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单词 hide
释义 hide nounadjective | verb + hide adjective➤thick, tough厚皮;坚韧的外皮◆elephants have a very tough hide.象皮非常坚韧。➤leathery, scaly皮革;鳞皮➤raw生皮➤tanned鞣制的皮➤animal兽皮➤buffalo, cow, elephant, etc.水牛皮、牛皮、象皮等verb + hide➤tan鞣革◆the hide is tanned for leather.兽皮被鞣制成革。hide verb¹ 1go/put sth where you/it cannot be seen藏匿adverb | verb + hide | preposition | phrases adverb➤away藏起来◆she hid the documents away in a drawer.她把文件藏在一个抽屉里。➤quickly迅速地藏起来◆he quickly hid behind a large plant.他迅速地躲到一株高大的植物后面。➤easily轻易地藏起来◆he could easily hide in the woods.在树林里,他很容易藏起来。➤secretly秘密地隐藏verb + hide➤prefer to, want to宁愿藏起来;想要躲起来◆she wanted to run away and hide.她想逃走躲起来。◆he accused the president of preferring to hide from the truth. (figurative) 他指责总统不肯面对事实真相。preposition➤among藏在⋯中◆they were hiding among the bushes.他们藏在灌木丛中。➤behind作为掩饰◆he hid behind a false identity. (figurative) 他隐瞒了自己的真实身分。➤beneath藏在⋯之下◆he had a weak mouth which he hid beneath a beard.他的嘴很单薄,便蓄起了胡须加以掩盖。➤from躲避◆they tried to hide from their enemies.他们试图躲避敌人。➤in躲藏在⋯里面◆figures hiding in the shadows躲藏在阴暗处的人➤under藏在下面◆he hid the book under his bed.他把书藏在床底下了。phrases➤carefully hidden, completely hidden, well hidden细心地/完全地/妥善地藏着◆the letters were well hidden in a drawer.那些信都妥善地藏在一个抽屉里。➤cleverly hidden巧妙地隐藏◆it had been cleverly hidden under furniture.它曾被巧妙地隐藏在家具下面。➤discreetly hidden谨慎地隐藏◆the tv was discreetly hidden in a corner.电视机被谨慎地隐藏在角落里。➤half hidden半藏着◆the buildings were half hidden by the trees.建筑物在树后半隐半现。➤hidden deep in sth深藏在⋯之中◆tiny villages hidden deep in the softly rolling hills几个深藏在和缓起伏的山丘之中的小村庄➤hidden from sight, hidden from view掩蔽◆the house was hidden from view by a large fence.房子隐藏在一道高大的栅栏后面。➤lie hidden, remain hidden依然隐藏着◆treasures which have lain hidden in bank vaults since the war自战争以来一直藏在银行保险库里的财宝➤partially hidden, partly hidden部份隐藏◆the house was partially hidden behind some trees.房子在树后若隐若现。➤a place to hide (sth)藏(某物)的地方◆i'll find a better place to hide it.我要找一个更妥当的地方把它藏起来。hide verb² 2keep sth secret掩盖adverb | verb + hide | preposition | phrases adverb➤well严密地隐藏➤completely完全遮盖➤barely几乎无法掩饰◆she could barely hide her distaste.她几乎无法掩饰自己的厌恶。➤deliberately故意隐瞒◆he had deliberately hidden the illness from his boss.他曾故意对老板隐瞒自己的疾病。verb + hide➤be able to, be unable to能够/不能掩盖◆she was unable to hide her delight at his failure.对他的失败她禁不住喜形于色。➤try to试图隐瞒▸➤make no attempt to没有试图掩饰◆he made no attempt to hide his anger.他毫不掩饰自己的愤怒。➤manage to设法掩盖住preposition➤from对⋯隐瞒◆the government tried to hide the evidence from the public.政府企图对公众隐瞒这一证据。phrases➤keep sth hidden把⋯遮盖住◆feelings that she had kept completely hidden all these years她这些年完全埋藏在心底的情感➤previously hidden先前隐藏的◆hypnotherapy can bring out previously hidden emotions.催眠疗法可以释放以前隐藏的情感。➤remain hidden, stay hidden一直隐瞒着◆the truth may well remain hidden for ever.真相可能会一直隐瞒下去。hide verb 1➤hide your papers/your feelings/the truth藏起文件;隐瞒感情;掩盖事实➤quick, hide!快点,躲藏起来!hide ♦︎ conceal ♦︎ cover ♦︎ disguise ♦︎ mask ♦︎ bury ♦︎ camouflagethese words all mean to put or keep sb/sth in a place where they/it cannot be seen or found, or to keep the truth or your feelings secret.这些词均表示藏起、隐藏、隐瞒。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to hide / conceal / disguise / mask / camouflage sth behind sth◆to hide / conceal / bury sth under sth◆to hide / conceal sth from sb◆to hide / conceal / disguise / mask the truth / the fact that...◆to hide / conceal / disguise / mask / bury your feelings◆to hide / conceal / cover / disguise / mask your disappointment / surprise◆to hide / conceal / disguise your emotion / shock◆to hide / conceal / cover your embarrassment◆to hide / conceal / mask your anger◆to completely / partly hide / conceal / cover / disguise / mask / bury sth◆to carefully hide / conceal / cover / disguise / camouflage sth◆to cleverly hide / conceal / disguise sth◆to barely / scarcely hide / conceal / cover / disguise sth■ hide (hid, hidden) [transitive] to put or keep sb/sth in a place where they/it cannot be seen or found; to keep sth secret, especially your feelings藏起;隐藏;隐瞒(尤指感情)◆he hid the letter in a drawer.