艺术风格建成的高雅酒店,并将它改建成影院。 revolutionize also revolutionise british /ˌrevəˈluːʃənaɪz/ [transitive verb] to completely and permanently change the way people do something or think about something, especially because of a new idea or invention 使[人们的思维或做事方式]彻底变革 computers have revolutionized the way we work. 电脑彻底改变了我们的工作方式。 this important discovery has revolutionized our understanding of the universe. 这个重大发现使我们对宇宙的认识发生了根本变化。 the new technology is revolutionising the way music is played, composed and studied. 这项新技术正在改革演奏、制作和研究音乐的方法。 reverse /rɪˈvɜːʳs/ [transitive verb] to change a process or decision so that it is the opposite of what it was before 彻底改变[过程或决定] the longer the economic decline is allowed to go on the more difficult it will be to reverse it. 经济衰退持续的时间越长,恢复就越困难。 cities are expanding and using up more and more of the desert. our aim is to reverse this trend and to protect our open spaces. 城市在扩张,蚕食越来越多的荒原地。我们的目标是改变这一趋势,保护空地。 the court of appeal reversed the original verdict and set the prisoner free. 上诉法院推翻原判,释放了囚犯。 many of the former administration's policies were reversed by the new president. 新上任的总统对上届政府的许多政策作了彻底的改变。 overturn /ˌəʊvəʳˈtɜːʳn/ [transitive verb] to change a previous official decision or order so that it is the opposite of what it was before or so that it can no longer have its original effect 推翻[判决或法令] the execution ended a 14-year battle to have bannister's death sentence overturned. 班尼斯特被处决了,这结束了为推翻他的死刑判决而进行的长达14年的斗争。 wolf was found guilty of treason, but the conviction was overturned by germany's highest court in 1995. 沃尔夫被判叛国罪,但这一裁决于1995年被德国最高法院推翻了。7. to change something for a particular use or purpose 为某种特定用途或目的而改变某物 adapt /əˈdæpt/ [transitive verb] to change something so that it can be used in a different way 改变;改编 they have adapted their house so they can look after their disabled son more easily. 他们把房子的结构作了一下改动,这样照顾起他们那个有残疾的儿子来能更容易一些。 the movie was adapted by forsyth from his own bestselling novel. 这部电影是由福赛思根据他本人的畅销小说改编的。adapt for the materials in the book can be adapted for use with older children. 这本书的素材可以改编一下,给大一点的孩子看。adapt something to do something these recipes can be easily adapted to suit vegetarians. 这些食谱可以很方便地改动一下,以满足素食者的需要。 modify /ˈmɒdɪfaɪ, ˈmɒdəfaɪǁˈmɑː-/ [transitive verb] to make small changes to something such as a piece of equipment, a set of ideas, or a way of behaving in order to improve it or to make it more suitable for a particular purpose 修改;改进 we can modify the design to make it suitable for commercial production. 我们可以修改设计,使其更适合于商业生产。 we all modify our speech when speaking to people in authority. 对有权势的人说话时,我们都要改进措辞。genetically modify change the genes of plants or animals 基因改造 the biotech corporations argue that genetically modified crops will put an end to food shortages in the developing world. 生物工程公司辩称,转基因作物将会结束发展中国家粮食短缺的状况。 convert /kənˈvɜːʳt/ [transitive verb] to change something completely so that it has a different form and can be used for a different purpose 使转变,使转化 we've converted the basement to give the children more room to play. 我们改建了地下室,以便给孩子更多游戏空间。convert something into something a swiss company has found a way to convert animal waste into fuel. 瑞士一家公司已找到一种方法,可以把动物粪便转化为燃料。 this computer system converts typed words into speech. 这套电脑系统能把输入的单词转换为语音。 converted [adjective] the nightclub is in a converted church. 夜总会位于一座经过改建的教堂内。 customize also customise british /ˈkʌstəmaɪz/ [transitive verb] to change something, such as a car or a piece of equipment, to suit a particular person or group of people [按需要]改装;改制[汽车或设备等] general motors will customize cadillacs for special clients. 通用汽车公司将为特殊顾客改装凯迪拉克汽车。 the computer programs can be customised for individual users. 该电脑程序可以根据个别用户需要而设定。 customized software 定制软件8. to make small changes to something in order to improve it 对某物作小改动以使其改进 adjust /əˈdʒʌst/ [transitive verb] to make small changes in the position or level of something in order to improve it or make it more suitable 调整,调节 check and adjust your brakes regularly. 定期检查并调节刹车。 i don't think the color control on this tv is properly adjusted. 我认为这台电视机的色彩控制调节得不是很好。 the amount of any of these ingredients can be adjusted according to your taste. 这些配料可以根据口味随意添加。 ‘you don't have to come,’ lewis said, as he adjusted his tie in a mirror. “你不一定要来。”刘易斯一边对着镜子整理领带,一边说道。 make adjustments /ˌmeɪk əˈdʒʌstmənts/ [verb phrase] to make small changes to something such as a machine, a system, or the way something looks 作调节,作调整 you can use this tool to make adjustments in all kinds of machines. 你可以用这件工具来校准各种机器。make adjustments to scientists were able to locate the star by making a few minor adjustments to their original calculations. 科学家将他们原来的计算稍作调整,便能确定该恒星的方位。 amend /əˈmend/ [transitive verb] to make small changes to something written, for example a law or legal agreement 修改,修订[法律或协议] programs written in languages such as basic are very easy to edit and amend. 用basic 语言等编写的电脑程序编辑和修改起来很容易。amend a bill/rule/law/act etc congress amended the social security act in 1967 to help the disabled. 为了帮助残疾人,国会于1967年修改了《社会保障法》。 the law was amended so that profits from drug dealing could be seized by the government. 法律作了修改,以使政府能够没收贩毒所得的利润。amend the constitution to amend the constitution voters must approve the measure in a referendum. 为修改宪法,投票人必须在全民公决中同意这一议案。 revise /rɪˈvaɪz/ [transitive verb] to check a piece of writing from beginning to end and make any changes that are necessary to improve it 修订,审订;校订 he gave his work to his friend to revise, because he found it hard to see his own mistakes. 他把他的作品交给朋友审订,因为他觉得很难发现自己的错误。 the publisher will not accept your manuscript until it has been thoroughly revised. 在你未将自己的手稿彻底审订之前,出版商是不会接受它的。 revised [adjective] a revised edition of the novel 该小说的修订版9. to change the way something is done or organized 改变某事的完成或组织方式 change /tʃeɪndʒ/ [transitive verb] the government is considering changing the local voting system. 政府正在考虑变革地方选举制度。 agriculture must be changed to reduce damage to the environment. 一定要改革农业,以减少对环境的破坏。 reorganize also reorganise british /riːˈɔːʳgənaɪz/ [transitive verb] to change the way that a system or organization works 改组 during the 1980s, the government reorganized the civil service. 20世纪80年代,政府改组了文官制度。 the proposals for reorganizing the company have made many people in the workforce feel very insecure. 改组公司的建议使许多职工深感不安。 