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单词 informative
释义 informative adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, prove内容丰富;证明有知识性▸➤find sth觉得⋯内容丰富adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.信息量极其/相当大/非常大▸➤highly, wonderfully (especially name) 极能增长见识;信息量特别丰富◆the survey proved highly informative.事实证明该项调查提供了极其丰富的信息。➤especially, particularly尤其/特别富有知识性➤potentially可能会很有知识性preposition➤about提供⋯的信息◆the book is extremely informative about life in roman times.该书包含大量关于罗马时代生活的信息。 informative adjectiveinformative ♦︎ revealing ♦︎ instructive ♦︎ illuminating ♦︎ telling ♦︎ enlighteningthese are all words describing sth that gives you information about sth.这些词均表示提供信息的、揭示真相的或富有启发性的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆informative / revealing / instructive / illuminating / enlightening about sth◆to be instructive / illuminating / enlightening to do sth◆an informative / a revealing / an illuminating / a telling / an enlightening insight / account◆a revealing / an illuminating / a telling / an enlightening comment◆a revealing / an instructive / an illuminating / a telling example◆to find sth informative / instructive / illuminating / enlightening◆very informative / revealing / instructive / illuminating / telling / enlightening◆highly / extremely / particularly / most informative / revealing / instructive / illuminating / enlightening◆not very informative / revealing / instructive / illuminating / enlightening■ informative /ɪnfɔːmətɪv; name ɪnfɔːrmətɪv/ (of a written or spoken source of information) giving useful information(书面或口头的信息来源)提供有用信息的,给予知识的◆the talk was both entertaining and informative.这次谈话既有趣味又长见识。◆the book is not very informative about local customs.这本书没有提供太多有关当地风俗的知识。opp uninformative ⓘ something that is uninformative does not give enough information. * uninformative 表示不详细的、信息不足的◆the reports of the explosion were brief and uninformative.有关爆炸事件的报道很简略,未及详情。  ➡ see also inform → tell 1 ■ revealing giving you interesting information that you did not know before揭露真相的;发人深省的◆the answers the students gave were extremely revealing.学生们所给的答案极其发人深省。◆it was a most revealing remark.那句话透露了极多内情。ⓘ a revealing remark or answer may actually tell you more about the speaker, their thoughts and attitudes, than they thought or knew they were telling you. * revealing 修饰言论或回答时,表示说话人无意中透露出关于自身、自身想法及态度的信息。  ➡ see also reveal → reveal ■ instructive /ɪnstrʌktɪv/ (of an experience or activity) giving useful information(经历或活动)富有教益的,增长知识的◆it was a most instructive experience.那是使人获益良多的经历。◆he said he had found the meeting 'extremely instructive'.他说他觉得会议“极富启发性”。note 辨析 informative or instructive?things that you read or hear may be informative; things that you do or experience may be instructive. * informative 指读到或听到的东西能提供有用的信息,instructive 指做过或经历过的事情富有教益。■ illuminating /ɪluːmɪneɪtɪŋ/ helping to make sth clear or easier to understand说明性强的;富于启发性的◆the examples he used weren't particularly illuminating.他采用的那些例证不太能说明问题。■ telling showing effectively what sb/sth is really like, but often without intending to生动的;显露真实面目的,说明问题的(通常并非有意如此)◆the number of homeless people is a telling comment on the state of society.无家可归者的数量是社会状况的生动写照。■ enlightening helping you to understand sth better, by giving you information that you did not know before有启迪作用的;增进知识(或教益)的◆a visit to her partner proved most enlightening.拜访她的搭档让人获益良多。 ➡ see also enlighten → tell 1 informative /ɪnfɔːmətɪv; name ɪnfɔːrmətɪv/ (of a written or spoken source of information) giving useful information(书面或口头的信息来源)提供有用信息的,给予知识的◆the talk was both entertaining and informative.这次谈话既有趣味又长见识。◆the book is not very informative about local customs.这本书没有提供太多有关当地风俗的知识。opp uninformative ⓘ something that is uninformative does not give enough information. * uninformative 表示不详细的、信息不足的◆the reports of the explosion were brief and uninformative.有关爆炸事件的报道很简略,未及详情。  ➡ see also inform → tell 1 informative/ɪnˈfɔ:mətɪv ||; ɪnˈfɔrmətɪv/adj giving useful knowledge or information 提供知识或数据的 informativesee ⇨ information 4 in·form·a·tive /ɪn`fɔrmətɪv; ɪnˈfɔːmətɪv/adjproviding useful facts or ideas 提供丰富资料[观点]的:◇a very informative book 一本资料丰富的书




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