他把那封信藏在了抽屉里。◆i keep my private papers hidden.我把私人文件藏了起来。◆they hid me from the police in their attic.他们把我藏在阁楼上躲避警察。◆she struggled to hide her disappointment.她竭力掩饰她的失望。◆they claim that they have nothing to hide (= there was nothing wrong or illegal about what they did).他们声称他们没有什么可隐瞒的。◆his brusque manner hides a shy and sensitive nature.他粗鲁的举止之下藏着胆怯敏感的天性。■ conceal /kənsiːl/ [transitive] (formal) to hide sb/sth; to keep sth secret隐藏;隐瞒;掩盖◆the paintings were concealed beneath a thick layer of plaster.那些画被藏在厚厚的灰泥层下面。◆for a long time his death was concealed from her.他的死讯对她隐瞒了很长时间。◆she sat down to conceal the fact that she was trembling.她坐下来,不让人看出她在发抖。ⓘ when it is being used to talk about emotions, conceal is often used in negative statements.指掩饰感情时,conceal 常用于否定句◆he could not conceal his joy / disappointment.他掩饰不住自己的喜悦/失望。◆she could barely / scarcely / hardly conceal her delight.她几乎掩饰不住自己的快乐。■ cover [transitive] to place sth over or in front of sth in order to hide it; to hide a particular feeling from people掩蔽;遮盖;隐瞒(感情)◆she covered her face with her hands.她双手捂着脸。◆he laughed to cover (= hide) his embarrassment.他哈哈大笑以掩饰尴尬。  ➡ see also cover → cover noun ■ disguise /dɪsgaɪz/ [transitive] to hide or change the nature of sth, so that it cannot be recognized掩蔽;掩饰◆he tried to disguise his accent.他努力掩饰自己的口音。◆she made no attempt to disguise her surprise.她毫不掩饰自己的惊讶之情。◆it was a thinly disguised attack on the president.这是对总统不加掩饰的攻击。 ➡ see also disguise → costume noun ■ mask /mɑːsk; name mæsk/ [transitive] to hide a feeling, smell, fact, etc. so that it cannot be easily seen or noticed掩饰,掩藏(感情、气味、事实等)◆she masked her anger with a smile.她用微笑来掩饰她的愤怒。◆spices were used to mask the unpleasant taste of the meat.加了香料来遮掩肉的怪味。■ bury [transitive] to hide sth in the ground; to ignore or hide a feeling, mistake, etc.埋藏;无视,掩藏(感情、错误等)◆we used to dig for hours, looking for buried treasure.我们过去为了寻找埋在地下的财宝曾连续挖了几个小时。◆she had learnt to bury her feelings.她学会了不让感情外露。■ camouflage /kæməflɑːʒ/ [transitive] to hide sb/sth by making them/it look like the things around, or like sth else伪装;掩饰◆the soldiers camouflaged themselves with leaves and twigs.士兵用树叶和树枝伪装自己。  ➡ see also camouflage → costume noun hide verb 2➤hide your papers/your feelings/the truth藏起文件;隐瞒感情;掩盖事实➤quick, hide!快点,躲藏起来!hide ♦︎ lurk ♦︎ lie low ♦︎ hole up/be holed upthese words all mean to go or be somewhere where you hope you will not be found.这些词均表示躲藏、藏匿。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to hide / lurk / lie low / hole up in a place◆a place to hide / lie low / hole up■ hide (hid, hidden) [intransitive, transitive] to go or be somewhere where you hope you will not be seen or found躲藏;藏匿◆quick, hide!快点,躲藏起来!◆i hid under the bed.我躲在床底下。◆they're hiding from the police.他们在躲避警察。◆she hides herself away in her office all day.她整天躲在自己的办公室里。■ lurk [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to wait somewhere secretly, especially because you are going to do sth bad or illegal(尤指意图不轨地)埋伏,潜伏◆why are you lurking around outside my house?你在我房子外面鬼鬼祟祟的,想干什么?◆a crocodile was lurking just below the surface.有条鳄鱼就潜伏在水下。■ lie low -->idiom(lay, lain) (rather informal) to try not to attract attention to yourself, especially for quite a long time(尤指长时间)尽量不引起注意,不露面◆maybe we should lie low for a few days.也许我们该躲几天。■ hole up-->■ be holed up -->phrasal verb (informal) to hide in a place躲藏(在某处)◆we've got to find out where he holes up at night.我们得查出他晚上在哪儿藏身。◆we believe the gang are holed up in the mountains.我们确信那帮匪徒躲在山里。hide(hid, hidden) [transitive] to put or keep sb/sth in a place where they/it cannot be seen or found; to keep sth secret, especially your feelings藏起;隐藏;隐瞒(尤指感情)◆he hid the letter in a drawer.他把那封信藏在了抽屉里。◆i keep my private papers hidden.我把私人文件藏了起来。◆they hid me from the police in their attic.他们把我藏在阁楼上躲避警察。◆she struggled to hide her disappointment.她竭力掩饰她的失望。