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单词 level
释义 level noun¹ 1amount/size/number数量;大小;数目adjective | verb + level | level + verb | preposition adjective➤elevated, high, significant, substantial高水平;可观的数量➤record新纪录◆industrial output has reached record levels.工业产量已创纪录新高。➤increasing, rising日益上升的数值▸➤excessive过量◆excessive levels of lead were found in the water.水里发现过量的铅。➤low少量➤decreased, reduced减少了的数量;降低的水平▸➤decreasing, falling日益减少的数量➤moderate中等水平▸➤varying不同水平◆they work hard, but with varying levels of success.他们工作努力,不过成功程度不一。➤detectable, undetectable可检出的/检测不到的水平▸➤generous (especially bre) 很大的数量◆a generous level of financial support for the arts对艺术的慷慨解囊➤permitted, recommended, required允许的/推荐的/需要的数量◆permitted levels of chemical pollutants化学污染物的准许含量➤acceptable, adequate, necessary, safe可接受的/足够的/必要的/安全的数量◆an acceptable level of risk可接受的风险水平➤normal正常水平◆her blood pressure has returned to its normal level.她的血压已经恢复到正常水平。➤realistic, reasonable真实/合理水平▸➤dangerous, unacceptable危险的/不能接受的水平▸➤worst最严重的程度◆the worst level of business failure since 1997自 1997 年以来企业破产的最严重程度➤unprecedented史无前例的水平➤maximum, minimum最高/最低水平➤desired, optimal期望的/最佳水平➤baseline基线水平▸➤noise, ozone, pollution, radiation噪声级;臭氧含量;污染程度;辐射量▸➤crime, poverty犯罪率;贫困程度➤funding, staffing资金量;人员配备水平▸➤blood-sugar, cholesterol, hormone, etc.血糖、胆固醇、激素等水平▸➤confidence, energy, stress置信级;能量级;压力水平verb + level➤achieve, attain, reach达到⋯水平◆they have achieved higher levels of efficiency.他们已经达到较高的效率水平。◆crime has reached its highest level ever.犯罪率已达到有史以来最高水平。➤remain at保持在⋯高度◆she predicts that fuel prices will remain at current levels.她预计燃料价格会保持现有水平。➤boost, elevate, improve, increase, raise提升水平;增加数量▸➤maintain维持水平▸➤bring down, decrease, keep down, lower, reduce缩减数量;降低水平➤control, regulate控制水平▸➤adjust, alter, change调节水平;改变数量▸➤set规定数量◆emissions are well below the levels set by the who.排放量远远低于世卫组织规定的标准。➤exceed超过数量◆there will be stiff penalties if companies exceed these levels of pollution.公司污染超标将会受到严厉的处罚。➤assess, determine, measure, record估计/确定/测量/记录数目➤check, monitor检查/监控水平level + verb➤go up, rise, soar数量增加;水平提高;水平高涨▸➤decrease, drop, fall, go down, plummet数量减少;数量下降;水平骤降▸➤change, differ, vary数量变化;水平不同➤exceed sth水平超过⋯preposition➤above a/the level在⋯水平之上◆mortgage rates were 10% above their current level.当时的抵押借款利率比现有水平高出 10%。➤at a/the level处于⋯水平◆rents will be kept at this level for another year.租金在来年仍将保持这个水平。➤below a/the level在⋯水平之下◆radiation is well below the permitted level.辐射量远远低于规定水平。➤level of⋯的水平◆they were asked to indicate the level of distress they experienced as a result of their experiences.他们需要说明曾经经历的事给他们造成了多大的压力。level noun² 2stage of progress/standard程度adjective | verb + level | preposition | phrases adjective➤basic, elementary, low基础水平;初级阶段;低水平◆the teaching is at quite a basic level.教学处于相当基础的水平。➤entry入门水平◆they have a good range of entry-level computers for beginners.他们有各种供初学者使用的入门级电脑。➤intermediate中等水平▸➤advanced, high高级阶段;高水平◆her illness has reached an advanced level.她的病已经是晚期。➤degree拿学位的水平➤3rd-grade, 11th-grade, etc. (name) 三年级、十一年级等水平➤grade (name) 年级水平◆he's reading at grade level (= at the average level for his grade).他的阅读处在年级平均水平。➤difficulty难度◆the difficulty level of the exercises in the book varies widely.这本书中练习题的难度相差很大。➤fitness健康水平◆a sport suitable for people of all fitness levels适合不同身体状况的人的运动➤educational教育水平verb + level➤attain, reach达到水平◆students who have reached the intermediate level达到中等水平的学生➤complete, do, take完成⋯水平的学习◆you need to do all three levels to qualify as a chef.要获得厨师资格你必须完成全部 3 个级别的学习。preposition➤above a/the level在⋯水平之上◆his english is way above the level of the other students.他的英语比其他同学要好很多。➤at a/the level处于⋯水平◆students at intermediate level中等水平的学生◆she has played tennis at a high level.