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单词 conspire
释义 conspire /kənspaɪə(r)/ [intransitive] (formal) to secretly plan with other people to do sth illegal or harmful合谋;密谋;图谋◆they were accused of conspiring against the king.他们被指控阴谋背叛国王。◆she admitted conspiring with her lover to murder her husband.她承认与情夫密谋杀害亲夫。 ➡ see also conspiracy → conspiracy , conspirator → accomplice conspire/kənˈspaɪə(r) ||; kənˈspaɪr/verb[i] 1. conspire (with sb) (to do sth) to plan to do sth bad or illegal with a group of people 密谋,同谋,串谋(做坏事或非法的事): ◇a group of terrorists were conspiring to blow up the plane. 一群恐怖分子正密谋炸毁飞机。 2. conspire (against sb/sth) (used about events) to seem to work together to make sth bad happen (指事情)似乎凑在一起(造成坏结果): ◇when we both lost our jobs in the same week, we felt that everything was conspiring against us. 我们俩在同一个星期内失去工作,使人觉得什么事情都在同我们作对。 conspiresee ⇨ plan 7 con·spire /kən`spaɪr; kənˈspaɪə/v [i] 1. to secretly plan with other people to do something harmful or illegal 密谋; 共谋:◇the four men had conspired to rob a bank. 这四个男人密谋抢劫一家银行。 2. formal to happen at the same time and have a bad result 【正式】 同时发生[而导致不良后果]:◇conspire to do sth events conspired to make sure he lost the election. 种种事件凑在一起发生,使他肯定在选举中落败。




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