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单词 confide
释义 confide/kənˈfaɪd ||; kənˈfaɪd/verb [t] confide sth to sb to tell sb sth that is secret 吐露(秘密): ◇she did not confide her love to anyone -- not even to her best friend. 她没有把她的恋情告诉别人─连她的挚友也没有。 confide in sb to talk to sb that you trust about sth secret or private 向自己信赖的人倾诉衷情或吐露心事 con·fide /kən`faɪd; kənˈfaɪd/v [i,t]to tell a secret to someone you trust 吐露[秘密]:◇confide to sb that joel confided to her that he was going to leave his wife. 乔尔私下告诉她,他准备离开妻子。confide in sbto tell someone about something that is very private 向[某人]吐露心事:◇i don't trust her enough to confide in her. 我没有信任她到无话不谈的地步。




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