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单词 destitution
释义 destitution /destɪtjuːʃn; name destɪtuːʃn/ [uncountable] the state of having no money, food, home, etc.贫穷;赤贫◆help from local charities meant that the degree of deprivation stopped short of actual destitution.当地慈善机构给予的帮助使贫困者不至于一贫如洗。 ➡ see also destitute → poor 1 note 辨析 deprivation, privation or destitution? privation and deprivation mean the lack of basic things such as proper food, clothes, etc. deprivation can also mean a lack of care, for example the care that adults should take of children. destitution is what you experience when you have no job, no money and no home. * privation 和 deprivation 意为基本衣食的匮乏。deprivation 还可以指缺乏照顾,如成人对儿童的照顾。destitution 指没有工作、没有钱、没有家等一无所有的境地。☞ destitute destitution /ˏdɛstə`tuʃən; ˌdestɪˈtjuːʃən/n [u]




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