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单词 constable
释义 constable noun (bre) adjective | phrases adjective➤police警员▸➤chief, detective警察局长;警探▸➤beat, special, uniformed值勤巡警;特别警察 ;穿制服的警察◆the force hopes to increase the number of its beat constables.警察部队希望增加片区巡警的数量。◆special constables provide part-time assistance for the regular police force.特别警察部份时间为正规警察部队提供协助。phrases➤the rank of constable警察的级别 constable /kʌnstəbl; name kɑːnstəbl/ [countable](in the uk and some other countries) a police officer of the lowest rank(英国和其他一些国家的警察中最低级别的)警员◆have you finished your report yet, constable?你的报告写完了吗,警员?◆the children were taken out of the room by a woman police constable.孩子们被一名女警员带到了房间外。◆special constables provide part-time assistance for the regular police force.兼职纠察可以补充正规警力。ⓘ constable is a rank and is mainly used within the police when referring to or talking to particular police officers with this rank, including as a title. * constable 是个级别,主要在警察内部使用,指这一级别的警察,或用于称呼这一级别的警察,也作头衔◆constable quinn奎恩警员it is not used to refer to groups of police officers or the police in general. in the uk, a chief constable is a senior police officer who is in charge of the police force in a particular area. * constable 不用来指一群警察,也不用来统称警方。在英国,chief constable 指地区警察局长。constable/ˈkʌnstəbl; us ˈkɒn- ||; ˈkɑnstəbḷ/=police constable con·sta·ble /`kɑnstəbḷ; ˈkʌnstəbəl/n [c]a british police officer of the lowest rank [英国的]警察




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