restructure /ˌriːˈstrʌktʃəʳ/ [transitive verb] to completely change the way something is organized, especially a large political or economic system or a big company, in order to make it more effective 重建,改组[尤指庞大的政治或经济体制,或大公司] mr gorbachev's attempt to restructure the soviet economy met with criticism from traditional communists. 他重建经济体系的努力遭到了批评。 in the coming years a lot of money will go into restructuring the education system. 今后的几年里,将投入很多资金以重建教育体系。 reform /rɪˈfɔːʳm/ [transitive verb] to change a law, system, or organization, so that it is fairer or more effective 改革 they reformed the voting system, and introduced a secret ballot. 他们改革了选举制度,引进无记名投票法。 we are working to reform the nation's prisons. 我们正努力改革国家监狱制度。10. to change facts or information in a dishonest way 以不诚实的手段改变事实或信息 twist /twɪst/ [transitive verb] to dishonestly change the meaning of a piece of information or of something that someone has said, in order to get some advantage for yourself or to support your own opinion 歪曲,曲解 the lawyers twisted everything i said to make it look as if i was guilty. 律师们故意歪曲我所说的每一句话,让我看上去似乎有罪。 every time i try to talk to him about it, he just twists everything i say. 我每次试图跟他谈论这事,他就故意歪曲我的话。 write very clearly so that no one can twist your meaning. 要写得非常明白,这样没有人会曲解你的意思了。 misrepresent /ˌmɪsreprɪˈzent/ [transitive verb] to give people a wrong idea about someone or their opinions, by what you write or say 不如实地叙述,故意对…作错误报道 your reporter has completely misrepresented my opinions about immigration. 你们的记者完全歪曲了我对移民的看法。 many women feel that the history books either ignore or misrepresent them. 许多女性觉得历史书不是忽视了她们,就是歪曲了她们。 distort /dɪˈstɔːʳt/ [transitive verb] to explain facts, statements etc in a way that makes them seem different from what they really are 曲解,歪曲[事实、说法等] newspaper readers are usually given a simplified and often distorted version of events. 报纸读者通常看到的报道是将事件简单化了,往往还歪曲了。 these incidents were grossly distorted by police witnesses. 警方目击证人大大歪曲了这些事件。distort the truth/the facts journalists were accused of sensationalizing the story and distorting the facts. 记者们被指责对事件大肆渲染并歪曲事实。 falsify /ˈfɔːlsɪfaɪ, ˈfɔːlsəfaɪ/ [transitive verb] to dishonestly change official documents or records so that they contain false information 篡改[正式文件或记录] she falsified her birth certificate to get the job. 她篡改了自己的出生证明以便得到那份工作。 a whole team was kept busy falsifying official government records. 小组里所有的人都忙于篡改政府的官方记录。 their accounts had been falsified over a long period of time 很长一段时间以来,他们的账目一直在作假。 put words into somebody's mouth /pʊt ˌwɜːʳdz ɪntə somebodyˈs ˈmaʊθ/ [verb phrase] to pretend that you think someone has said something that is not what they actually said or meant 假称某人说过某些话 i didn't mean that at all -- you're just putting words into my mouth! 我根本不是那意思—明明是你强加于我的! you're putting words into her mouth. you don't know what she thinks. 你这样说是强加于人。你并不知道她的想法。 cook the books /ˌkʊk ðə ˈbʊks/ [verb phrase] informal to dishonestly change a company's financial records, in order to steal money 【非正式】篡改财务账目;做假账 we've just found out alec's been cooking the books. 我们刚查出亚历克一直在做假账。 the directors of the company made millions from cooking the books before the fraud investigators caught them. 该公司的董事在诈骗案调查员查到他们以前,通过伪造账目捞了几百万。 rewrite history /riːˌraɪt ˈhɪstəri/ [verb phrase] if a government, film company etc rewrites history, it deceives people by pretending that particular historical events did not really happen or that they happened differently [政府、电影公司等]篡改历史 hollywood has been accused of rewriting history, by once again denying the role played by african americans. 好莱坞又一次否定由非洲裔美国人扮演的角色,被指责是篡改历史。11. easy to change 容易改变 flexible /ˈfleksɪbəl, ˈfleksəbəl/ [adjective] methods, systems, or rules that are flexible can easily be changed if necessary [方法、制度或规则]灵活的;易变通的 we need a flexible management system, able to meet the changing needs of our customers. 我们需要一套灵活的管理制度,以适应客户不断变化的要求。 unions would like more flexible working hours to replace the nine-to-five, forty-hour week. 工会希望工作时间更为灵活一些,不再是每天朝九晚五,一周工作四十小时。 the rules are deliberately left flexible as each case is different. 这些条例有意制定得比较灵活,因为情况各不相同。 adaptable /əˈdæptəbəl/ [adjective] a system or way of doing something that is adaptable can be changed so that it is suitable for very different uses and very different situations [制度或做事方式]适应性强的 in this job you need to be adaptable and able to cope with unexpected situations. 做这项工作需要适应能力强,并能够应付突发情况。highly adaptable very adaptable 适应能力非常强 young children are highly adaptable -- i'm sure they won't mind moving to a different area. 小孩子适应能力极强—我肯定他们不会在意搬到别的地方去住。 adaptability /əˌdæptəˈbɪlɪti, əˌdæptəˈbɪləti/ [uncountable noun] all the recent changes had tested the limits of her adaptability. 最近的一切变化考验了她适应性有多强。12. to change what you do or use 改变所做之事或所用之物 change /tʃeɪndʒ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to change from one thing to another so that you have something different from what you had before 改变,变换 they've changed their phone number. 他们换了电话号码。 we had to change the tyre because we had a flat. 轮胎没气了,我们不得不换一个。change to japanese industry is changing to alternative marketing techniques. 日本工业正转而运用非传统的营销技术。change from something to something we've changed from traditional ways of working to an automated system. 我们已经从传统的工作方式转变为自动化操作了。change jobs/cars etc move from one to another 换工作/换车等 women have to be ambitious and willing to change jobs frequently if they want to get to the top of their profession. 女性如果想要在事业上取得成功,就必须雄心勃勃,并愿意经常换工作。change direction/course start moving in a new direction 改变方向 i tried to follow him but he kept changing direction. 我试图跟着他,可他一直在改变方向。change channels change from one programme on television to another 转换[电视的]频道 if you don't like the programme you can always change channels. 如果你不喜欢这个节目随时可以换台。 switch /swɪtʃ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to change, especially suddenly, from one thing to another [尤指突然]改变,转变 switch to i used to play golf but i switched to tennis to get more exercise. 我过去常常打高尔夫球,可是为了加大运动量,我改打网球了。 it took a long time for americans to switch to smaller cars. 美国人花了很长时间才改用更小的汽车。switch from something to something he switched easily and fluently from speaking english to french to german. 他在英、法、德三种语言中转换自如,而且都说得很流利。 