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单词 crash²
释义 crash²n [c] 1. a bad accident involving cars, planes etc 撞车事故; [飞机]失事:◇six vehicles were involved in the crash. 六辆汽车卷入了这起撞车事故。◇car/plane/train etc crash all 265 passengers were killed in the plane crash. 265 名乘客全都在这场空难中丧生。 2. a sudden loud noise made when something breaks or hits something else [撞碎、撞击发出的]突然的巨响:◇we were woken by the sound of a loud crash downstairs. 我们被楼下突然传出的巨响吵醒了。◇with a crash the tray fell to the floor with a crash. 盘子哗啦一声掉到地上。 3. when a computer suddenly stops working [电脑的]瘫痪,死机 4. when prices on a stock market suddenly fall by a large amount [股票行情的]暴跌:◇fears of another stock market crash 对又一次股票行情暴跌的恐惧




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