她的网球技术已经很高。➤below a/the level在⋯水平之下◆the book is not suitable for students below degree level.这本书不适合没有达到学位水平的学生。➤level of⋯的水平◆language students at different levels of proficiency不同熟练程度的语言学习者phrases➤sb's comfort level (= the level at which someone feels safe and comfortable) 某人的舒适水平➤take sb/sth to the next level把⋯提升到下一层次◆it's time to take my career to the next level.是让我的事业提升一个层次的时候了。level noun³ 3grade in an organization or structure等级adjective | verb + level | preposition adjective➤high, upper高层;上层◆the upper levels of the civil service高级公务员➤low低层▸➤senior高级别▸➤global, international, local, national, regional全球/国际/地方/国家/地区级别▸➤grass-roots基层◆the party needs to win support at grass-roots level.该党需要赢得基层民众的支持。➤board董事会一级◆these decisions are made at board level.这些决定由董事会作出。➤federal, ministerial (bre) 联邦一级;部级verb + level➤reach, rise to达到/升到某层次◆he rose to the level of general manager.他升到了总经理的级别。preposition➤at a/the level位于⋯层次◆at the local level there's a lot to be said for the plan.关于这个计划,还有许多要向地方基层解释。➤on a/the level在⋯层次上◆the thing has to be organized on an international level.此事必须由国际机构出面组织。level noun⁴ 4way of considering sth思考的层次adjective | preposition adjective➤conscious, subconscious, unconscious意识/潜意识/无意识层面◆at a conscious level, i was satisfied with my life.在意识层面,我对自己的生活是满意的。➤deep深层▸➤superficial表层▸➤detailed详细的层面◆we probably need to look at this problem at a more detailed level.我们或许需要更细致地考虑这个问题。➤general一般层面▸➤practical实际层面▸➤theoretical理论层面▸➤political政治角度➤tactical战术层面➤macro, micro宏观/微观层面preposition➤at a/the level, on a/the level处于⋯层面◆on a superficial level everything appears to be in order, but at a deeper level you can see that there's a lot wrong.从表面上看一切正常,但进入内里就会发现许多错误。level noun⁵ 5height高度adjective | verb + level | preposition | phrases adjective➤high, low高;低▸➤ground, sea, water地平面;海平面;水位◆the problem of rising sea levels海平面日益升高的问题➤eye, knee平视/膝盖高度◆a shelf at eye level与眼睛等高的架子verb + level➤adjust, change, lower, raise调整/改变/降低/提高高度◆they are going to raise the level of the banks to prevent flooding.他们要加高堤岸以防洪水。preposition➤above a/the level在⋯高度之上◆200 m above sea level海拔 200 米➤at a/the level在⋯高度◆the plane was flying at a very low level.飞机正在超低空飞行。➤below a/the level在⋯高度以下◆below the level of the clouds在云层以下➤on a level with与⋯等高◆on the second floor you are on a level with the treetops.二楼和树梢同高。➤to a/the level到⋯高度◆the water rose to the level of the ground floor windows.水涨到了一楼的窗户那么高。phrases➤a change in level, a change of level高度的变化level noun⁶ 6floor in a building楼层adjective | preposition adjective➤ground, lower一层;低楼层▸➤higher, top, upper高楼层;顶层preposition➤on a/the level在⋯层上◆are we on the right level for the restaurant?我们是在餐厅所处的楼层吗?➤to a/the level到⋯层◆take the elevator to level four.乘电梯到四层。level adjective¹ 1with no part higher than any other平坦verbs | adverb verbs➤be, look, seem平坦;看上去很平;似乎平坦▸➤get sth, keep sth把⋯弄平;保持⋯平坦◆make sure you get the shelf level before screwing it in.拧螺丝之前一定要将架子放平。◆keep the pot level, or you'll spill the coffee.把壶端平,否则会把咖啡洒出来。adverb➤absolutely, completely绝对/完全平坦◆the floor has to be absolutely level.地板必须绝对平整。➤approximately, more or less, nearly大体平坦;差不多平坦;几乎水平level adjective² 2at the same height/position as sth处于同一高度或位置verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be等高▸➤come, draw达到同一水平;拉齐◆as they reached the final bend, graham drew level and threatened to overtake him.到最后一个弯道时,格雷厄姆与他追平并大有超越之势。adverb➤almost, nearly几乎等高preposition➤with与⋯等高◆the top of the water came level with her chin.水面已经到她的下巴了。level /levl/ noun1. [countable] the amount of sth that exists in a particular situation at a particular time (在某个时间某情况下存在的)数量,程度◆low levels of investment 低水准的投资◆a high level of risk 高风险◆attempts to raise production levels 努力提高生产水准◆profits were at the same level as the year before. 