move /muːv/ [intransitive verb] to change, especially gradually, from one thing to another 转变;[尤指]渐变 move from the book follows the life of ann pollock, as she moves from the optimism of young love, through the disastrous years of world war ii. 这本书描写安·波洛克的一生,她经历了第二次世界大战的苦难岁月,逐渐改变了年轻恋爱的那种乐观态度。move from something to something the bank has moved from private client work to banking for large corporations. 这家银行已经从为个人提供服务转向为大型企业提供服务。move away from something many socialists were moving away from faith in revolution towards a fight for reform. 许多社会主义者正逐渐改变革命信念,转而为改革而斗争。 transfer /trænsˈfɜːʳ/ [transitive verb] transfer your affection/allegiance/support etc to change from loving or supporting one person, group etc to loving or supporting another 转移对某人的爱/忠诚/支持等 transfer to the generals are transferring their allegiance to their new leader. 将军们转而效忠他们的新领袖。 fed up with the disastrous performances of the team he'd been watching for years, he transferred his support to their rivals. 这个队的比赛他已看了几年,对他们的糟糕表现很是不满,所以转而支持它的对手队了。 go over to /ˌgəʊ ˈəʊvəʳ tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb not in passive] to change from one system to a new one, especially a more modern one 改用[尤指更为现代的新体系] britain went over to decimal currency in 1971. 1971年英国改用十进制货币。 the factory is going over to computerised machinery and many workers are losing their jobs. 工厂将改用电脑操作机械,许多工人会因此失业。 convert to /kənˈvɜːʳt tuː/ [verb phrase] to change to a different religion 皈依 in 1976 he converted to islam. 1976年,他皈依伊斯兰教。 large numbers of people are converting to eastern religions such as buddhism and hinduism. 有很多人正改信东方宗教,如佛教和印度教。13. to keep changing from one thing to another 不断从一物变为另一物 alternate /ˈɔːltəʳneɪt/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to change repeatedly from one thing or condition to a different one and back again [使][两种事物或状态]交替,更迭 alternate between something and something his mother would alternate inexplicably between kindness and cruelty. 他母亲会莫名其妙地时而和蔼时而凶暴。 the guide explained the situation, alternating between spanish and german. 向导交替用西班牙语和德语解释情况。alternate with he has periods of depression, which alternate with frenzied activity. 他时而抑郁,时而亢奋。alternate something with something leroy alternated aerobic exercises with weight training to improve his stamina. 勒罗伊交替做有氧操和负重练习,以增强耐力。 vary /ˈveəri/ [transitive verb] to regularly change what you do or the way you do it so that you are more effective or do not become bored 使有变化;使多样化 teachers can keep students’ interest by varying their classes. 老师可以通过变换上课的方式来保持学生的兴趣。 one of dickens’ great skills as a writer is the way he varies his style. 狄更斯的一大写作才能就是变换写作风格。 if you're bored with the trip to work, try varying your route. 如果你厌倦了上班的旅程,就试着换一条路线。 rotate /rəʊˈteɪtǁˈrəʊteɪt/ [intransitive/transitive verb] if people rotate, they each do something such as a piece of work once, then another person does it, then another, and then the first person again 轮换;轮流 we rotate -- i teach french grammar one week, and she teaches it the next. 我们轮流教—我教一星期的法语语法,然后她再教一星期。rotate a job/task etc we usually rotate the worst jobs so that no one gets stuck with them. 最苦的工作我们通常轮流干,这样就没有人会被它缠住。 chop and change /ˌtʃɒp ən ˈtʃeɪndʒǁˌtʃɑːp-/ [verb phrase] british informal to keep changing from one thing to another, in a way that annoys people 【英,非正式】[令人生厌地]变化无常 don't chop and change from one style to another. it confuses the reader. 写作风格不要变来变去,会把读者搞糊涂的。 i wish they wouldn't keep chopping and changing. there's a different team on the field every week. 我希望他们不要老是变化无常,每星期上场的队员都不同。14. to change your clothes 换衣服 get changed /get ˈtʃeɪndʒd/ [verb phrase] to take off your clothes and put on different clothes 换衣服 the first thing i do when i get home from school is get changed. 从学校回到家我做的第一件事就是换衣服。 are you going to get changed before the party? 聚会开始前你要换衣服吗? change /tʃeɪndʒ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to take off all or some of your clothes and put some different clothes on 换[衣服] i'll just change my shirt and i'll be with you in a minute. 我就去换一件衬衫,马上回来。 ‘have you got your bathing suit on?’ ‘no, i'll change when we get there.’ “你穿好泳装了吗?”“没呢,我到那儿再换。”change into she changed into a sweater and some jeans. 她换上了毛线衣和牛仔裤。15. to change from one vehicle to another during a journey 旅行中换乘交通工具 change /tʃeɪndʒ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to get out of one train, bus, or plane and get into another in order to complete your journey 换[车、船、飞机等];转[车、船、飞机等] is this a direct flight or do we have to change? 我们是直飞还是中途要换机? passengers for york change at leeds. 去约克的乘客在利兹换车。change trains/planes/buses etc we stopped at los angeles, just to change planes. 我们在洛杉矶停留,只是为了转机。 transfer /trænsˈfɜːʳ/ [intransitive verb] to change from one vehicle to another, as part of a journey, especially when all the other people in the vehicle do the same 转乘,转搭[尤指所有其他乘客都如此时] i must have lost my luggage when we transferred. 我一定是在换车时把行李丢了。transfer from/to the train broke down so we transferred to a bus. 火车坏了,所以我们转乘公共汽车。16. when things change 事情转变 change /tʃeɪndʒ/ [countable/uncountable noun] there have been so many changes around here lately that i'm not sure what's happening any more. 最近,这儿发生了那么多变化,我都搞不懂这是怎么回事了。 a lot of people are frightened of change. 许多人害怕变化。change in there was a sudden change in the weather. 天气突变。 house plants are often sensitive to changes in temperature. 室内盆栽植物对温度的变化通常很敏感。 the delay was the result of a change in the way that we administer the grants. 我们把发放补助金的方式作了些变动,所以就耽搁了。social/economic/political etc change 1989 was a year of great political change in eastern europe. 1989年是东欧政治巨变的一年。big change/major change there have been big changes in the way languages are taught in schools. 学校教授语言的方法有了重大改变。a change for the better/worse for most ordinary workers, the new tax laws represent a change for the worse. 对于大多数普通工人来说,新税法代表着负担增加。 alteration /ˌɔːltəˈreɪʃən/ [countable noun] a change in something, especially one that has happened gradually or naturally 改变,变化,演变[尤指逐渐地或自然地] the relationship between the united states and china has altered in recent years. 近年来,美中关系有了改变。alteration in she noticed the alteration in his looks and manner. 她注意到他的外表和举止和以前不同了。 max walked past her, without acknowledging her presence by the slightest alteration in his expression. 马克斯走过她身旁,表情依旧,仿佛没有注意到她。 