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单词 constitutional
释义 constitutional /kɒnstɪtjuːʃənl; name kɑːnstətuː-/ adjectiveconnected with or allowed by a constitution 宪法允许的;章程允许的◆do corporations have a constitutional right to tell untruths? 企业有说假话的宪法权吗?◆it is not constitutional to imprison somebody without trial. 未经审判就关押某人是宪法不允许的。☞ constitutional constitutional /kɒnstɪtjuːʃənl; name kɑːnstətuːʃənl/ connected with, allowed or limited by the constitution of a country or organization宪法的;章程的;宪法(或章程)允许的;受宪法(或章程)限制的ⓘ the constitution is the system of laws and basic principles that a state, country or organization is governed by. * constitution 指一个国家的基本法律体系或一个机构的基本章程◆she had long advocated constitutional reform.她长期以来一直支持修改宪法。◆they can't pass this law. it's not constitutional.他们无法通过这项法律,它不符合宪法。◆a constitutional monarchy (= a country with a king or queen, whose power is controlled by a set of laws and basic principles) 君主立宪国opp unconstitutional → illegal constitutional/ˌkɒnstɪˈtju:ʃənl; us -stəˈtu:- ||; ˌkɑnstəˈtuʃənḷ/adj connected with or allowed by the constitution of a country, etc 与宪法等有关的;宪法等允许的: ◇it is not constitutional to imprison a person without trial. 不经审判就囚禁人是违反宪法的。 constitutionalsee ⇨ legal 2 con·sti·tu·tion·al /ˏkɑnstə`tjuʃənḷ; ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃənəl◄/adj 1. allowed or limited by a constitution 宪法[宪章]允许的; 受宪法[宪章]限制的:◇constitutional limits on the queen's power 宪法对女王权力的限制 2. relating to a constitution 有关宪法[宪章]的:◇a constitutional amendment (=change to the original set of laws) 宪法修正




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