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单词 finance
释义 finance noun¹ 1 (name usually financing) money needed to fund sth资金adjective | verb + finance | finance + verb | finance + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤cheap (= borrowed at low interest) 低息贷款▸➤necessary必要的资金▸➤additional, extra, further (bre) 附加/额外/追加的资金◆the need to obtain additional finance获得额外资金的需要➤long-term, medium-term, short-term长期/中期/短期资金▸➤joint联合资金▸➤external外来资金▸➤international国际性资金▸➤private, public私人/公共资金▸➤private-sector, public-sector来自私营部门的/公共部门的资金▸➤bridging (bre) 过渡性资金◆you may require bridging finance until the sale of your own property is completed.在私有房产出售手续办妥之前你可以要求提供过渡性资金。➤debt, loan (especially bre) 外借资金;贷款▸➤equity股本融资▸➤bank银行贷款◆the availability of bank finance for small businesses可向银行申请的小企业贷款➤housing, mortgage, real estate (name) 住房/按揭/房地产贷款➤structured结构性融资verb + finance➤allocate, provide分配/提供资金▸➤need, require需要资金finance + verb➤be available资金可使用◆the finance available to local government当地政府可用的资金➤arrange, get, obtain, raise安排/得到/获得/筹集资金◆she struggled to get the necessary finance for her training.她尽全力筹集参加培训所需要的款项。finance + noun➤company, house (bre) 金融公司;财务公司▸➤industry, sector金融业;金融部门◆the banking and finance sector was booming.银行和金融部门发展迅速。preposition➤finance for (especially bre) ⋯的资金◆several banks are providing finance for the project.有几家银行为该项目提供资金。phrases➤a source of finance资金来源  ➡ topic at business finance noun² 2managing money理财adjective | finance + noun adjective➤high巨额资金管理◆the world of high finance (= finance involving large companies or countries) 高级金融界(涉及大公司或国家的金融)➤company, corporate公司财政;企业财务▸➤government, local-government, public, state政府/地方政府/公共/国家财政▸➤consumer, personal消费/个人财务◆that most emotive of personal finance issues-taxation最敏感的个人财务问题 - 纳税➤global, international全球/国际金融finance + noun➤director, minister, officer财务经理;财政部长;财政官员◆local government finance officers found the tax very difficult to administer.地方政府的财政官员发现这项税收很难实施。➤committee, department财政委员会/部(门)  ➡ topic at business finance noun³ 3finances money available可用资金adjective | verb + finances | finances + verb | phrases adjective➤healthy, sound (both especially bre) 健康的/安全的财政状况◆our family finances are not very healthy at the moment.我们家的经济状况目前不是很好。➤tight紧张的财政状况▸➤precarious不稳定的财政状况◆the company's finances are looking a little precarious.这家公司的财务状况现在看上去有点儿岌岌可危。➤company公司财力▸➤government, public, state政府/公共/国家财力▸➤family, household, personal, private家庭经济状况;个人经济状况➤campaign (name) 竞选经费verb + finances➤have有资金◆we don't have the finances to throw a big party.我们没钱举办大型派对。➤lack缺乏资金▸➤control, deal with, handle, manage, plan, run控制/处理/支配/管理/计划/运作资金◆how to plan your finances for a comfortable retirement如何计划安排资金以便安度退休生活➤get in order, keep in order, sort out (especially bre) 使财务安排有序;整顿财务◆the company was under pressure to get its finances in order.公司有整顿财务的压力。➤bolster, boost, improve增强财力;改善财政状况▸➤be a drain on, put a strain on, strain, stretch (especially bre) 消耗资金;使财政状况紧张;使财政上陷入困境◆buying a new car need not put a strain on your finances.买一辆新车并不会使你的经济紧张。finances + verb➤be a mess, be in a mess (especially bre) 财政混乱◆their finances are (in) a mess.他们的财务状况很混乱。phrases➤the state of sb's finances某人的财务状况  ➡ topic at business finance verbadverb | verb + finance adverb➤entirely, wholly全部出资▸➤largely, mainly大部份/主要出资▸➤partially, partly部份出资▸➤privately, publicly私人/公帑出资◆the new roads will be financed privately.这些新公路将由私人出资修建。➤jointly联合出资◆the project was financed jointly by the british and french governments.该项目由英法两国政府联合出资。➤directly直接投资▸➤properly, well适当/充分资助◆the introduction of a properly financed system资金来源有保障的体制的引入verb + finance➤help (to)帮助出资▸➤be needed to, be required to需要用作资金◆the money needed to finance the redevelopment再开发所需要的资金➤be used to用于提供资金finance /faɪnæns; faɪnæns; fənæns/ noun1. [uncountable] money that sb/sth borrows from a bank, receives from investors, etc. in order to run a business, complete an activity or buy sth 资金;金融◆the project will only go ahead if they can raise the necessary finance. 只有他们能筹集到所需资金,这个项目才能继续下去。◆a group of banks will provide finance for the takeover. 几家银行将提供资金用于收购。◆international sources of finance 国际资金来源⨁ to apply for / get / obtain / raise / secure finance申请/得到/获得/筹集/取得资金 ⨁ to arrange / provide finance安排/提供资金 ⨁ long-term / short-term finance长期/短期资金 ⨁ a finance business / group金融企业/集团 2. [uncountable] the activity of managing money, especially by a commercial organization or a government 财政;金融;财务;融资◆the company's new finance chief 这家公司的新任财务主管◆she works in the finance department. 她在财务部门工作。◆a diploma in banking and finance 银行学和金融学文凭◆the company's consumer finance arm (= that provides loans, etc. to customers) 公司的消费者融资部◆the government's poor management of public finance lost it the election. 