turnaround also turnround british /ˈtɜːʳnəˌraʊnd, ˈtɜːʳnraʊnd/ [countable noun usually singular] a complete change from a bad economic situation to a good one, or a change from failing to succeeding [经济状况的]好转;扭转败局 britcon's turnround has been achieved by drastic reductions in manpower. britcon公司通过大幅度的裁员实现了扭亏为盈。 the team's dramatic turnaround is attributed to their new coach bill snyder. 该队戏剧性的转变归功于新教练比尔·斯奈德。turnaround in the expected turnaround in the beer industry has, for various reasons, not yet occurred. 出于各种原因,啤酒工业的预期好转还未发生。 upheaval /ʌpˈhiːvəl/ [countable/uncountable noun] a big change in your life or in the way things are organized, especially when this causes problems and anxiety 剧变,激变[尤造成问题和不安] moving to a different school can be a big upheaval for young children. 转学对小孩子来说可能是一个很大的变化。political/social/economic etc upheaval the company managed to survive the economic upheavals of the last 20 years. 该公司在过去20年的经济剧变中挺了过来。emotional upheaval changing jobs can be an exciting challenge, but it can also be a time of great emotional upheaval. 换工作可以是个令人兴奋的挑战,但也可以令情绪大起大落。 revolution /ˌrevəˈluːʃən/ [countable noun] a complete change in the way of doing things or thinking, because of new ideas or methods 革命 they argue that our schools are failing our children, and that the education system needs a revolution. 他们辩称,我们的学校背弃了孩子,教育体制需要一次革命。revolution in einstein's general theory of relativity started a revolution in scientific thinking. 爱因斯坦的广义相对论引发了一场科学思维的革命。scientific/technological/social etc revolution the 1970s saw the beginnings of a new technological revolution, based on microelectronics. 20世纪70年代在微电子学基础上兴起了一场新技术革命。 transformation /ˌtrænsfəʳˈmeɪʃən/ [countable noun usually singular] a complete change in something or someone, especially so that there is a great improvement [彻底的]改变,改观 transformation of the transformation of the inner harbor included new office buildings, and a marketplace of small shops and food stalls. 内港区的变化包括新建的办公大楼及拥有小商铺和食摊的市场。transformation from something to something her friends and neighbors watched her transformation from shy local girl to famous movie actress. 朋友和邻居看着她从一个害羞的当地小女孩变成著名的女影星。transformation in the last great overall transformation in american business took place between 1890 and 1910, when the modern corporation was forged. 美国商业最后一次重大的全面改革发生在1890年至1910年间,那时,现代的公司形成了。transformation into today, spruced-up times square is in the midst of a surprising transformation into a family-oriented entertainment center. 如今,粉饰一新的时代广场正在发生令人称奇的改变,变成面向家庭的娱乐中心。undergo a transformation it is rare for a person to undergo a dramatic transformation in his political thinking, but it does happen. 人们很少会经历政治思想戏剧化的改变,但的确有这种事。17. a change made in order to improve something 为了改进而作出的变化 change /tʃeɪndʒ/ [countable noun] we need some changes if we are going to make this company successful. 如果我们要把公司搞好,就得作一些变革。 i can't get used to all these changes. 变化那么多,我习惯不了。change to he hates all changes to his routine. 他讨厌日程有任何变动。 the computers will record any changes to the system. 电脑能将该系统的任何变化记录下来。change in we are working to bring about changes in the laws concerning the rights of children. 我们正努力使涉及到儿童权利的法律有所改变。make a change the producer wants to make some changes to the script before we get the director on board. 我们确定导演人选之前,制片人想对剧本作些修改。…big/major change labor secretary lynn martin recommended major changes in the management operations of the company. 劳工部长林恩·马丁就该公司的管理运作提议作些重大变革。 alteration /ˌɔːltəˈreɪʃən/ [countable noun] a change made to something, especially a small change which makes it different but not completely different [尤指小的]改动,变动 i've sent the suit to a tailor for alterations. 我已把衣服送到裁缝那儿去改了。alteration to we're having some alterations made to our house. 我们在改建自家的房屋。minor alterations small changes 小小的改动 your essay looks fine -- i've suggested one or two minor alterations here and there in the margin. 你的文章看上去很好—我在页边对一两个地方提出了小小的修改建议。 reform /rɪˈfɔːʳm/ [countable noun] a change made to a system, especially a political system, in order to improve it or make it more fair 改革[尤指政治制度的改革] feminists sought legal reforms to ensure that women had genuinely equal opportunities. 女权主义者设法改革法律以确保妇女真正享有平等机会。economic/educational/welfare etc reform the socialists have promised a programme of radical political and economic reform. 社会党允诺一项政治经济重大改革计划。reform in reforms in agriculture, although slow, are beginning to have an impact. 农业改革尽管缓慢,但开始产生了作用。reform of the reform of local government 地方政府的改革radical reform the revival in the island's economy has come about because of radical reforms introduced over the past three years. 该岛经济已经复苏,因为在过去三年中进行了重大改革。 revision /rɪˈvɪʒən/ [countable/uncountable noun] the process of changing something, especially a piece of writing, by correcting it or including new information 修改,修订,校订[尤指文稿] i've written the article, but it needs a lot of revision. 文章我写完了,但需要好好修改一下。 the book went through several revisions before the publisher was finally satisfied with it. 这本书修改了好几次,出版方才终于满意。revision of/to these amendments constitute the most significant revision of u.s. asylum law since the refugee act of 1980. 这些修正案是1980年《难民法》以来美国避难法最重要的修订。 shake-up /ˈʃeɪk ʌp/ [countable noun] a situation in which a lot of changes are very quickly made in a system, company, or organization in order to make it more effective 改革;改组 the department has not performed well and is badly in need of a shake-up. 这个部门表现不佳,极需改组。shake-up of the administration is planning a thorough shake-up of the welfare system. 政府正计划对福利制度作彻底的改革。 reorganization /riːˌɔːʳgənaɪˈzeɪʃən ǁ-gənə-/ [uncountable noun] a complete change in the way a system or a group of people is organized 改编;改组 the company is bringing in a team of consultants to oversee the reorganization. 公司请来顾问小组监管改组过程。reorganization of next came the total reorganization of the mexican attorney general's office. 接下来是墨西哥司法部长办公室大改组。18. a small change that is made to improve or correct something 为改进或纠正所作的小改变 modification /ˌmɒdɪfəˈkeɪʃən, ˌmɒdəfəˈkeɪʃənǁˌmɑː-/ [countable noun] a small change made to something in order to improve it or to make it more suitable for a particular purpose [小的]修改,改进 the new modifications made it the finest of aircraft. 一番新近的改进使它成了一架最精良的飞机。modification to the editor suggested a few modifications to the text. 编辑建议对原文作几处修改。 we need to make some modifications to our teaching program. 我们得对教学计划作些修改。 