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单词 style/elegance
释义 style/elegance1 style/elegance2 having a lot of style or elegancerelated wordsthe way you do something 做事的方式 way,see alsofashionable/not fashionable,beautiful,well-dressed,taste in clothes, music etc,suit/look good together,1. style/elegance 风度/优雅的风格 style /staɪl/ [uncountable noun] what she lacked in looks she made up for with her sensational style. 她动人的风度弥补了她外貌上的不足。 it does not really have the style and elegance of other luxury hotels. 那里并没有其他豪华酒店所拥有的格调和高雅的品味。with style if you want a cellphone with style, this is the one for you. 如果你想要一个别具一格的手机,这一款就适合你了。do something in style the thompsons always entertain in style. 汤普森一家招待客人总是很体面。go out in style to finish something in a way that people admire 漂亮地结束 whitaker went out in style, beating pernell comfortably. 惠特克最后挥出漂亮的一拳,轻松地击败珀内尔。 elegance /ˈelɪgəns, ˈeləgəns/ [uncountable noun] an attractive and graceful appearance or way of doing something, that is often simple but expensive [外表或做事方式的]优雅风格,典雅 marlene dietrich was once the symbol of glamour and elegance. 马琳·迪特里希曾经是魅力和优雅的象征。 buildings that reflect the elegance of a bygone era 反映了一个过去时代的典雅风格的建筑 sophistication /səˌfɪstɪˈkeɪʃən, səˌfɪstəˈkeɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] a style that is based on confidence and wealth, and that shows an intelligent judgement about what is artistic and fashionable 风雅,高雅,高贵 the capital city was once known as the centre of european culture and sophistication. 这个首都城市曾经被认为是欧洲的文化和时尚之都。 she was acutely aware of her own lack of sophistication. 她十分清楚自己缺少了一种高贵的气质。 flair /fleəʳ/ [singular/uncountable noun] a natural ability to do things in interesting and original ways 天赋,才华;品味 as a player he had a lot of flair, but it didn't help him win. 他是一名很有天赋的球员,但是这并没有帮助他取胜。 a combination of british practicality and french flair 英国的实用、法国的品味兼容并蓄with flair the room's interior was designed with taste and flair. 这房间的室内设计很有品味和创意。 panache /pəˈnæʃ, pæ-/ [uncountable noun] a confident artistic manner that makes even the simple things you do seem interesting or exciting 气度;潇洒 with panache she wore her clothes with typical italian panache. 她穿衣服有典型的意大利人的气度。have panache the performance didn't have the panache you expect from a chart-topping rock band. 这次演出没有表现出一个高居榜首的摇滚乐队应有的神气。2. having a lot of style or elegance 很有风格或很优雅的 stylish /ˈstaɪlɪʃ/ [adjective] the room was full of stylish furniture and expensive paintings. 房间里摆满了别具风格的家具和价格昂贵的画作。 she was a stylish woman, always dressed to suit the occasion. 她是个很时髦的女人,总是穿得很得体合时。 stylishly [adverb] the apartments are stylishly decorated and furnished, and all have sea views. 那些公寓的装修和家具布置都很有格调,每一套都能看到海景。 elegant /ˈelɪgənt, ˈeləgənt/ [adjective] having an attractive and graceful appearance or way of moving, dressing etc, often in a way that is expensive 优雅的,优美的,典雅的,高贵的 the house was elegant and well kept. 这房子很雅致,收拾得也干净。 vienna is a city of grand public buildings and elegant private ones. 维也纳这个城市里到处是雄伟的公共建筑和典雅的私家宅院。 the elegant figure of mr reed appeared in the doorway. 里德先生那优雅的身影出现在门口。 elegantly [adverb] you can tell she used to be a dancer, she moves so elegantly. 你可以看出她以前当过舞蹈演员,她走路姿势非常优美。 sophisticated /səˈfɪstɪkeɪtəd, səˈfɪstəkeɪtəd/ [adjective] having a confident and expensive appearance, and showing good judgement about what is artistic and fashionable 老练的;有鉴赏力的[指外表自信有气派,对艺术和时尚表现出明智的判断力] she was glamorous and sophisticated, but seemed a little lonely. 她光彩照人,优雅成熟,但是看上去有点孤独。 nothing beats black for the classic sophisticated look. 黑色最经典、最高贵,哪种颜色都比不上。suave and sophisticated the suave, sophisticated 60-year-old singer is still performing and drawing crowds. 这位花甲之年的歌手温文尔雅,老成世故,依然活跃在舞台上,吸引着观众。 classy /ˈklɑːsiǁˈklæsi/ [adjective] informal attractively and expensively dressed, decorated, or prepared 【非正式】[穿着、装饰等]有气派的,有格调的,高级的 their wedding was a very classy affair. 他们的婚礼很有排场。 a classy restaurant 一家高级餐馆 she's smart, witty, and classy. 她机敏、风趣、高雅。




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