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单词 forward
释义 forward /fɔːwəd; name fɔːrwərd/ adverb1.towards a good result 进展;前进◆she felt she needed to move forward in her career. 她觉得她需要在事业上取得进步。◆technologies that will drive the industry forward 推动行业前进的技术◆the project will go forward (= continue) as planned. 这个项目将按计划继续进行。 or concerning the future 往后;将来◆ looking forward, we expect sales to increase significantly. 展望未来,我们期望销售量将显著增加。 (commerce 商业; finance 金融) if sth is sold or bought forward, the seller agrees to provide it for a fixed price at a particular time in the future, when they have produced or obtained it 远期◆growers can currently sell forward cotton to be picked in 2012 for about a$506 a bale. 种植者目前能以大约每包 506 澳元的价格远期出售将于 2012 年采摘的棉花。 ●going forwardin the future 在将来;以后◆the competition will be less intense going forward. 将来的竞争不会这么激烈。◆going forward, we expect to see increased profit growth. 将来,我们期望利润增长得更多。 brought forward ◇ carriage forward ◇ carried forward forward /fɔːwəd; name fɔːrwərd/ adjective1.relating to the future 未来的;将来的◆a little forward planning could have saved us a lot of expense. 当初我们要是做一点预先规划,便可以省下一大笔开支的。◆forward economic growth 未来的经济增长 (commerce 商业) relating to sth that will be provided or delivered in the future 远期的◆we hold stocks equivalent to 90 days of forward demand. 我们持有相当于 90 天远期需求的库存。◆the forward market for crude oil 原油远期市场  ➡  forward contract , forward sale forward /fɔːwəd; name fɔːrwərd/ verb [transitive] send or pass goods, information, an email, etc. to sb 发送,寄(商品、信息、电子邮件等)◆we will be forwarding our new catalogue to you next week. 我们下星期会给你寄新的商品目录。◆the message is automatically forwarded to your email account. 信息会自动发送到你的电子邮件账户中。 syn send sth on  ➡  call forwarding send a letter, etc. received at the address a person used to live or work at to their new address (按新地址)转寄,转投,转交◆could you forward any mail to us in shanghai? 你能不能把所有信件转寄到上海给我们? syn send sth on ⓘ the words ‘please forward’ or ‘to be forwarded’ are usually written on the envelope.please forward 或 to be forwarded 通常写在信封上。 fast-forward ◇ store-and-forward ☞ forward☞ forward☞ forwardforward [transitive] to send a letter that has been sent to sb's old address to their new address; to send an email that you have received to sb else(按新地址)转寄,转投;转发(电子邮件)◆could you forward any mail to us in new york?你能不能把所有信件转寄到纽约给我们?◆i'm forwarding you this email that i had from jeff.我把杰夫发给我的电子邮件转发给你。ⓘ in formal language forward can just mean to send or pass goods or information to sb.在正式语体中,forward 可以仅表示邮寄商品或发送信息◆we will be forwarding our new catalogue to you next week.我们将于下周把新的商品目录寄给您。forward¹/ˈfɔ:wəd ||; ˈfɔrwɚd/adv1. (also forwards) in the direction that is in front of you; towards the front, end or future 向前;朝着前方、终点或未来: ◇keep going forward and try not to look back. 一直向前走,不要回头看。 [opp] back or backward(s) 反义词为back或backward(s) 2. in the direction of progress; ahead 进展中;前进: ◇the new form of treatment is a big step forward in the fight against aids. 这种新疗法把与艾滋病的斗争推进了一大步。forward is used after many verbs, for example bring, come, look, put. for the meaning of the expressions look at the verb entries. 很多动词的后面都用得着forward,如bring、come、look、put。关于这些词语的意义,可参看有关动词的词条。 backward(s) and forward(s)→backwardsput the clock/clocks forward/back→clock¹forward²/ˈfɔ:wəd ||; ˈfɔrwɚd/adj1. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) towards the front or future 向前的;为将来的: ◇forward planning 有关未来的计划 2. having developed earlier than is normal or expected; advanced 发展比一般或预期快的;先进的 [opp] backward 反义词为backward 3. behaving towards sb in a way that is too confident or too informal 放肆的;冒失的: ◇i hope you don't think i'm being too forward, asking you so many questions. 我问了你那么多问题,但愿你不会觉得我太没有礼貌。 forward³/ˈfɔ:wəd ||; ˈfɔrwɚd/verb[t] 1. to send a letter, etc received at one address to a new address 把(信等)转交(至新地址);转递: ◇the post office is forwarding all our mail. 邮局把我们的所有邮件都转送到新地址。 2. to help to improve sth or to make sth progress 促进;助长: ◇i'm trying to forward my career in publishing. 我正努力促进自己的出版事业。 