利润与去年水准相同⨁ a high / low level of sth某物的高/低水平 ⨁ to control / improve / increase / lower / raise the level of sth控制/改善/增加/降低/提高某物的水准 ⨁ a level rises / falls / stays the same / varies程度上升/下降/相同/改变 2. [countable, uncountable] a particular standard or quality 标准;水准;品质◆we offer the highest level of customer service. 我们提供最高水准的顾客服务。◆this research will take technology to another level. 这项研究将可把技术带到另一种水准。⨁ a high / low level (of sth)(某事的)高/低水准 ⨁ an advanced / a basic / an elementary level先进/基本/初级水准 ⨁ to achieve / reach a level达到/到达水准 3. [countable, uncountable] a position on a scale of quantity or value (数量或价格的)水准◆the euro has dropped to its lowest level since 2003. 欧元已降到 2003 年以来的最低点。⨁ a high / low level高/低水准 ⨁ to break above / drop below / drop to / fall below a level向上突破某水准;跌落到某水准之下;下降到某水准;降到某水准之下 4. [uncountable, countable] a position or rank in an organization or a system (机构或系统中的)层次,级别◆a decision taken at board level 由董事会层次作出的决定◆employees at every level will be affected by the changes. 每一级别的员工都将受到变革的影响。⨁ a high / low level高/低级别 ⨁ a junior / senior level初/高级 ⨁ an international / a local / national level国际层;当地/全国范围 ⨁ to reach / rise to a level到达/上升到某层次 ●on the level (name also on the up and up) (informal) honest; legal 诚实;合法◆are you sure this deal is on the level? 你确信这笔交易合法吗? entry level ◇ high-level ◇ price level ◇ top-level level /levl/ adjective1.having a flat surface that does not slope 平的;平坦的2.having the same value or position as sth 价值相等的;地位相同的◆this latest rise is intended to keep wages level with inflation. 最近这次加薪的目的是使工资增长贴近通货膨胀的水平。  ➡  idiom at playing field level /levl/ verb [transitive] (-ll-, name -l-) to make sth equal or similar 使相等;使平等;使相似◆new technology has a levelling effect on industries. 新技术对各个行业具有均化效应。 ●level down ● level sth downto become the same low or lower level as sth; to make standards, amounts, etc. be of the same low or lower level 变成同等低(或更低)水准;使(标准、数量等)降至同等低(或更低)水准◆the company is aiming to level down the salaries of its executives to cut costs. 这公司正打算降低行政人员的工资以削减成本。●level off/outto stay at a steady level of development or progress after a period of sharp rises or falls (经过一段时间急剧的涨跌后)保持平稳发展◆sales have levelled off after a period of rapid growth. 销售经过一段时间的快速增长后已趋于平稳。 syn flatten off/out ● level sth upto make standards, amounts, etc. be of the same high or higher level 使(标准、数量等)达到高(或更高)水平◆we need to level up our after-sales service to the standard of our products. 我们需要将售后服务提高到与产品标准一致。☞ level☞ level☞ level level nounlevel ♦︎ degree ♦︎ scale ♦︎ extent ♦︎ size ♦︎ proportions ♦︎ magnitudethese are all words for the amount or importance of sth, especially if it is very large.这些词均表示程度、级别、规模或重要性。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆the true level / extent / size of sth◆the full scale / extent / size of sth◆the sheer scale / extent / size / magnitude of sth◆(a) manageable level / scale / size / proportions◆(a) global level / scale / proportions◆to assess / judge the level / degree / scale / extent / size / magnitude of sth◆to realize the level / degree / scale / extent / size of sth◆to calculate the level / extent of sth◆the scale / extent / size / magnitude of the problem◆the scale / extent of the damage■ level [countable] the amount of sth that exists in a particular situation at a particular time(某个时间和情况下存在的)数量,程度,浓度◆these cities have relatively low levels of unemployment.这些城市的失业率相对较低。◆a test to check the level of alcohol in the blood对血液中酒精含量的测试◆high stress levels will affect employees' productivity.精神压力大会影响雇员的工作效率。◆the aim is to reduce pollution levels in the city.目标是降低城市的污染水平。