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单词 partner¹
释义 part·ner¹ /`pɑrtnə; ˈpɑːtnə/n [c] 1. someone that you dance with or play a game with [跳舞或玩游戏的]同伴,搭档:◇take your partners for the next dance. 带你的舞伴准备跳下一支舞。 2. one of the people who owns a business 股东,合伙人:◇a partner in a london law firm 伦敦一家法律事务所的合伙人 3. the person who you are married to or are having a relationship with 配偶; 伴侣 4. a country that your country has an agreement with 同盟国,伙伴:◇britain's eu partners 英国的欧盟伙伴




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