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单词 colony
释义 colony noun¹ 1country ruled by another country殖民地adjective | verb + colony | preposition adjective➤overseas海外殖民地◆britain's overseas colonies英国的海外殖民地➤american, british, french, etc.美国、英国、法国等的殖民地➤former前殖民地◆the former portuguese colony of macao前葡萄牙殖民地澳门➤independent, self-governing独立的/自治殖民地▸➤penal, plantation流放地;种植园殖民地verb + colony➤establish建立殖民地◆settlers established a new colony in the early 18th century.移民在 18 世纪早期建立了一个新的殖民地。preposition➤in a/the colony在殖民地colony noun² 2group of animals/plants生物群体adjective | verb + colony | preposition adjective➤huge, large, thriving大群体;繁荣的群体▸➤small小群体▸➤breeding, nesting繁殖/巢居群体▸➤ant, bird, seal, etc.蚁群、鸟群、海豹群等verb + colony➤form形成群体◆some of the insects will leave to form a new colony.其中一些昆虫会离群去组成一个新的群体。preposition➤in a/the colony以群体的方式◆the birds nest in huge colonies.这些鸟大群大群地巢居。➤colony of一群⋯◆a colony of ants一群蚂蚁 colony /kɒləni; name kɑːləni/ [countable] a country or area that is governed by people from another, more powerful, country殖民地◆east timor was a former portuguese colony.东帝汶以前是葡萄牙的殖民地。▸ colonial /kələʊniəl; name kəloʊniəl/ adjective◆western colonial attitudes西方的殖民主义态度colony/ˈkɒləni ||; ˈkɑlənɪ/noun [c] (plural colonies) 1. a country or area that is ruled by another, more powerful country 殖民地 2. [with.sop] a group of people who go to live permanently in another country but keep their own habits and traditions 侨民 3. a group of the same type of animals, insects or plants living or growing in the same place 一同生长的一群同类动物、昆虫或植物;群体;集群: ◇a colony of ants 一个蚂蚁群 colonysee ⇨ country 2 col·o·ny /`kɑlənɪ; ˈkɒləni/n [c] 1. a country or area that is controlled by a more powerful country 殖民地:◇algeria was formerly a french colony. 阿尔及利亚以前是法国的殖民地。 2. a group of people with the same interests who live together 一群志趣相投而聚居在一起的人:◇an artists' colony 一群聚居在一起的艺术家 3. a group of the same kind of animals living together [同类动物的]群,群体:◇an ant colony 一个蚂蚁群




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