amendment /əˈmendmənt/ [countable noun] a change to a law or rule in order to improve it [对法规的]修正,修订 congress passed an amendment ensuring that the law was fairer to everyone. 国会通过了一项修正案,以保证该法律对每个人来说更加公正。amendment to the committee proposed some amendments to the rules. 委员会建议对规则作些修改。 adjustment /əˈdʒʌstmənt/ [countable noun] a small change made to something such as a machine, a system. or the way something looks 调整,调节 make adjustments to something the room was full of dancers, all making last-minute adjustments to their costumes. 房间里满是舞蹈演员,都在对演出服装作最后的调整。 we've had to make some adjustments to our original calculations. 我们必须对最初的计算作些调整。slight/minor adjustments i've made a few very minor adjustments to the decor, but in general it was excellent. 我对装饰作了些极小的调整,但从整体上来看原先的十分好。19. a change made in order to use something for another purpose 为另一目的使用某物而作的改变 conversion /kənˈvɜːʳʃənǁ-ʒən/ [uncountable noun] the process of changing something from one form or system to another one so that it can be used for a different purpose 转变;转换 conversion into the company buys raw material such as wool for conversion into cloth. 该公司购入羊毛等原料来织衣料。conversion of local people are protesting about the proposed conversion of a church into a late-night bar. 当地民众反对将一座教堂改建成午夜酒吧的提议。 adaptation /ˌædæpˈteɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] the process of changing something in particular ways so that it can be used for a different purpose 改造;改编 adaptation of she was responsible for the adaptation of the book ‘the witches of eastwick’ into a stage play. 她负责将《东镇女巫》一书改编成舞台剧。20. a change from one thing to another 从一物到另一物的改变 change /tʃeɪndʒ/ [countable noun] after a number of career changes, she settled into a job with a major bank. 经过一番职业变动,她最后安定下来,在一家大银行工作。change of the police must be notified of any change of address. 地址变动必须通知警方。 there are even more broken promises with every change of government. 每次政府更替就会出现更多未实现的诺言。change to if you are thinking about a change to a different part of the country you will need to use your vacation to look for accommodation. 如果想改变一下去别的地方生活,就得利用假期寻找住处。change from something to something french people were asked how they felt about the change from the franc to the euro. 法国人民被问到将法郎换成欧元感觉如何。 switch /swɪtʃ/ [countable noun] a complete, and usually sudden, change from one thing to another [尤指突然]改变,转变 switch to a switch to completly different new foods may cause stomach upsets. 突然转吃完全不一样的新食物可能会引起胃部不适。switch from something to something the switch from political activity to family life was hard to handle. 从政治活动到家庭生活的转变很难应付。switch of his sudden switches of mood are difficult to deal with. 他情绪突变,很难对付。 move /muːv/ [countable noun] a change from one job or type of work to another [职业或工作的]改变,改换 let's face it -- going from an academic life to the world of business is never an easy move. 让我们面对现实吧—从学校生活迈入商业世界从来就不是容易的一步。move to it's probably time to think about a move to a new job. 现在可能是考虑换个工作的时候了。 this picture marks the move to the big screen of some of our best television comedians. 这部影片标志着我们的一些最优秀的电视喜剧演员投身银幕。 reversal /rɪˈvɜːʳsəl/ [countable noun usually singular] a change to an opposite process or effect 反向;倒转 the profits of supermarkets declined until 1975 when a reversal began. 超级市场的利润逐年下降,直到1975年才出现转变。reversal of this appears to be a complete reversal of government policy. 这样看来政府的政策完全倒转了。 the second world war saw a dramatic reversal of traditional attitudes towards women. 第二次世界大战期间,人们对女性的传统态度有了戏剧性的转变。reversal u-turn /ˈjuː tɜːʳn/ [countable noun] a complete change in the plans of a government or political party so that it decides to do the opposite of what it originally said it would do [政府或政党的计划的]180度转变,彻底的转变 the party lost all public support after a series of u-turns and policy failures. 该党一连多次出尔反尔,加之一系列的政策失误,终于失尽了民众的支持。do a u-turn the government was forced to do a u-turn after angry protests about their taxation policy. 政府看到人们愤怒地抗议其税收政策后,不得不来个180度的大转弯。21. a gradual change from one thing to another 从一事物到另一事物的渐变 transition /trænˈzɪʃən, -ˈsɪ-/ [countable/uncountable noun] the process of change, especially gradual change, from one state or situation to another 过渡;转变,变迁 transition from something to something the transition from a communist system to a free market economy will be difficult. 从殖民统治转变为自治会很困难。transition to it's difficult for someone who's been a stage actor to make the transition to television. 舞台演员很难转型为电视演员。make a transition a scheme to help families making the transition from welfare to work 帮助家庭脱离福利救济到自食其力的计划be in transition be changing at the moment 在过渡中 the textile industry is currently in transition. 纺织工业正处于变革之中。transition period the new system will be introduced gradually over a six month transition period. 新的系统将在六个月的过渡期内逐渐引进。 shift /ʃɪft/ [countable noun] a gradual but important change in the way people think about something [看法等的]转变,渐变 shift in attitude/approach/policy etc there has been a big shift in attitudes towards sex during the past 50 years. 在过去的50年里,人们对于性的看法有了很大的转变。marked shift a very clear shift 明显的转变 we've seen a marked shift in our approach to the social issues. 我们解决社会问题的方法已有了明显的转变。shift away from the new emphasis on human rights was a shift away from the policies of nixon. 对人权的全新重视是不同于尼克松政策的转变。shift towards he is very worried about the shift towards free market thinking in eastern europe. 他非常担心东欧向自由市场思想靠拢。 trend /trend/ [countable noun] a general change in the way people think or behave, especially one that is happening at the moment [尤指目前思维或行为方式的]趋势;倾向 if present trends continue, the earth will be considerably warmer in fifty years. 如果目前的趋势继续下去的话,五十年后地球的气温将大大上升。 our managers are very alert to new trends in the industry. 我们的经理对于工业领域的新趋势非常敏感。trend towards there is a growing trend towards payment by credit card. 人们正越来越倾向于用信用卡付账。 the current trend in this area is towards part-time employment. 这个地区目前的倾向是做兼职工作。 move /muːv/ [countable noun] the gradual change of a country or society towards something different [国家或社会的]转变;渐变 move towards/to there is a move towards greater equality for women in the workplace. 在工作场所,妇女的地位正变得越来越平等。 planners hope to encourage the move towards increased use of public transport. 规划者希望鼓励越来越多的人使用公共交通工具。 the united nations was supposed to supervise the move to independence. 联合国应监督这个国家迈向独立的过程。move away from public sector unions are likely to oppose blair's move away from government investment in health and transport. 