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单词 funeral
释义 funeral nounadjective | verb + funeral | funeral + verb | funeral + noun | preposition adjective➤family家庭葬礼➤private私人葬礼◆the family held a private funeral.这家人举行了一个私人葬礼。➤public公共葬礼▸➤church教堂葬礼➤closed-casket, open-casket (both name) 闭棺/开棺葬礼▸➤simple简单的葬礼➤elaborate, large精心安排的/大型的葬礼➤catholic, jewish,、犹太教等葬礼▸➤state国葬➤military军事葬礼▸➤decent, proper, respectable体面的葬礼◆his savings were just enough to pay for a respectable funeral.他的积蓄刚够支付举办一个体面葬礼的费用。➤traditional传统葬礼▸➤mass集体葬礼◆a mass funeral of the victims of the fire火灾遇难者的集体葬礼verb + funeral➤attend, come to, go to参加葬礼;来参加葬礼;去参加葬礼▸➤arrange, plan安排/筹划葬礼◆the dead man's son arranged the funeral.死者的儿子安排了葬礼。➤conduct主持葬礼◆a clergyman friend of the family conducted the funeral.这家人的一位牧师朋友主持了葬礼。➤have举行葬礼◆she had a simple funeral, as she had requested.遵照她的遗愿,葬礼从简。funeral + verb➤be held, take place葬礼举行◆the funeral was held in st mary's church.葬礼在圣玛丽教堂举行。funeral + noun➤ceremony, mass, obsequies (formal) , rites, service葬礼;葬礼弥撒;丧葬礼节;丧葬仪式;葬礼宗教仪式▸➤oration, sermon, speech悼词➤prayer葬礼祈祷➤dirge, march, music挽歌;葬礼进行曲;哀乐➤wreath葬礼上的花圈▸➤cortège, procession出殡行列;送葬队伍➤party (= the people going to a funeral) (bre) 参加葬礼的人◆the funeral party arrived to find the church locked.参加葬礼的人到达时发现教堂大门锁上了。➤car殡仪车▸➤director葬礼承办人▸➤chapel, home, parlour/parlor举办葬礼的教堂;殡仪馆▸➤costs, expenses丧葬费▸➤arrangements, plans葬礼安排▸➤business, industry殡葬行业▸➤pyre(火葬用的)柴堆◆the flames of the funeral pyre火葬柴堆燃烧的火焰preposition➤at a/the funeral在葬礼上◆he read out a poem at her funeral.他在她的葬礼上朗读了一首诗。funeral/ˈfju:nərəl ||; ˈfjunərəl/noun [c] a ceremony (usually religious) for burying or burning a dead person 葬礼(通常指宗教性质的): ◇the funeral will be held next week. 葬礼将在下周举行。 the body of the dead person is carried in a coffin, on which there are often wreaths of flowers. the coffin is buried in a grave or is burned (cremated). 葬礼中死者躺在棺木(coffin)里,棺木上面常常放了花圈(wreath)。棺木或埋在坟墓(grave)里,或进行火化(cremate)。 fu·ne·ral /`fjunərəl; ˈfjuːnərəl/n [c]a ceremony for someone who has just died 葬礼:◇the funeral will be held on thursday at st patrick's church. 葬礼定于星期四在圣帕特里克教堂举行。 ☞ funeral




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