这届政府对公共财政的管理不善导致竞选失败。  ➡  chief finance officer ⨁ a finance chief / director财务主管/主任 ⨁ a finance committee / department / team财务委员会/部/小组 ⨁ company / corporate / personal / public finance公司/企业/个人财务;公共财政 finances [plural] the money available to a person, an organization or a country; the way this money is managed (个人、机构、国家的)财力,财源;财务管理◆the company is battling to put its finances in order. 这家公司正奋力整顿其财务状况。◆buying new premises put a strain on our finances. 购买新场地使我们的资金紧张。◆her personal finances are in a mess. 她的个人财务状况一团糟。⨁ to sort out / handle / manage your finances整顿/处理/管理财务 ⨁ company / corporate / government / household / public finances公司/企业/政府/家庭/公共财务 ⨁ healthy / sound / strong finances健康的/稳健的/强大的财务状况 ⨁ deteriorating / shaky / weak finances恶化的/不稳定的/紧绌的财务状况 ⨁ sth boosts / strengthens your finances(某事)增强/加强财务状况 consumer finance ◇ corporate finance ◇ debt finance ◇ equity finance ◇ high finance ◇ mezzanine finance ◇ mortgage finance ◇ personal finance ◇ project finance finance /faɪnæns; faɪnæns; fənæns/ verb [transitive] to provide or obtain money for a project, or for a business or government to operate 为(项目、企业、政府)提供资金◆we have sufficient funds to finance operations for another year. 我们有足够的资金再支撑一年的运营。◆the deal was largely financed by/with/through a share issue. 这笔交易主要靠发行股票筹措资金。 syn fund ☞ finance☞ finance finance nounfinance ♦︎ economics ♦︎ bankingthese words all refer to the way in which large amounts of money are managed or organized, especially by a government, company or bank.这些词均表示财政、金融。■ finance [uncountable] the activity of managing money, especially by a government or company财政;金融;财务◆the minister of finance财政部长◆please send all invoices to the finance department.请把所有发票送至财务部门。◆the bank offers advice and guidance on personal finance.银行提供个人理财方面的建议和指导。◆he's a big wheel in the world of high finance (= finance involving large companies or countries).他是高端金融界的大鳄。 ➡ see also finance → money 1 , financial → economic ■ economics [uncountable, plural] how a society organizes its money, trade and industry; how money influences, or is organized within, an area of business or society经济学;经济情况;经济因素◆he studied politics and economics at yale.他曾在耶鲁大学学习政治学和经济学。◆keynesian / marxist economics凯恩斯主义/马克思主义经济学◆the economics of the project are very encouraging.这项工程的经济情况非常令人鼓舞。 ➡ see also economic → economic note 辨析 finance or economics? finance is the practical process of managing money. economics is the theory of how money works. * finance 指管理金钱的实际过程,economics 指金钱如何运作的理论。■ banking [uncountable] the business activity of banks银行业◆she's thinking about a career in banking.她正在考虑从事银行业。finance [uncountable] the activity of managing money, especially by a government or company财政;金融;财务◆the minister of finance财政部长◆please send all invoices to the finance department.请把所有发票送至财务部门。◆the bank offers advice and guidance on personal finance.银行提供个人理财方面的建议和指导。◆he's a big wheel in the world of high finance (= finance involving large companies or countries).他是高端金融界的大鳄。 ➡ see also finance → money 1 , financial → economic finance [transitive] to provide money for sth为⋯提供资金◆the building project will be financed by the government and by public donations.这个建筑项目将由政府和公众捐款提供资金。◆he took a job to finance his stay in germany.他找了一份工作以支付在德国的生活费。 ➡ see also finance → money 1 note 辨析 fund or finance?these two words are very similar, but fund is used more than finance for programmes or projects that continue or are repeated year after year.这两个词意义非常相近,但指资助年复一年持续或重复的项目时,fund 较 finance 用得多。finance [uncountable] (rather formal) money used to run a business, activity or project资金◆finance for education comes from taxpayers.教育经费来自纳税人。ⓘ finances [plural] are the money available to a person, organization or country or the way this money is managed.复数形式的 finances 指个人、组织或国家的财力或财务管理◆moving house put a severe strain on our finances.搬家使我们的经济十分紧张。◆the firm's finances are basically sound.公司的财务状况大体上还不错。  ➡ see also finance → finance noun , finance → fund verb finance¹/ˈfaɪnæns ||; ˈfaɪnæns/noun1. [u] the money you need to start or support a business, etc 资金;资本: ◇how will you raise the finance to start the project? 你到哪里去筹钱展开这项计划? 2. [u] the activity of managing money 理财;财政;财务: ◇who is the new minister of finance? 谁是新任的财政部长?◇an expert in finance 财务专家 3. finances [pl] the money a person, company, country, etc has to spend (个人、公司、国家等的)财力,资金: ◇what are our finances like at the moment? (= how much money have we got?) 我们现在的财务状况怎么样? finance²/ˈfaɪnæns;fəˈnæns ||; ˈfaɪnæns; fəˈnæns/verb [t] to provide the money to pay for sth 提供资金;资助: ◇your trip will be financed by the company. 你的旅费由公司负担。 financesee ⇨ money 9,14☞ finance¹☞ finance²




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