国营部门工会可能会反对布莱尔减少政府投资医疗和交通的做法。 movement /ˈmuːvmənt/ [countable/uncountable noun] a gradual change, especially a political or social change, in which a lot of people are involved [尤指政治或社会的]动态;动向;趋向 movement towards there is a gradual movement towards tolerance and understanding. 逐渐趋于宽容和理解。 the modern age of movement towards democracy began with the french revolution in 1789. 现代民主化时代始于1789年的法国大革命。22. not changing and always the same 不变的,总是一样的 constant /ˈkɒnstəntǁˈkɑːn-/ [adjective] use this about an amount or level that remains the same over a long period 不变的;始终如一的[用于指数量或水平] we live next door to a busy street and there is always a constant level of noise in the background. 我们的家紧邻着一条热闹的大街,街上传来的噪音持续不断。remain/stay constant unemployment is likely to remain more or less constant for the next two years. 在接下去的两年里,失业情况可能变化不大。 steady /ˈstedi/ [adjective] use this about an amount that remains the same or a process that continues in the same way over a long period, especially when this is a good thing 平稳的;固定不变的[尤指好的事情] we drove all day at a steady 65 miles an hour. 我们开了一天的车,速度都保持在每小时65英里。 it's important to keep the temperature of the oven at a steady high heat. 使火炉保持稳定的高温很重要。a steady increase/decrease/decline etc the study also notes a steady decline in the number of college students taking science courses. 研究还注意到攻读理科的大学生数量持续减少。steady growth/progress economists say they expect continued steady growth throughout the year. 经济学家说他们期望全年持续稳步增长。at a steady rate larger families were being rehoused at a steady rate. 人数较多的家庭正在以一定的速度重新安排住房。a steady stream of visitors/enquiries etc a steady stream of refugees arrived at the camp. 源源不断的难民抵达营地。 stable /ˈsteɪbəl/ [adjective] use this about prices, amounts, or levels that are no longer changing, after a period when they were changing a lot [价格、数量、水平等波动后]稳定下来的,不再改变的 fuel prices have become more stable after several increases last year. 燃料价格经过去年数次上涨后已稳定了许多。remain stable his temperature remained stable throughout the night. 他的体温整晚都保持稳定。 fixed /fɪkst/ [adjective] use this about amounts, prices, or times that cannot be changed [数量、价格、时间等]固定的,不能改动的 the lessons began and ended at fixed times. 上下课的时间是固定的。 in communist russia prices of all common commodities used to be fixed. 在共产党执政时期的苏联,所有的普通商品价格都是固定的。fixed income/price/rate etc workers are paid a fixed rate per hour. 工人按固定计时工资获得薪酬。 a fixed-rate mortgage 固定利率抵押贷款 ‘i'm retired and on a fixed income.’ marson said. ‘i can't handle this myself, financially.’ “我退休了,拿固定收入。”马森说道。“经济上,这个我自己负担不起。”fixed penalty the policeman told me there was a fixed penalty of $20 for driving without a rear light. 警察告诉我驾车时不开尾灯固定罚款20美元。 unchanging /ʌnˈtʃeɪndʒɪŋ/ [adjective] not changing even when conditions change [环境改变了也]不变的 the unchanging nature of god 不变的神性 the road ran through an unchanging desert landscape. 这条路所经之处都是一模一样的沙漠。 here, you seem to be immersed in an unchanging rural way of life, seemingly unaffected by progress and the modern world. 在这里,你似乎沉浸于一成不变的乡村生活方式,好像不受时代进步和现代世界的影响。23. difficult or impossible to change 难以或不可能改变 rigid /ˈrɪdʒɪd, ˈrɪdʒəd/ [adjective] a system that is rigid is extremely difficult or impossible to change and is therefore annoying [制度]严格死板的,僵化的 people naturally get very frustrated with rigid bureaucracies. 对于死板的官僚制度,民众自然会很失望。 the rigid class distinctions which characterised british society are beginning to break down. 作为英国社会一大特征的严格阶级差别正开始弱化。 the president will not be able to meet enough people if he is kept to an unnaturally rigid schedule. 总统如果死守着刻板的日程表,就不能与足够多的人会面。 the government had centralized political power and imposed rigid controls on economic activity. 该政府政治上实行中央集权,对经济活动也加以严格控制。 inflexible /ɪnˈfleksɪbəl, ɪnˈfleksəbəl/ [adjective] difficult or impossible to change, even when a change would be better 难以改变的;不容变更的 the regulations are precise and inflexible in such matters. 在这些事情上,规定是明确的,而且没有商量的余地。 it is a huge, inflexible and impersonal organization. 这是个做事古板而又没有人情味的庞大组织。24. to change your decisions, intentions, or plans 改变决定、打算或计划 change your mind /ˌtʃeɪndʒ jɔːʳ ˈmaɪnd/ [verb phrase] no, i'm not going out tonight. i've changed my mind. 不,今晚我不想出去。我改变主意了。 what if she changes her mind and doesn't turn up? 她如果改变主意不来了怎么办?change your mind about if you change your mind about the job, just give me a call. 如果这工作你改变主意了,就给我打个电话。 barry hadn't changed his mind about leaving. 巴里还是坚决要走。 have second thoughts /hæv ˌsekənd ˈθɔːts/ [verb phrase] to feel less sure about something that you intended to do, and begin to think that it may not be a good idea [因不确定而]重新考虑[打算做的事];犹豫不决 couples contemplating divorce often have second thoughts when they realize how it will affect their children. 当打算离婚的夫妇意识到会对孩子产生什么影响时,他们常常要作再三的考虑。have second thoughts about it was obvious that the company was having second thoughts about the whole project. 很显然,该公司对整个计划举棋不定。 get cold feet /get ˌkəʊld ˈfiːt/ [verb phrase] informal to suddenly feel that you are not brave enough to do something that you intended to do 【非正式】临阵退缩,胆怯 a month before the wedding rose seemed nervous and anxious, and i wondered if she was getting cold feet. 距婚礼还有一个月,罗丝似乎紧张不安,我怀疑她是不是要打退堂鼓。 some investors got cold feet, and pulled out of the project at the last minute. 一些投资者退缩了,在最后一分钟退出了这个项目。 backtrack /ˈbæktræk/ [intransitive verb] to change your mind about something you have publicly promised to do, by saying that you will only do part of it or that you might not do it at all [对公开承诺的事]变卦,出尔反尔 if union leaders start to backtrack now, they'll lose their supporters. 如果工会领导人现在开始变卦,他们将失去自己的支持者。backtrack on the president seems to be backtracking on some of his election promises. 总统看来要违背一些他竞选时许下的诺言。 there is increased pressure on congress to backtrack on some of the welfare cuts imposed last year. 国会受到更大压力,要他们取消去年实施的部分福利削减。25. to change your opinion or belief about something 改变对某事物的看法或信念 change your mind /ˌtʃeɪndʒ jɔːʳ ˈmaɪnd/ [verb phrase] to change your opinion about something or someone 改变看法 at first the doctor said i was suffering from a virus, but now he's changed his mind. 最初,医生说我的病是由病毒引起的,可现在他的看法变了。 everyone has a right to change their mind. 每个人都有权利改变自己的看法。change your mind about i'm hoping dad will change his mind about louise after he meets her tonight. 我希望爸爸今晚见到路易丝后,能改变对她的看法。 i've changed my mind about the riviera. i do like it after all. 我已改变了对里维埃拉的看法。我还是挺喜欢这个地方的。 