◆they claim that they have nothing to hide (= there was nothing wrong or illegal about what they did).他们声称他们没有什么可隐瞒的。◆his brusque manner hides a shy and sensitive nature.他粗鲁的举止之下藏着胆怯敏感的天性。hide(hid, hidden) [intransitive, transitive] to go or be somewhere where you hope you will not be seen or found躲藏;藏匿◆quick, hide!快点,躲藏起来!◆i hid under the bed.我躲在床底下。◆they're hiding from the police.他们在躲避警察。◆she hides herself away in her office all day.她整天躲在自己的办公室里。hide¹/haɪd ||; haɪd/verb (past tense hid /hɪd ||; hɪd/ past participle hidden /ˈhɪdn ||; ˈhɪdṇ/) 1. [t] to put or keep sb/sth in a place where he/she/it cannot be seen; to cover sth so that it cannot be seen 把…藏起来;遮掩: ◇where shall i hide the money? 我该把钱藏在哪儿?◇you couldn't see bill in the photo -- he was hidden behind john. 照片里看不到比尔─他给约翰挡住了。 2. [i] to be or go in a place where you cannot be seen or found 躲藏: ◇quick, run and hide! 赶快跑开躲起来!◇the child was hiding under the bed. 那小孩躲在床底下。 3. [t] hide sth (from sb) to keep sth secret, especially your feelings 隐瞒,掩饰(尤指感情): ◇she tried to hide her disappointment from them. 她设法掩饰自己的失望心情,不让他们知道。 hide²/haɪd ||; haɪd/noun1. [c,u] the skin of an animal that will be used for making leather, etc (用来制造皮革等的)兽皮 2. [c] a place from which people can watch wild animals, birds, etc without being seen (观察野生动物、鸟类等的)躲藏处 hide1 to hide something especially by putting it in a secret place2 to hide yourself3 to hide someone or something by making them look different4 to make something difficult to see by being in front of or over it5 a place where you can hide6 hidden7 to hide your feelings8 to hide information9 words for describing feelings, attitudes etc that are hidden10 when people try to hide the truth11 when people do not try to hide the truthrelated wordssee alsosecret,show,1. to hide something especially by putting it in a secret place 把某物藏起来,尤放在秘密的地方 hide /haɪd/ [transitive verb] to make something difficult to see or find, for example by putting it somewhere secret, or by covering it 把…藏起来 where can we hide these presents so the kids don't find them? 我们把礼物藏到什么地方才能不让孩子们发现呢?hide something in/under/behind etc something they put the money in a small box and hid it under the bed. 他们把钱放进一个小箱子,然后藏到床底下。 some cameras are so small they can be hidden in a reporter's baseball cap. 有些摄像机很小,可以藏在记者的棒球帽里。hide something from somebody i used to hide his cigarettes from him so he couldn't smoke. 我以前经常把他的香烟藏起来让他没法抽。 conceal /kənˈsiːl/ [transitive verb] formal to hide something carefully, especially by covering it 【正式】隐藏 conceal something in/under/behind etc something the secret police had concealed microphones in the walls. 秘密警察在墙里藏了麦克风。 several kilos of drugs had been concealed in the back of the truck. 有好几公斤的毒品藏在卡车的后面。 stash /stæʃ/ [transitive verb] informal to hide money or something that you should not have 【非正式】藏匿[不义之财] stash something in/under/behind etc something where did you stash the drugs? 你把毒品藏在哪里? the late president supposedly stashed millions of dollars in swiss bank accounts. 那位已故总统据称在瑞士银行账户里藏了几百万美元。 cover /ˈkʌvəʳ/ [transitive verb] to hide something by putting something else on or over it 盖住,遮住 embarrassed, she reached for a towel to cover her body. 她非常尴尬,伸手拿了一条毛巾遮住自己的身体。cover something with something when he walked into the room, she quickly covered the letter with a pillow. 他走进房间的时候,她很快地拿了个枕头把信遮盖起来。cover something up/cover up something cover something completely 遮盖某物 you could probably cover up the scratches with a little bit of paint, and no one will ever notice. 也许你可以用点油漆把刮痕盖起来,谁也不会发现。 bury /ˈberi/ [transitive verb] to hide something by putting it in or on the ground and covering it with soil, sand etc 埋藏,掩埋[在地下、泥土下、沙下等] snakes usually bury their eggs. 蛇通常会把它们的蛋埋起来。bury something in/under etc something he murdered his wife and buried her body in a field. 他杀害了妻子,把尸体埋在一块田地里。 the dog buried one of my slippers in the backyard. 那只狗把我的一只拖鞋埋在了后院。 buried [adjective] there was supposed to be buried treasure somewhere on the island. 