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单词 glimpse
释义 glimpse noun¹ 1brief sight of sb/sth一瞟adjective | verb + glimpse | preposition adjective➤brief, fleeting, the merest, momentary, quick匆匆的一瞥;飞快的一瞥;瞬间的一瞥▸➤occasional, rare偶尔的/难得的一瞥◆they caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling.他们偶尔会看见一群大鸟在空中盘旋。➤tantalizing诱人的一瞥◆this was my first tantalizing glimpse of the islands.这是我第一次看见这些岛屿的动人美景。➤first, last最初的/最后的一瞥◆later we caught our first glimpse of the sea.后来我们第一次瞥见了大海。verb + glimpse➤catch, get, have, take瞥见;目睹;看一眼◆thousands of people had gathered, hoping to catch a glimpse of the star.成千上万的人聚集起来,都想一睹这位明星的丰采。◆we only had a fleeting glimpse of the sun all day.一整天我们只看到太阳露了一下脸。➤afford sb看某人一眼preposition➤glimpse at对⋯的一瞥◆he took a quick glimpse at the map.他迅速看了一眼地图。➤glimpse of看见⋯◆we got just a brief glimpse of the car as it rushed by.汽车疾驰而过,我们只匆匆瞥到一眼。glimpse noun² 2brief experience of sth短暂的体验adjective | verb + glimpse | preposition adjective➤brief匆匆一瞥▸➤fascinating, intriguing美妙的体验;迷人的感受▸➤rare难得的体验◆this scene may give a rare glimpse of charles's personal style as king.这一幕非常难得地让人得以一窥查理作为国王的个人风范。verb + glimpse➤get, have, take得以一瞥;略微体验▸➤afford sb, allow sb, give sb, offer (sb), provide让某人略微体验◆that smile afforded her a brief glimpse of the other side of adam.那个微笑让她窥见了亚当的另一面。preposition➤glimpse at对⋯的展现◆the exhibition offers a fascinating glimpse at life beneath the waves.这个展览展示了精彩神奇的海底世界。➤glimpse into对⋯的展望◆take a glimpse into the future of space travel.粗略展望一下太空旅行的前景。➤glimpse of对⋯的一瞥◆she got a glimpse of a very different way of life.她看到了一种完全不同的生活方式。glimpse [countable] a look at sb/sth for a very short time, when you do not see the person or thing completely一瞥;一看◆he caught a glimpse of her in the crowd.他在人群里一眼瞥见了她。◆i came up on deck to get my first glimpse of the island.我登上甲板,第一次看到这个岛。 ➡ see also glimpse → see verb glimpse [transitive] (written) to see sb/sth for a moment, but not clearly or completely瞥见;看一眼◆he'd glimpsed her through the window as he passed.他路过时透过窗户瞥见了她。  ➡ see also glimpse → look noun glimpse/glɪmps ||; glɪmps/noun[c] 1. a glimpse (at/of sth) a very quick and not complete view of sb/sth 一瞥: ◇i just managed to catch a glimpse of the fox's tail as it ran down a hole. 我只是在狐狸钻进洞里时瞥见它的尾巴。 2. a glimpse (into/of sth) a short experience of sth that helps you understand it 微露;显现: ◇the programme gives us an interesting glimpse into the life of the cheetah. 这个节目使我们对猎豹的生活有了一些有趣的认识。 glimpse verb [t] glimpse• ⇨ catch sight of/catch a glimpse of☞ glimpse¹☞ glimpse²




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