revise your opinion /rɪˌvaɪz jɔːr əˈpɪnjən/ [verb phrase] formal to change your opinion because something has happened that has made you realize that you were wrong before 【正式】[指因意识到了过去的错误而]改变看法 revise your opinion about/of mrs pemberton revised her opinion of her future son-in-law when he was accepted into law school. 彭伯顿夫人的未来女婿考进法律学院后,她改变了对他的看法。 since visiting the refugee camps, i have revised my opinion about immigration quotas. 自从参观了难民营,我改变了对移民限额的看法。 change your tune /ˌtʃeɪndʒ jɔːʳ ˈtjuːnǁ-ˈtuːn/ [verb phrase] to change your mind about something and talk about it in a very different way from how you did before 改变论调[想法] she used to be a communist, but she changed her tune when her parents left her all that money. you've changed your tune all of a sudden! only yesterday you were saying you thought christmas presents were a waste of money. 你态度变得真快!昨天你还在说你认为买圣诞礼物是浪费金钱的。 change of heart /ˌtʃeɪndʒ əv ˈhɑːʳt/ [noun phrase] when you begin to feel differently about something or someone so that your attitude completely changes [完全]改变态度 it's hard to explain this apparent change of heart. 这种态度的明显转变很难解释。have a change of heart he didn't want kids at first, but he's had quite a change of heart. 他当初不想要孩子,可现在他的态度完全变了。change of heart about we can only hope congress may have a radical change of heart about welfare benefits. 我们只能希望国会对于福利金的态度会发生根本性的变化。 come around also come round british /ˌkʌm əˈraʊnd, ˌkʌm ˈraʊnd/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to change your mind so that you gradually begin to agree with someone else's idea or opinion, especially after they have persuaded you that they are right [尤因被说服而]改变看法;回心转意;改变观点 he'll come around eventually. he doesn't have any choice, does he? 他最终会改变想法的。他别无选择,是吗? my mother stopped speaking to me when i first married tom, but she's slowly coming around now. 我刚嫁给汤姆的时候,妈妈都不跟我说话了,但现在她慢慢改变了看法。come around to somebody's view/way of thinking we had to talk to sam for a long time before he came round to our way of thinking. 我们只好和萨姆长谈一次,然后他才转而同意我们的想法。come around to the idea/view that a lot of employers are coming around to the idea that older employees have a lot to offer a company. 许多雇主正在改变看法,相信年长的员工对公司贡献很大。come around to doing something we're hoping that they'll eventually come round to accepting our offer. 我们希望他们最终会接受我们的提议。 recant /rɪˈkænt/ [intransitive verb] formal to say publicly or formally that you have changed your mind and stopped believing what you used to believe, especially about religion or politics 【正式】[公开宣布]放弃信仰[尤指宗教信仰或政治信仰] during the moscow show trials in the 1930s, prisoners were forced to publicly recant. 20世纪30年代莫斯科举行的公审中,囚犯们被迫当众宣布放弃自己的信仰。 after the reformation, many catholics recanted to avoid punishment. 宗教改革以后,许多天主教徒放弃了自己的信仰以免受惩罚。26. to keep changing your mind 不断改变想法 vacillate /ˈvæsɪleɪt, ˈvæsəleɪt/ [intransitive verb] to keep changing your mind about what you believe or what you are going to do, especially when you have two choices and you cannot decide which one is best 犹豫,踌躇,举棋不定 the longer you vacillate the less time you'll have to do anything worthwhile. 你越是犹豫,余下来做有价值的事的时间就越少。vacillate between the writer seems to vacillate between approving of collins’ actions and finding them disgusting. 对柯林斯的行为,作者一会儿赞成,一会儿又厌恶,看来还拿不定主意。 fickle /ˈfɪkəl/ [adjective] someone who is fickle is always changing their mind about the people or things that they like so you cannot depend on them 喜好多变的;反复无常的 she had been a great star once, but the fickle public now ignored her movies. 她以前是位大明星,但喜好无常的公众现在已经不看她的影片了。 blow hot and cold /bləʊ ˌhɒt ən ˈkəʊldǁ-ˌhɑːt-/ [verb phrase] especially british, informal if someone blows hot and cold about something, they keep changing their attitude so that sometimes they are eager to do it and at other times they are unwilling 【尤英,非正式】反复无常,摇摆不定 i can't tell what he wants - he keeps blowing hot and cold. 我不知道他要什么—他一直拿不定主意。 in our dealings with the police we have found that they can blow hot and cold. sometimes they are keen to have media help in solving a crime, other times they are more reluctant. 在与警方打交道的过程中我们发现他们反复无常,有时急于寻求媒体帮助来破案,有时却不情愿。27. willing to change the way you do something 愿意改变做事情的方式 flexible /ˈfleksɪbəl, ˈfleksəbəl/ [adjective] willing to change your ideas, plans, or methods according to the situation 灵活的 if you're looking for a job you need to be flexible about where you're prepared to work. 如果你在找工作,对于工作地点不能挑三拣四。 he said the key to his business success was not forgetting to stay flexible. 他说自己生意成功的关键是不忘记灵活处事。 adaptable /əˈdæptəbəl/ [adjective] someone who is adaptable does not get upset or annoyed if they have to change the way they do things, and easily gets used to new situations [人]适应性强的;善于变通的 children are often more adaptable than adults. 儿童往往比成人适应性更强。 i'm not sure ken's adaptable enough to take a job abroad. 我无法确定肯能否适应国外的工作。28. to refuse to change your mind 拒绝改变想法 stubborn /ˈstʌbəʳn/ [adjective] determined not to change your mind, even when people think you are being unreasonable 固执的;倔强的 we need to do something about craig, but he's so stubborn i just know he wouldn't listen if we tried to talk to him. 我们得管管克雷格了,可是他很倔,我知道如果试图和他谈的话,他是不会听的。a stubborn streak a stubborn part of your character 固执的性格 i've got a very stubborn streak and i discovered that i couldn't bear people telling me what i could and couldn't eat. 我的个性很固执,我发觉受不了别人告诉我该吃什么,不该吃什么。stubborn as a mule very stubborn 十分固执 jean-paul can be as a stubborn as a mule. 让-保罗倔起来像头骡子。 stand firm /ˌstænd ˈfɜːʳm/ [verb phrase] to refuse to change your opinions or plans even though other people are trying to make you 坚持己见;不让步 when you know that you are right, you have to stand firm and defend your principles. 如果你知道自己是对的,就一定要坚持自己的原则。stand firm against we stood firm against any deal with the terrorists. 我们坚持不与恐怖分子作任何交易。stand firm on the president has failed to stand firm on his promise to allow gays to serve in the military. 总统未能坚守诺言允许同性恋者在军中服役。 stand your ground /ˌstænd jɔːʳ ˈgraʊnd/ [verb phrase] to refuse to change your position in an argument even though other people are trying to persuade you to change it 坚持己见;坚守立场 they tried to make him change his mind, but he stood his ground. 他们试图使他改变主意,但他仍固守己见。stand your ground against richard always went along with ella's plans, never once daring to stand his ground against her. 理查德总是听从埃拉的计划,从不敢反对她。 