据说岛上某处埋着宝藏。 secrete /sɪˈkriːt/ [transitive verb] formal to carefully hide small, valuable objects 【正式】隐藏;藏匿[贵重的小物品] no one knew where the old woman had secreted her jewels. 没有人知道那老妇人把珠宝藏在哪儿。secrete something in/behind/among etc something he showed me the coin briefly and then secreted it in some dark corner of his house. 他把硬币给我稍稍一看,就把它藏到他家里一个黑暗的角落里去了。2. to hide yourself 躲藏 hide /haɪd/ [intransitive verb] to go somewhere where you cannot be easily found or seen 躲藏 dad's coming. quick - hide! 爸爸来了,快——藏起来!hide under/behind/in etc dale hid behind some garbage cans in the alley until the men passed. 戴尔躲在巷子里的一些垃圾箱后面,一直到那些人走过去了。 the cat always hides under the bed when we have visitors. 我们有客人来的时候,那只猫总是躲在床底下。hide from why is he hiding from us? is he afraid? 他为什么躲着我们?是怕我们吗? go into hiding /ˌgəʊ ɪntə ˈhaɪdɪŋ/ [verb phrase] to go to a safe place where you can hide for a long time because you are in danger or because the police are looking for you 躲藏起来[因有危险或正被警察寻找] he went into hiding soon after the government denounced him. 政府谴责了他以后,不久他就躲了起来。 police believe the robbers have gone into hiding. 警方认为劫匪已经躲起来了。 lie low /ˌlaɪ ˈləʊ/ [verb phrase] to hide from people who are trying to catch you, and to make sure you do not attract any attention until it is safe to come out 躲藏,隐匿[以避开追捕] if you don't want to go back to jail, you'd better lie low for a while. 你要是不想回监狱去,最好躲一会儿。 weaver had been lying low at his sister's apartment for the past week. 韦弗上个星期躲在他姐姐的公寓里。 hole up /ˌhəʊl ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to hide somewhere and not go out at all, especially because the police are looking for you 躲藏,匿藏[尤因警察正在找你] we were all planning to hole up till the trouble blew over. 我们都打算躲一躲,等到麻烦过去。hole up in/on etc something the gang holed up in a cheap hotel for a few weeks. 这个犯罪团伙在一家廉价旅店里躲了几星期。be holed up in/on etc something the fbi believes that richards is holed up on an estate in colombia. 联邦调查局认为理查兹躲在哥伦比亚的一个住宅区里。 stow away /ˌstəʊ əˈweɪ/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to hide in a ship in order to travel to a place without being noticed and without paying [无票]偷乘船 with no money, his only hope of getting to new york was to stow away on the next ship. 由于没有钱,他去纽约的唯一希望就是逃票乘下一班船。 customs officials discovered several illegal immigrants stowed away at the front of the ship. 海关官员发现数名非法移民藏在船头。 conceal yourself /kənˈsiːl jɔːʳself/ [verb phrase] formal to hide yourself carefully so that you cannot be seen 【正式】躲藏 when police arrived, black made no effort to hide or conceal herself. 警察来了,布莱克也不想办法躲一躲。conceal yourself in/beneath/behind etc it was easy for the man to conceal himself in the museum before closing time. 那人轻易地在博物馆关门之前藏了起来。conceal yourself from many spiders spin special webs to conceal themselves from danger. 许多蜘蛛织出特殊的网,把自己藏起来躲避危险。 lie in wait /ˌlaɪ ɪn ˈweɪt/ [verb phrase] to hide in a place in order to attack or stop someone you know will come there 埋伏着等待 the tank commander feared there might be enemy soldiers lying in wait in the hills up ahead. 坦克司令担心,前方的山头上可能埋伏着敌军士兵。lie in wait for aitkins lay in wait for his victims and shot them as they walked toward their front door. 艾特金斯埋伏着等候作案对象,等他们快走到自己家前门就开枪打死他们。 lurk/skulk /lɜːʳk, skʌlk/ [intransitive verb] to wait or move around in a particular area while trying not to be seen, especially because you are going to do something wrong or something you do not want other people to know about 偷偷地潜伏;偷偷摸摸地行走[尤因要做坏事或不想其他人知道的事] who's that skulking over there? 谁在那儿,躲躲闪闪的?lurk/skulk around/about police received reports of a man lurking around the neighborhood. 警方接到报告,说有人在这一带鬼鬼祟祟地出没。lurk/skulk in/behind/under etc i'm sure i saw someone lurking in the bushes just now. 我肯定刚才看到有人躲在灌木丛里。 he skulked along the street, looking this way and that to see if anyone was following him. 他在街上躲躲闪闪地走着,东张张西望望,看是否有人跟踪他。3. to hide someone or something by making them look different 通过改变某人或某物的外观将其隐藏起来 disguise /dɪsˈgaɪz/ [transitive verb] to make someone or something look different in order to deceive people, for example by changing someone's clothes or hair 假扮,装扮,伪装[某人或某物] the fbi say the hijackers were very likely to have been disguised. 