■ degree [countable] how far sth is true; the level of a quality that sb/sth has or needs程度;级别◆i agree with you to a certain degree.我在某种程度上同意你的观点。◆to what degree can parents be held responsible for a child's behaviour?父母应在多大程度上对孩子的行为负责呢?◆most pop music is influenced, to a greater or lesser degree, by the blues.大多数流行音乐或多或少都受到布鲁斯音乐的影响。◆her job demands a high degree of skill.她的工作对技能的要求很高。■ scale [uncountable, singular] how large or important sth is, especially when compared with sth else(尤指与其他事物相比较时的)规模,范围,程度◆it was impossible to comprehend the full scale of the disaster.这场灾难的严重程度当时还无法充分了解。◆we are striving to achieve economies of scale in production (= to produce many items so the cost of producing each one is reduced).我们正在努力达到规模生产。◆they entertain on a large scale (= they hold expensive parties with a lot of guests).他们大宴宾客。◆here was corruption on a grand scale.这里的腐败曾十分严重。 ➡ see also full-scale → detailed , large-scale → wide 1 ■ extent [uncountable, singular] how large or important sth is; how far sth is true; how great an effect sth has程度;限度◆she was exaggerating the true extent of the problem.她夸大了问题的严重性。◆i was amazed at the extent of his knowledge.他知识之渊博令我感到惊奇。◆to some extent what she argues is true.她的论证在某种程度上是符合事实的。◆to what extent is this true of all schools?这在多大程度上符合所有学校的实际情况呢?note 辨析 scale or extent?the scale of sth is how large it is; its extent is how far it goes. in many cases there is no real difference between the two. * scale 指事物的规模,extent 指事物的程度。在许多情况下这两个词并无实质差别◆the scale / extent of the problem / damage问题的严重性;损坏的程度however, you are more likely to try to assess/measure/calculate the extent of sth, while you simply try to comprehend/grasp the scale of sth. some qualities, such as knowledge, are considered as being wide rather than large, and so have extent rather than scale.然而,更常说 assess/measure/calculate the extent of sth (评估/测量/计算程度),以及 comprehend/grasp the scale of sth (认识/理解严重性)。有些特质,如 knowledge,一般看成是范围广而非规模大,所以要用 extent 而非 scale◆i was amazed at the scale of his knowledge. ■ size [uncountable] the large amount or extent of sth大量;大规模◆you should have seen the size of their house!你真该看看他们的房子有多大!◆we were shocked at the size of his debts.他欠债之多让我们震惊。■ proportions /prəpɔːʃnz; name prəpɔːrʃnz/ [plural] the size and shape of an area; the scale of a task or problem面积;体积;(任务或问题的)规模,程度◆the apartment is of generous proportions, with a large kitchen and dining area.这套公寓很宽敞,厨房和餐厅的面积很大。ⓘ when describing a task or problem, proportions is often used in order to say whether the task/problem can be managed easily or not.描述任务或问题时,常用 proportions 来表示它们是否易于操作或解决◆this method divides the task into more manageable proportions.这个方法把任务分解成一些较为易于操作的步骤。◆the food shortage could soon reach crisis proportions.粮食短缺可能很快就会达到危机的程度。◆the virus has not yet reached epidemic proportions.这种病毒尚未发展成大规模的传染病。■ magnitude /mægnɪtjuːd; name mægnɪtuːd/ [uncountable] (formal) how large or important sth is, especially when it is very large or important巨大;重大;重要性◆we did not realize the magnitude of the problem.我们当时没有意识到这个问题的重要性。◆this is a discovery of the first magnitude (= it is very important).这是一项极为重要的发现。◆we are talking about something of a different order of magnitude (= so much larger or more important that it cannot easily be compared with other examples).我们在谈论一件非同寻常的重大事情。level [countable] a particular way of looking at, reacting to or understanding sth看待(或应对、理解)事物的方式◆on a more personal level, i would like to thank jean for all the help she has given me.从较为个人的角度,我要感谢琼给予我的所有帮助。◆fables can be understood on various levels.寓言可以从不同的角度去理解。level [countable] one of a number of positions in a scale of importance, for example in society or within an organization(社会、组织等内部的)层次,级别◆he promised reforms at all levels of government.他承诺对各级政府进行改革。