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单词 blazer
释义 blazer /bleɪzə(r)/ [countable] a jacket, not worn with matching trousers, worn by schoolchildren or sports players and showing the colours or badge of a school, club, team, etc.; a formal jacket(常带有学校、俱乐部、运动队等颜色或徽章的)夹克;正式上衣◆a school blazer校服◆he was smartly dressed in a blazer and slacks (= trousers).他穿着时髦的运动衣和休闲裤。blazer/ˈbleɪzə(r) ||; ˈblezɚ/noun [c] a jacket, especially one that has the colours or sign (badge) of a school, club or team on it 外衣(尤指有校徽、俱乐部标记或运动队队徽的): ◇a school blazer 校服外衣 ☞picture on page c6 见c6页插图 blaz·er /`blezə; ˈbleɪzə/n [c]a kind of jacket with a special sign of a school or club on it [印有学校或俱乐部标记的]轻便上衣:◇a school blazer 印有校名的外衣




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