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单词 license
释义 license /laɪsns/ verb [transitive] (commerce 商业; law 法律) to give a person or an organization official permission to do, own, or use sth, often in exchange for a fee 批准;许可◆the drug has not yet been licensed in europe. 这种药尚未在欧洲获得许可。◆we license the technology to other manufacturers. 我们将这项技术授予其他制造商。◆they had licensed the firm to produce the drug. 他们批准该公司生产这种药物。◆they rely heavily on licensing income. 他们非常依赖许可费收入。license /laɪsns/ noun [countable] (name) (law 法律) = licence help you will find words formed with license at the spelling licence.以 license 拼法构成的词语,可于 licence 下找到。☞ license☞ licenselicense (bre also , less frequent licence) /laɪsns/ [transitive] to give sb official permission to do, own or use sth; to give official permission for sth to be done批准;许可◆the drug is not licensed for long-term use.这种药不得长期服用。◆the hotel is licensed to sell alcohol.这家旅馆有售酒许可。◆the company plans to license the technology to others.公司计划将这项技术转让他人。 ➡ see also licence → licence noun license¹/ˈlaɪsns ||; ˈlaɪsṇs/verb [t] to give official permission for sth 正式批准: ◇is that gun licensed? 那支枪领了执照没有? license²(us 美) =licence li·cense /`laɪsṇs; ˈlaɪsəns/v [t]to give official permission for someone to do something 批准,许可:◇be licensed to do sth he is licensed to carry a gun. 他获准持枪。




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