intransigent /ɪnˈtrænsɪdʒənt, ɪnˈtrænsədʒənt/ [adjective] formal refusing to do what other people want you to do, even if this is unreasonable 【正式】不妥协的,不让步的 for many years the south african government remained intransigent, despite mounting world opposition to apartheid. 许多年来,尽管全世界反对种族隔离制度的呼声日益高涨,南非政府还是持不妥协态度。intransigent on the church has been criticized for being intransigent on the issues of abortion and birth control. 教会因在人工流产和节育问题上不肯让步而受到批评。29. unwilling to accept changes or new ideas 不愿意接受改变或新思想 have fixed ideas /hæv ˌfɪkst aɪˈdɪəz/ [verb phrase not in progressive] someone who has fixed ideas has opinions and attitudes that never change, and often seem unreasonable 有固执的想法 these old teachers tend to have very fixed ideas. 这些老教师往往都很固执。have fixed ideas about he has very fixed ideas about the way a wife should behave. 他对为妻之道有自己的一套固有的看法。 reactionary /riˈækʃənəriǁ-ʃəneri/ [adjective] strongly opposed to change, especially social or political change, in a way that you think is unreasonable 反动的;保守的[尤指社会或政治变革] the seventy-year-old president has been condemned as reactionary by his radical opponents. 70岁的总统被激进的反对派指责为极端保守。 he is known for his reactionary views on immigration and the reintroduction of the death penalty. 他因在移民问题和恢复死刑问题上态度保守而闻名。 cultural attitudes to women were more reactionary than in most of western europe. 当地文化对待女性的态度要比西欧大多数国家保守。 reactionary [countable noun] a bunch of right wing reactionaries 一群右翼反动分子 entrenched /ɪnˈtrentʃt/ [adjective usually before noun] entrenched attitudes are ones that people have had for a long time and are very difficult to change [态度]根深蒂固的 entrenched in the unequal treatment of men and women in the labour market is deeply entrenched in our culture. 劳动力市场男女不平等的现象在我们的文化中根深蒂固。firmly/deeply entrenched in the small towns racial prejudice was deeply entrenched. 在小镇上,种族偏见根深蒂固。entrenched attitudes/habits/beliefs etc the attitudes of adults to the mentally handicapped tend to be firmly entrenched, and difficult to change. 成年人对智障人士的态度往往根深蒂固,难以改变。 stick in the mud /ˈstɪk ɪn ðə ˌmʌd/ [noun phrase] informal someone who has old-fashioned attitudes and is unwilling to change or try something new 【非正式】老顽固,老古董 come on, don't be such an old stick in the mud. 得了,别这样保守了。 she accused him of being a stick in the mud. 她指责他是个老古董。 diehard /ˈdaɪhɑːʳd/ [countable noun] someone who still refuses to change their beliefs even when most other people have changed them 顽固分子,死硬派 apart from a few union diehards most of the men have accepted the new productivity agreement. 除了工会里的几个强硬分子以外,绝大多数人都接受了新的生产效率协议。 diehard [adjective] diehard opponents of the scheme say that they will appeal against the court's decision. 反对这个方案的顽固分子声称要对法院的判决进行上诉。 the attempted coup was staged by a group of the ex-president's most diehard supporters. 这次未遂政变是由前总统的一群死硬支持者发动的。 hidebound /ˈhaɪdbaʊnd/ [adjective] a group of people or an institution that is hidebound has very old-fashioned ideas and attitudes and is unwilling to change them [人或机构]墨守成规的;古板的;守旧的 it was predictable that the medical establishment, so hidebound and reactionary, would reject dr stone's ideas. 医学界思想顽固守旧,可以预料他们会拒绝接受斯通医生的见解。 the hidebound attitudes of russia's powerful aristocracy made any kind of progress impossible. 俄国贵族大权在握,他们的守旧态度扼杀了任何进步的可能性。30. unwilling to change the way you do things 不愿改变做事的方式 inflexible /ɪnˈfleksɪbəl, ɪnˈfleksəbəl/ [adjective] not willing to change the way you think or the way you do something [思想方式或做事方式]不愿意改变的,固执的 although many students adored albers, others found him inflexible and stifling. 尽管许多学生崇拜阿伯斯,但有些人觉得他刚愎自用,令人窒息。 union negotiators criticized the employers for being too inflexible on the issues of pay and working conditions. 工会谈判人员指责资方在薪金和工作条件的问题上毫不让步。 be set in your ways /biː ˌset ɪn jɔːʳ ˈweɪz/ [verb phrase] to be unable to change the way you do things because you have done them that way for a long time 习惯难改的,已成习惯的 i'm too old and set in my ways to try living in a foreign country now. 我现在太老了,已很难改变自己的生活方式,所以不愿到外国去居住。 rigid /ˈrɪdʒɪd, ˈrɪdʒəd/ [adjective] someone who is rigid will never change their mind about what is right or wrong or about how things should be done [人]顽固的 our manager was so rigid, he'd never listen to our ideas. 我们的经理非常固执,他从来就不听取我们的想法。 any major changes were prevented by the rigid conservatism of the church. 任何重大的变革都遭到教会顽固的保守主义的阻挠。rigid in your ideas/opinions/attitudes etc andrew was even more rigid in his attitudes towards child-rearing than his father, who was himself quite strict. 在培养孩子的问题上,安德鲁的态度要比他严苛的父亲还要死板。31. when something that has been decided cannot be changed 决定好的事无法改变 final /ˈfaɪnl/ [adjective] a decision that is final cannot be changed, especially because it has been made officially by someone in authority 最终的,决定性的[尤因由有权的人制定] they thought carefully before making a final commitment to buy. 他们在最终作出购买的承诺之前仔细斟酌了一番。final approval/decision etc the judges’ decision is final. 法官的判决是最终判决。 the officials have final authority when making decisions. 官员们拥有最后决定权。and that's final! spoken used to say that you will not change your mind about something, and do not want to hear any more about it 【口】就这么定了! you're not going out, and that's final! 你不能出去,就这么定了!have the final say be the person who makes the final decision 有最终决定权 my boss has approved the project, but it's the chief executive who has the final say. 我老板同意这个计划,但有最终决定权的是总经理。 finally [adverb] the new school timetable has not been finally decided yet. 新的课程表还没有最后定下来。 irrevocable /ɪˈrevəkəbəl/ [adjective] formal a decision or choice which is irrevocable cannot be changed after it has been made 【正式】[决定或选择]不可撤销的,不可改变的 her decision was immediate and irrevocable. 她的决定很迅速,而且不可改变。 i posted the letter, then realized that what i had done was irrevocable, and that i couldn't change my mind now. 我寄了信,然后意识到我做的事情已经不可逆转,现在不能改变主意了。 irrevocably [adverb] britain could be irrevocably tied to a single european currency. 英国可能会被欧洲单一货币死死地束缚住。 there is no going back /ðeər ɪz ˌnəʊ gəʊɪŋ ˈbæk/ use this to say that what you have decided or done is permanent and cannot be changed [决定或行动等]不可改变;无法挽回 you've committed your time and money to the project now -- there's no going back. 现在,你已经把时间和金钱投入这项计划—没有回头路可走了。 it had started as a casual affair but they both knew that now there was no going back. 此事开始时大家都不认真,但他们俩都知道现在已无法挽回。




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