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单词 stupidity
释义 stupidity nounadjective | verb + stupidity | preposition | phrases adjective➤complete, crass, incredible, plain, sheer, utter完全的愚笨;难以置信的愚笨;十足的愚笨◆it's hard to know if it's corruption or just plain stupidity by the authorities.很难知道当局是腐败,还是实在太愚蠢。➤human人类的愚蠢verb + stupidity➤can't believe不能相信⋯的愚蠢◆i can't believe the stupidity of some people.我不能相信有些人居然这么愚蠢。➤realize意识到⋯的愚蠢◆i now realize the stupidity of that statement.我现在意识到了那种说法的愚蠢之处。➤curse责怪⋯的愚蠢◆he cursed his own stupidity.他骂自己太笨了。➤demonstrate, show表现出/显示出愚蠢◆her answer showed the most incredible stupidity.她的回答显得极为愚蠢。preposition➤through (your) stupidity由于(某人的)愚蠢行为◆through his own stupidity, he missed an excellent opportunity.由于自己的愚蠢,他失去了一次绝佳的机会。phrases➤stupidity on sb's part某人的愚蠢◆it was sheer stupidity on the part of the crew.这完全是因为船员的愚蠢。stupidity /stjuːpɪdəti; name stuːpɪd/ noun [uncountable, countable, usually plural] ◆i couldn't believe my own stupidity.我干的蠢事我自己都不敢相信。◆the errors and stupidities of youth年轻时犯的错误和做的蠢事stupidity /stjuːpɪdəti; name stuːpɪdəti/ noun [uncountable] ◆he faked stupidity to try to escape punishment for the crime.他装傻以逃避因犯罪而受到的惩罚。stupidity /stjuːpɪdəti; name stuːpɪd/ noun [uncountable, countable, usually plural] ◆i couldn't believe my own stupidity.我干的蠢事我自己都不敢相信。◆the errors and stupidities of youth年轻时犯的错误和做的蠢事stupidity /stjuːpɪdəti; name stuːpɪdəti/ noun [uncountable] ◆he faked stupidity to try to escape punishment for the crime.他装傻以逃避因犯罪而受到的惩罚。 stupidity /stu`pɪdətɪ; stjuːˈpɪdɪti/n [c,u]




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