联邦调查局说劫机者很可能是经过乔装打扮的。disguise somebody/something as the men had disguised the vessel as fishing boat to escape. 那些人把船伪装成渔船逃走了。 he spent several years in the monastery disguised as a monk. 他伪装成僧人在寺院里隐居了许多年。disguise yourself as she managed to get into the camp by disguising herself as a soldier. 她装扮成一名士兵,设法混入了营地。 camouflage /ˈkæməflɑːʒ/ [transitive verb] to hide someone or something by covering them with materials that help them to look like the surrounding area 遮掩;伪装[某人或某物,使其与周围环境相似] we camouflaged the plane by covering it with leaves. 我们在飞机上盖了树叶,把它伪装起来。camouflage somebody/something with something soldiers had camouflaged the trucks with branches and dirt. 士兵们用树枝和泥土把卡车伪装起来。camouflage yourself the lizards camouflage themselves by changing colour. 蜥蜴会变颜色伪装自己。4. to make something difficult to see by being in front of or over it 挡在前面或盖在上面而使某物难以被看到 hide /haɪd/ [transitive verb] low clouds hid the top of the mountain. 云很低,盖住了山峰。 most of his face was hidden by a beard. 他的大半个脸都被胡子盖了起来。 the bushes had become overgrown and now hid the entrance to the garden. 灌木恣意蔓生,现在把花园的入口都掩盖了起来。hide something from view a pair of mirrored sunglasses hid her eyes from view. 一副镜面太阳镜把她的眼睛盖起来了,没法看到。 conceal /kənˈsiːl/ [transitive verb] formal to hide something by covering it 【正式】遮盖,遮住 a wide-brimmed hat concealed her graying hair. 宽边帽把她花白的头发遮盖了起来。 her legs were concealed to the ankle by a loose flowing skirt. 一条宽松飘动的裙子把她的双腿一直盖到脚踝上。 cover /ˈkʌvəʳ/ [transitive verb] to be over something or on top of it so that it cannot be seen 盖住,覆盖 the make-up didn't cover her bruises as well as she'd hoped. 化妆并没有如她所愿把她的瘀伤盖住。 he pulled back a corner of the blanket that covered the dead body. 他把盖着尸体的毯子掀开一角。 screen /skriːn/ [transitive verb] to hide something completely by being in front of it 遮住,遮蔽 in the back yard, a hedge neatly screens the vegetable plot. 后院里,一道树篱正好遮住了菜畦。screen something (off) from something the house is screened from the road by a row of tall trees. 房子和路的中间隔着一排高大的树木。 blot out /ˌblɒt ˈaʊtǁˌblɑːt-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to cover something so completely that you are not able to see any of it [完全]遮住,盖住 blot out something the clouds of dust grew heavier till they blotted out the desert and the moon. 烟尘越来越浓,遮住了沙漠和月亮。blot something out the shadow of someone in the back of the theater blotted the movie screen out for a moment. 电影院后面有个人影把电影屏幕挡住了一会儿。5. a place where you can hide 可以藏身的地点 place to hide /ˌpleɪs tə ˈhaɪd/ [noun phrase] a place where someone can hide 藏身处 we were grateful for a place to hide during the raids. 空袭的时候我们庆幸有地方躲藏。 with the police closing in, he had no one to help him and no place to hide. 警察越追越近,他没有人帮助,也没有地方藏身。 hiding place /ˈhaɪdɪŋ pleɪs/ [countable noun] a place where someone can hide, or a place where you can hide something 藏身的地方,藏匿的地方 i've found a good hiding place for the money. 我找到了一个藏钱的好地方。 from his hiding place in the closet, dwayne could hear the conversation in the bedroom. 德韦恩在他躲藏的壁橱里,能够听到卧室里的谈话。 hideout /ˈhaɪdaʊt/ [countable noun] a place where someone goes to hide from the police or someone dangerous 隐匿处,藏身之地[为躲避警察或危险的人] it is believed that the guerrillas have a hideout in the southern mountains. 据认为,游击队在南部山区有个藏身的地方。 police raided the gang's hideout on thursday, arresting six people. 星期四,警方突袭了这帮人的藏身地点,逮捕了六人。6. hidden 隐藏的 hidden /ˈhɪdn/ [adjective] under the lampshade harry discovered a hidden microphone. 哈里在灯罩下面发现了一个隐藏的麦克风。hidden under/behind/in etc she kept the letters hidden in a box in her closet. 她把信藏在她壁橱里的一个箱子里。hidden away i've got the kids’ presents all hidden away ready for christmas day. 我把给孩子们的礼物都藏了起来,准备到圣诞节那天拿出来。hidden from the pit was hidden from view by branches and leaves that had been laid across it. 那个坑被覆盖其上的树枝树叶掩藏了起来。 