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单词 banish
释义 banish /bænɪʃ/ [transitive] (written) to make a thought or feeling go away赶走,排除(想法或感情)◆the sight of food banished all other thoughts from my mind.看到吃的,我别的什么都忘记了。◆he was determined to banish all feelings of guilt.他下定决心要排除内心所有的负罪感。 banish /bænɪʃ/ [transitive, usually passive] to order sb to leave a place, especially a country, as a punishment放逐,流放,把⋯驱逐出境(作为惩罚)◆he was banished to australia, where he died five years later.他被流放到澳大利亚,五年后在那里去世。◆the servants were banished from the upstairs rooms.佣人们被赶出楼上的房间。ⓘ banish is often used about events in the past. it is not often used in a modern or legal context. * banish 常用来指过去发生的事件,不常用于现代语境或法律语境。▸ banishment noun [uncountable] ◆lady montague dies of grief at romeo's banishment.蒙太古夫人因罗密欧被放逐悲伤而死。banish/ˈbænɪʃ ||; ˈbænɪʃ/verb [t] (formal 正式) 1. to send sb away (especially out of the country), usually as a punishment 驱逐(出境);放逐: ◇they were banished from the country for demonstrating against the government. 他们因示威反对政府而被驱逐出境。 2. to make sb/sth go away; to get rid of sb/sth 赶走;排除;消除: ◇she banished all hope of winning from her mind. 她完全打消了获胜的希望。 banishsee ⇨ leave 18 ban·ish /`bænɪʃ; ˈbænɪʃ/v [t] 1. to get rid of a feeling, problem etc 驱除,排除:◇i decided to banish all thoughts of ever marrying him. 我决定打消嫁给他的念头。 2. to punish someone by making them leave an event, job, country etc [作为处罚]赶走[某人]; 把[某人]驱逐出境:◇he was banished from the olympics after a failed drugs test. 他因没通过药检而被驱逐出奥运会。




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