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单词 deprived
释义 deprived adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, feel贫困;感觉穷苦adverb➤extremely, severely, very极其贫困;严重贫困;非常穷苦▸➤totally一无所有◆plants that are totally deprived of light完全见不到光的植物➤relatively相对贫困▸➤economically, emotionally, socially经济困难;情感缺失;遭社会遗弃◆emotionally deprived children缺乏情感关怀的孩子们preposition➤of缺乏⋯◆children who are deprived of love没人关爱的孩子们deprived [usually before noun] without enough food, education, and all the things that are necessary for people to live a happy and comfortable life贫穷的;贫困的;穷苦的◆it's a very deprived area, with no amenities.那是个非常贫困的地区,没有基本的生活设施。◆we try to identify and provide support for emotionally deprived children.我们努力去寻找得不到关爱的儿童,并为他们提供援助。opp privileged → rich  ➡ see also deprivation → poverty note 辨析 disadvantaged or deprived?with disadvantaged the main emphasis is on the lack of opportunities to earn money, get an education and make a better life. with deprived the emphasis is more directly on the lack of adequate food, housing and other material comforts. people who are emotionally deprived do not get enough love or emotional comfort. * disadvantaged 一词强调缺少赚钱、受教育和创造美好生活的机会。deprived 一词更直接地强调没有充足的食物、住房和物质生活的安逸。emotionally deprived 指得不到足够的关爱。deprived/dɪˈpraɪvd ||; dɪˈpraɪvd/adj not having enough of the basic things in life, such as food, money, etc 贫困的: ◇he came from a deprived background. 他自幼家境贫困。 deprivedsee ⇨ poor 3 de·prived /dɪ`praɪvd; dɪˈpraɪvd/adjnot having enough of the things that are necessary for a normal, happy life 穷困的,贫困的:◇a deprived childhood 穷苦的童年




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