forward⁴/ˈfɔ:wəd ||; ˈfɔrwɚd/noun [c] an attacking player in a sport such as football (足球等运动中的)前锋 forward1 towards the front2 to move forwardrelated wordsoppositeback,to make progress when you are trying to do something 试图做某事时取得进展 progress/make progress,see alsofront,1. towards the front 向前的 forward also forwards british /ˈfɔːʳwəʳd(z)/ [adverb] towards the front 向前 she leaned forward and whispered ‘i love you’ in his ear. 她往前靠去,在他耳边喃喃低语说“我爱你”。 i pushed my way forwards to the front of the crowd in order to get a better view. 我一路推挤到人群前面以便看得更清楚些。 bill took two steps forward and shook mark's hand. 比尔上前两步与马克握了手。 sit facing forward with your legs straight out in front of you. 面朝前坐好,双腿向前伸直。 she had her back towards me, her head bent forwards over a book. 她背对着我,低下头看书。 frank's fair hair fell forward into his eyes in a very attractive way. 弗兰克的金发向前披下来,漂亮地盖住了他的眼睛。 ahead /əˈhed/ [adverb] if someone or something moves ahead, looks ahead etc, they move or look towards a place in front of them 朝前[移动或看] the doctor strode ahead to the end of the corridor, and waited there for the others to catch up. 医生大步走到走廊尽头,在那里等着其他人赶上来。 he stuck his head out of the window but it was impossible to see ahead through the fog. 他把头伸出窗外,可在雾中不可能看到前方。straight ahead directly ahead [往]正前方 devraux stared straight ahead, without looking at his son. 德夫劳克斯直盯着前方,不看自己的儿子。 on /ɒnǁɑːn, ɔːn/ [adverb] if someone or something moves on, they continue moving forward in order to get to a particular place 朝前[以到达某个地方] he walked on without even stopping to say hello. 他连停下来打个招呼都没有,直往前走。 keep on in this direction for about 100 metres, and you'll see the bank on your left. 继续朝这个方向走约100米,就能看到银行在你左边。straight on directly ahead [往]正前方 go straight on to the end of this road, then turn left. 直走到这条路的尽头,然后左转。 onward also onwards british /ˈɒnwəʳd(z)ǁˈɑːn-, ˈɔːn-/ [adverb] written if someone or something moves, travels etc onward, they move or travel forward, especially in order to continue a journey 【书面】向前[尤指为了续续行程] we wandered slowly onwards, pausing now and again to admire the view. 我们慢慢地信步向前走去,不时停下来看看风景。 traffic police stood at various points, waving the motorists onward. 交警站在许多地方,打着手势让司机往前开。2. to move forward 向前移动 advance /ədˈvɑːnsǁ-ˈvæns/ [intransitive verb] if a person or army advances, they move forward in a slow and determined way, for example in order to attack someone [人或部队]前进,向前移动 the plane slowly advanced down the runway and then paused, ready for take-off. 飞机慢慢沿着跑道往前进,然后停下准备起飞。 villagers hid in the hills as the troops advanced. 军队前进时,村民们躲在山里。advance across/into/through etc in early 1940 the army began to advance across france. 1940年年初,部队开始横贯法国推进。 move up /ˌmuːv ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if you move up when you are in a line of people or vehicles, you move forward into the position that is just in front of where you were before [一排中的人或物]往前移动 could you guys at the front move up a bit? 前排的人能否往前移一下?move up the line the bank clerks seemed to be working really slowly as i moved up the line. 我在排队往前走时,各银行职员的动作似乎慢极了。move up next to/alongside etc suddenly a car moved up alongside joseph and the driver shouted something at him. 突然一辆汽车开到约瑟夫身旁,那司机朝着他吼了几句。 nose /nəʊz/ [intransitive verb] if a vehicle noses through or into something, it moves forward slowly and carefully in order to avoid hitting things in its way [车辆小心翼翼地慢慢]向前行驶 nose through/past/in etc the rolls royce slowly nosed through the crowds, and drew up outside the hotel. 这辆劳斯莱斯慢慢地驶过人群停在饭店外面。nose your way a ship was nosing its way through the small fishing boats in the harbour. 轮船小心翼翼地在港湾里的小渔船中穿行。 surge /sɜːʳdʒ/ [intransitive verb] if a crowd of people surges forward, they suddenly move forward together [人群]向前猛冲 surge forward the new barriers are designed to give way if spectators surge forward too violently. 这些新的障碍物被设计成当观众往前挤得厉害时能够被推倒。surge across/through/into demonstrators surged through the streets, demanding the president's resignation. 示威者从街道上蜂拥而过,要求总统辞职。☞ forward¹☞ forward²☞ forward³☞ forward⁴




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