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单词 disrepair
释义 disrepair nounverb + disrepair | preposition | phrases verb + disrepair➤fall into破损失修◆the building had fallen into disrepair.这座建筑已经破败不堪了。preposition➤in disrepair处于破损失修的状态◆much of the old building was still in disrepair.这幢老建筑的大部份仍处于破损失修状态。phrases➤a state of disrepair破损失修disrepair [uncountable](especially of buildings) the state of being broken or in bad condition because of neglect(尤指建筑物)失修,破败,破损◆the station quickly fell into disrepair after it was closed.车站关闭后很快便破败不堪。◆the castle was in such a state of disrepair that they decided not to spend money on it.城堡已破败不堪,他们决定不在上面花钱了。disrepair/ˌdɪsrɪˈpeə(r) ||; ˌdɪsrɪˈpɛr/noun [u] the state of being in bad condition because repairs have not been made 失修: ◇over the years the building fell into disrepair. 这座建筑物年久失修。 disrepair• ⇨ fall into disrepair dis·re·pair /ˏdɪsrɪ`pɛr; ˌdɪsrɪˈpeə/n [u]when something is in a bad condition and needs to be repaired 失修,破损:◇fall into disrepair the old house has been allowed to fall into disrepair. 这幢旧房子无人照管,已经破败不堪。




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