concealed /kənˈsiːld/ [adjective] something that is concealed has been deliberately hidden by someone, especially by covering it with something or by putting something in front of it 隐藏的;掩盖的 concealed cameras help security guards spot intruders. 隐藏式摄像机可帮助保安人员发现闯入者。concealed behind/beneath/in etc one of the pistols was concealed in the lining of her coat. 其中一把手枪藏在她外套的衬里里面。concealed by half-concealed by the curtain, he peered out of the window. 他把半个身子藏在窗帘后面,看着窗外。concealed from sacred paintings are screened off, concealed from public view. 圣画被遮了起来,不让公众看见。concealed weapon the man said he had a permit to carry a concealed weapon. 那人说他有许可证,可以携带暗器。7. to hide your feelings 隐瞒感情 hide /haɪd/ [transitive verb] to deliberately not show what you are feeling or thinking 隐藏[感情或想法] he hides his real feelings under that big smile. 他用满面的笑容把真实的感情隐藏起来。 ‘that's ok,’ she said, trying to hide her disappointment. “没关系。”她说,尽量掩饰着自己的失望。hide something from somebody i tried to hide my anxiety from the rest of the family by pretending that everything was normal. 我假装一切正常的样子,想对家人掩饰我的焦虑。 not show /nɒt ˈʃəʊ/ [verb phrase] to not show in your face, voice, or movements what you really think or feel 不显露出来 if she was surprised, she didn't show it. 她虽然吃惊,但是没有表露出来。 my husband never shows emotion, so i never know if he's upset. 我丈夫从来不流露自己的感情,所以我从来不知道他是否不高兴。 conceal /kənˈsiːl/ [transitive verb] formal to hide your feelings or intentions especially when you have to make an effort to do this 【正式】[尤指尽力地]掩饰,掩藏[感情或目的] kim could barely conceal her annoyance that i had arrived so late. 我到得那么迟,金几乎无法掩饰她的气恼。 i yawned, not bothering to conceal my boredom. 我打着呵欠,不想费神去掩饰我的无聊。conceal something from somebody hawkins was incapable of concealing how he felt from his close friends. 霍金斯无法对他的好朋友掩饰他的感受。 disguise/mask /dɪsˈgaɪz, mɑːskǁmæsk/ [transitive verb] to avoid showing your true feelings or intentions by pretending to feel something else [装出别的样子]掩盖,掩饰 kate gave a cheerful smile, somehow managing to disguise her embarrassment. 凯特装出一副愉快的笑容,总算掩饰了自己的窘迫。 ‘that's great!’ she cried, unable to disguise her excitement. “太棒了!”她叫道,兴奋之情难以掩饰。 he often masked his feelings of guilt by becoming angry at the people he had wronged. 他经常对被自己冤枉的人发火,来掩饰自己的愧疚。 bottle up /ˌbɒtl ˈʌpǁˌbɑː-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to not allow yourself to show your feelings, especially if you are angry, worried, or upset - use this especially when you think it would be better for someone to show their feelings so they can be dealt with 抑制[愤怒、忧虑、心烦等],把…憋在心里[尤用于指认为释放出来更好] bottle something up it's not healthy to bottle all your feelings up like that. 像那样把所有的感情都憋在心里对身体不好。 the anger that he had bottled up inside him finally exploded. 他憋在心里的怒火终于爆发了出来。keep something bottled up she wanted to cry but she kept it bottled up inside. 她想哭,但是抑制住了。 suppress /səˈpres/ [transitive verb] formal to not allow yourself to feel or show strong feelings such as anger, sadness, or love, especially when you have difficulty controlling these feelings 【正式】克制,压制[强烈的感情] she had had to suppress her feelings for george throughout his long marriage to her friend. 她在乔治和她朋友那段漫长的婚姻里,只得压抑着她对乔治的感情。 finally glen could suppress his anger no longer and he lashed out at his mother. 格伦终于压不住怒气,对他母亲发火了。 suppression /səˈpreʃən/ [uncountable noun] suppress of suppression of emotions in childhood can lead to problems in later life. 童年时期压抑感情会给以后的生活带来问题。 repress /rɪˈpres/ [transitive verb] formal to deliberately stop yourself from having or expressing particular feelings, especially because you are ashamed of them, in a way that may have harmful mental effects 【正式】抑制,压制[尤因为羞愧,并可能对精神产生不良影响] individuals who repress their sexual desires often suffer from psychological problems. 压制性欲的人往往会出现心理方面的问题。 denying or repressing sorrow often seems the easiest way out when confronted with death. 拒绝承认或抑制悲痛往往似是面对死亡最容易的办法。 repression /rɪˈpreʃən/ [uncountable noun] much of his adult life has been marked by sexual repression and feelings of guilt. 他成年生活的大部分时间都处于性压抑和愧疚的心情之中。 