◆she reached a very high level at a very young age.她在很年轻时就晋升到非常高的级别。◆the decision is being made at top level.最高层正在做决策。level [not before noun] (especially bre) (in sport) having the same score as sb(体育运动)得分相同◆a good second round brought him level with the tournament leader.他第二轮发挥良好,使他与锦标赛领先的选手得分持平。◆the clubs are level on points.各俱乐部得分相同。◆the score was level at 5 points each.比分是 5 比 5 平。◆france took an early lead but wales soon drew level (= scored the same number of points).法国队开始领先,但很快威尔士队扳平比分了。level(-ll-, name -l-) [transitive] to destroy a building, town or group of trees completely, so that no part of it is left standing摧毁,夷平(建筑物、城镇或树林)◆bulldozers are now waiting to level their home.现在推土机已经准备好,等着把他们的住宅推倒。◆the blast levelled several buildings in the area.那次爆炸把附近几座楼房夷为平地。levelhaving a flat surface that does not slope平的;平坦的◆pitch the tent on level ground.把帐篷搭建在平地上。◆add a level tablespoon of flour (= enough to fill the spoon but not so much that there is a round heap on the spoon).加一平匙面粉。note 辨析 flat or level? level is used most often with the words ground and floor, especially when this feature is a positive or desired one. flat is used more to talk about surfaces that are not rounded * level 最常与 ground 和 floor 连用,尤指有益的或想到达到的平坦特征。flat 多用以指水平的表面◆a flat screen / base / bottom / sheet / stomach / surface平面屏幕;水平的底座;平底;平板;扁平的腹部;平坦的表面(an exception is a flat roof which is a roof that does not slope), or landscapes that do not have any hills. * flat roof 是个例外,意思是平顶。flat 还可指地貌平坦◆a flat field / landscape / plateau / plain / region / beach平坦的田野/地貌/高原;平原;平坦的地区/海滩 flat landscapes are often considered to be plain and boring; level ground is considered a good thing, since it is possible to build on it or walk easily on it. * flat 形容地貌时常被视为平淡乏味; level 指地形平坦时则是一优点,因为平地可用作建筑用地,还便于行走。level [countable] a floor of a building; a layer of ground楼层;地层◆the library is all on one level.图书馆全部在同一层楼上。◆archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site.考古学家在挖掘现场的最下层发现了陶器。◆a multi-level parking lot多层停车场ⓘ the levels of a building or site are not necessarily one above the other; level is often used when the different areas of a building or site are at different heights. you can talk about the upper/lower levels of a place; it is less usual for the levels in a building to be numbered, except in the case of large multi-storey car parks/parking garages. * level 指建筑物的楼层或场地的地层时,不一定是一层在另一层的上面;建筑物或场地的不同区域处于不同的高度时也常用 level 表示。可以说 the upper/lower levels of a place (某地的上层/下层),但不常给建筑物的各个 level 标号,除非是大型多层停车场或车库◆his office is on the fifth level. ◆remember that we parked on level 5.记住我们的车停在第 5 层。level [countable] the amount of sth that exists in a particular situation at a particular time(某个时间和情况下存在的)数量,程度,浓度◆these cities have relatively low levels of unemployment.这些城市的失业率相对较低。◆a test to check the level of alcohol in the blood对血液中酒精含量的测试◆high stress levels will affect employees' productivity.精神压力大会影响雇员的工作效率。◆the aim is to reduce pollution levels in the city.目标是降低城市的污染水平。level [countable, uncountable] a particular standard or quality, for example of achievement, progress or ability(成就、进步、能力等的)标准,水平,等级◆most of these students have a high level of language ability.这些学生大多语言能力很强。◆this computer game has fifteen levels.这款电脑游戏有十五级。◆ (bre) she studied psychology at degree level.她修读了心理学的学位课程。level¹/ˈlevl ||; ˈlɛvḷ/noun[c] 1. the amount, size or number of sth (compared to sth else) 数量;大小: ◇a low level of unemployment 低失业率◇high stress/pollution levels 沉重压力;严重污染 2. the height, position, standard, etc of sth 水平;层次: ◇he used to play tennis at a high level. 他以往打得一手好网球。◇an intermediate-level student 中等程度的学生◇top-level discussions 高层会谈 3. a way of considering sth (考虑某事的)角度,层面: ◇ on a spiritual/personal/professional level 从精神╱个人╱专业的角度 4. a flat surface or layer 平面;层: ◇a multi-level shopping centre 多层购物中心 level²/ˈlevl ||; ˈlɛvḷ/adj1. with no part higher than any other; flat 平的: ◇make sure the shelves are level before you fix them in position. 先把搁板放平,然后才把它们安上去。◇put the tent up on level ground. 把帐篷搭在平地上。◇a level teaspoon of sugar 一平茶匙的糖 2. level (with sb/sth) at the same height, standard or position (高度、水平或位置)不相上下: ◇the boy's head was level with his father's shoulder. 小男孩的头齐了他爸爸的肩膀。◇the teams are level on 34 points. 两个队以34分握手言和。 a level playing field a situation in which everyone has an equal chance of success 人人机会均等的局面 level³/ˈlevl ||; ˈlɛvḷ/verb [t] (levelling;levelled (us 美) leveling;leveled) to make sth flat, equal or level 使平坦;使平均: ◇the ground needs levelling before we lay the patio. 在铺院子以前,场地须要平整一下。◇juventus levelled the score with a late goal. 祖云达斯队快到终场才射入一球,把比分拉平。◇many buildings were levelled (= destroyed) in the earthquake. 许多建筑物在地震中被夷为平地。 level sth at sb/sth to aim sth at sb/sth 对准;瞄准: ◇they levelled serious criticisms at the standard of teaching. 他们对教学水平提出了严厉批评。 level off/out to become flat, equal or level 变得平坦;变得平均level1 a point on a scale that measures quantity or quality2 a level of ability or skillrelated wordssomeone's position in an organization, society etc 某人在一个组织、社会等中的地位 position/rank,see alsoamount,number,1. a point on a scale that measures quantity or quality 数量或质量的水平 level /ˈlevəl/ [countable noun] when the temperature reaches a certain level the machine will switch off automatically. 温度达到一定程度时,机器会自动关闭。noise levels background noise levels at new york's j. f. kennedy international airport are between 51-98 decibels. 纽约肯尼迪国际机场背景的噪声水平在51-98分贝之间。level of the water is treated to reduce the levels of pollution in it. 水经过处理可减少污染程度。 point /pɔɪnt/ [countable noun] boiling/freezing/melting etc point the exact level at which something boils/freezes/melts etc 沸点/冰点/熔点等 the boiling point of water is 100 degrees celsius. 水的沸点是摄氏100度。 by mixing metals it is possible to make alloys which are tougher and have a lower melting point than the individual metals. 把各种金属熔合在一起,可以制成较坚固和熔点低于单一金属的合金。 the 1000/two million etc mark /ðə ˌwʌn ˈθaʊzənd mɑːʳk/ [noun phrase] if the number of something reaches the 1000/two million etc mark it reaches a particular level, especially a high level 1000/200万等的水平[尤指高的水平] the average salary of players in the nhl is steadily climbing to the $1 million mark. 全国冰球联盟球员的平均薪酬慢慢爬升到100万美元的水平。hit the 1000/two million etc mark unemployment hit the three million mark in the uk in 1981. 1981年,英国的失业人口达到了300万人的水平。2. a level of ability or skill 能力或技术的水平 level /ˈlevəl/ [countable noun] how good someone is at doing something, for example a subject at school, a sport or game, or their work [学习成绩、体育运动或工作的]水平;级别 students at this level tend to have a lot of problems with basic grammar. 这个程度的学生在基础语法方面往往存在许多问题。level of employers always want their employees to maintain or increase their level of performance. 雇主总是要求雇员能够保持或提高他们的表现水平。high/low level each trainee is expected to show a high level of expertise before they graduate. 接受培训的每一位人员毕业之前都应掌握高水平的专业技能。 standard /ˈstændəʳd/ [countable noun] the level of ability or skill that is needed for a particular job, sport, or activity [某工作、运动或活动所需能力或技术的]标准;水准 if the pilot has not been trained to normal airline standards, he will not be employed by us. 如果飞行员的训练水平达不到正常飞行标准,我们就不会雇用他。reach/attain a standard i'm afraid you haven't quite reached the standard required for the job. 恐怕你的水平没有达到这份工作所要求的标准。high/low standard judges remarked on the high standard of this year's entries. 裁判说今年的参赛作品水准很高。☞ level¹☞ level²☞ level³




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