put on a brave face/put up a brave front /ˌpʊt ɒn ə ˌbreɪv ˈfeɪs, ˌpʊt ʌp ə ˌbreɪv ˈfrʌnt/ [verb phrase] to pretend that you are happy or confident when in fact you are very upset about something but you do not want to show this 强颜欢笑,假装高兴 when she lost her job she put on a brave face and said it didn't matter. 她丢了工作的时候,仍然强颜欢笑,说不要紧。 most of his teammates put up a brave front when they talked about his departure. 讲到他的离去,他的大部分队友都装出一副不在乎的样子。put on a brave face/put up a brave front on the speech was given to put a brave face on the president's declining popularity. 这次演说是为了掩饰总统的渐失民心。8. to hide information 隐瞒信息 hide /haɪd/ [transitive verb] he took off his ring to hide the fact that he was married. 他脱下戒指,隐瞒他已经结婚的事实。 she somehow hid the fact she couldn't read throughout her schooldays. 她在整个求学时期都想办法隐瞒她不识字的事实。hide something from somebody the agency has been criticized for being too secretive and hiding information from the public. 这个机构被指责保密太严,对公众隐瞒信息。have nothing to hide ask me anything you want - i have nothing to hide. 想问什么你就问吧——我没有什么可隐瞒的。 conceal /kənˈsiːl/ [transitive verb] formal to hide facts or the truth about something, especially by not giving people enough information about it or by lying 【正式】隐瞒[事实或真相,尤指没有向人们提供足够的信息或说谎] he managed to conceal the fact that he had been in prison and so got a job as a security officer. 他设法隐瞒了坐过牢的事实,找到了一份保安的工作。conceal something from somebody several drug companies are accused of concealing information from the food and drug administration. 一些制药公司被指控向食品和药物管理局隐瞒信息。 cover up /ˌkʌvər ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to do things that prevent people from finding out mistakes or unpleasant facts 隐瞒,掩盖[错误或不愉快的事实] cover up something lewis asked his wife to lie in an attempt to cover up the murder. 刘易斯要求妻子说谎,企图掩饰那起凶杀案。cover something up kate has made some big mistakes, and she won't be able to cover them up for long. 凯特犯了一些大错误,她是掩盖不了多久的。 suppress /səˈpres/ [transitive verb] formal to prevent important facts or information from being made known in a public or official situation 【正式】禁止披露,禁止发表;隐瞒[重要事实或消息] police were accused of suppressing evidence that might have proved that the men were innocent. 警方被指责封锁了也许能证明那些人清白的证据。 the cia has often tried to suppress reports that are embarrassing to the agency. 中央情报局经常设法封杀让自己难堪的报道。 cover your tracks /ˌkʌvəʳ jɔːʳ ˈtræks/ [verb phrase] informal to make a careful and deliberate attempt to stop people finding out about something wrong or criminal that you have done, by telling lies, hiding facts etc 【非正式】掩盖错误[罪行] she covered her tracks by saying that she'd been at a friend's house all that evening. 她说那天整个晚上她都在一个朋友的家里,以掩盖自己的行踪。 davis covered his tracks so well that no one could prove he had received any of the money. 戴维斯把自己的行为掩盖得很好,没有人可以证明他收受过其中的一些钱。 sweep something under the carpet /ˌswiːp something ʌndəʳ ðə ˈkɑːʳpə̇t/ [verb phrase] informal to try to keep something wrong that has happened a secret 【非正式】掩盖某事 all the evidence pointing to mckay's guilt has been swept under the carpet. 所有指证麦凯罪行的证据都被掩盖了起来。 before the scandal broke, an attempt had been made to sweep the senator's illegal activities under the carpet. 丑闻传出以前,有人曾企图把参议员的非法行为掩盖起来。9. words for describing feelings, attitudes etc that are hidden 描述隐藏的感情、态度等的词语 hidden /ˈhɪdn/ [adjective] he's always joking around to make sure his true feelings stay hidden. 他总是到哪里都讲笑话,把自己的真实感情隐藏起来。 even after years of psychiatric treatment, she was full of hidden anger. 即使经过了多年的心理治疗,她还是有满腔的怒火藏在心头。hidden talents abilities that you did not know someone had 隐藏的才能 you can dance and sing! i never realized you had so many hidden talents. 你会唱歌跳舞!我从没意识到你还有那么多藏而不露的才能。hidden meaning the lyrics of most of his songs have some hidden meaning. 他大部分歌曲的歌词都有一些隐含的意思。 disguised /dɪsˈgaɪzd/ [adjective] feelings or attitudes that are disguised are kept hidden, but usually not very well [感情或态度]伪装的;经掩饰的[但一般掩饰得不太好] ‘ok, i'll do it,’ she said with barely disguised hostility. “好了,我会做的,”她几乎毫不掩饰自己的敌意说道。thinly disguised hardly disguised at all 略加掩饰的 the speech was seen by many as a thinly disguised attack on the president. 这篇演说在许多人看来是对总统稍加掩饰的攻击。 suppressed /səˈprest/ [adjective] strong feelings, such as anger, fear, or happiness, that are suppressed are ones that you do not allow yourself to feel or show [强烈的感情]被压抑的,被压制的 he is full of suppressed anger and needs to find some way of releasing it. 他满腔怒火郁结于胸,需要找个发泄的方式。 the intensity of the trial caused her long-suppressed emotions to come out in the open. 审讯的紧张气氛使她长期被压抑的感情公开表露了出来。 repressed /rɪˈprest/ [adjective] feelings that are repressed are ones that you deliberately stop yourself from feeling, or have been taught not to feel from when you were a child, especially feelings that you are ashamed of [感情]被压抑的[尤因羞愧] the victorian era is characterized by its strict conventions and repressed emotion. 维多利亚时代的特征是有严格的传统习俗,人的思想感情受到压抑。 i had a lot of repressed anger toward my family that i didn't realize till my father died. 我对家人积压着很大的怒火,这是父亲去世以后我才意识到的。 veiled /veɪld/ [adjective usually before noun] a veiled threat, warning etc is one that you do not make directly, but deliberately do not hide well, so that the person you are dealing with understands what your real intention is 含蓄的,隐藏的,不明言的[威胁、警告等] his attempt to get us to help him is just a veiled form of blackmail. 他想让我们帮他,这只是一种拐弯抹角的勒索罢了。 her comments were nothing more than a veiled criticism of my work. 她的那番话不过是在含蓄地批评我的工作罢了。thinly veiled only slightly hidden 几乎不加掩饰的 the opposition leader has made thinly veiled threats of violence. 反对派领袖几乎不加掩饰地威胁要使用暴力。10. when people try to hide the truth 人们试图隐瞒真相 cover-up /ˈkʌvər ʌp/ [countable noun] a deliberate plan to prevent mistakes or embarrassing information, especially about politicians or other people in official positions, from being publicly known 掩盖,掩饰手段[尤指政治家或官员] the watergate cover-up eventually led to nixon's resignation. 掩盖水门事件的企图最后导致了尼克松的辞职。cover-up of some people suspect that government officials were involved in a cover-up of the incident. 有些人怀疑政府官员涉及掩盖这件事情。 whitewash /ˈwaɪtwɒʃǁ-wɑːʃ, -wɔːʃ/ [singular noun] an attempt by a government or official committee to hide the true facts of a situation from the public, especially when there was supposed to have been an official and fair examination of these facts 掩饰真相[指政府或官方的委员会企图向公众隐瞒事实] a greenpeace spokesperson described the official report on nuclear waste disposal as a whitewash. 绿色和平组织发言人称官方有关核废料处置的报告是隐瞒事实,粉饰太平。 cover /ˈkʌvəʳ/ [singular noun] something that you do or say as a way of hiding your true actions or intentions, especially when these are illegal or dishonest [尤指对非法或不诚实的行动或目的的]掩盖,掩饰 the ceasefire turned out to be just a cover to gain time to prepare another attack. 停火协定原来只是一个掩饰,为准备下一轮的进攻争取时间。 for years he had used his position at the united nations as a cover for his spying activities. 他多年来利用白己在联合国的职位作为掩饰,从事间谍活动。 front /frʌnt/ [singular noun] something such as an organization or a type of behaviour that seems to be normal but is used to hide what is really happening 掩护,幌子[指用于掩盖事实的组织或行为] she puts on this ‘innocent little girl’ act, but it's all a front. 她装出一副“天真小女孩”的模样,但完全是种掩饰。 the car rental company is actually a front for a drugs ring. 这家汽车租赁公司其实是一个贩毒团伙的幌子。 smokescreen /ˈsməʊkskriːn/ [singular noun] something that is done or said in order to take people's attention away from other things that could be embarrassing or less acceptable 烟幕[用以掩盖令人尴尬或难以接受的事实] the administration's emphasis on the drop in inflation is just a smokescreen to divert attention from rising unemployment. 政府强调通货膨胀率下降只是烟幕,目的是转移人们对失业率上升的注意力。11. when people do not try to hide the truth 人们没有试图掩盖真相 open /ˈəʊpən/ [adjective] i try to be open and honest with my employees and let them know exactly what's going on. 我尽量对员工开诚布公,让他们知道真实的情况。 some of her former supporters are now expressing open hostility to her leadership. 一些过去支持她的人现在公开反对她的领导。 openly [adverb] the family talks openly now about bill's depression and suicide. 家里人现在会坦然地谈起比尔的忧郁症和他自杀的事。☞ hide¹☞ hide²




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