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单词 issue
释义 issue noun¹ 1problem问题adjective | ... of issues | verb + issue | issue + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, burning, central, critical, crucial, important, key, main, major, serious, vital重大问题;迫切问题;中心问题;关键问题;主要问题;重要问题◆the economy remains the burning issue within the party.经济依然是党内急需解决的问题。➤larger, wider更大的问题;更广泛的争议◆the problem raises wider issues of gender and identity.这个问题引起了有关性别和身分的更广泛的争议。➤minor, side小事情;次要问题➤related相关的问题▸➤basic, fundamental基本/根本问题➤whole整个问题▸➤real真正的问题◆the real issue is where the power lies.真正的问题是权力在何处。➤contentious, controversial, difficult, thorny有争议的问题;难题;棘手的问题◆the controversial issue of censorship有争议的审查制度问题➤complex复杂问题▸➤live, unresolved广受关注的/尚未解决的问题◆the strike of ten years ago is still very much a live issue in the town.10 年前的那场罢工事件在这座小镇仍然广受关注。➤domestic, global, international, local, national, regional国内/全球/国际/地方/国家/地区问题▸➤commercial, constitutional, economic, educational, environmental, ethical, health, legal, moral, policy, political, safety, security, social, technical, theoretical商业/宪法/经济/教育/环境/伦理/健康/法律/道德/政策/政治/安全/安保/社会/技术/理论问题... of issues➤number, range, series许多问题;一系列问题verb + issue➤raise提出问题➤debate, discuss辩论/讨论问题◆this evening we're debating the issue of the legalization of soft drugs.今天晚上我们辩论的问题是软毒品的合法化。➤decide, resolve, settle决定问题;解决问题◆a referendum was held to settle the issue.为解决这个问题举行了一次公民投票。➤address, consider, cover, deal with, examine, explore, face, look at, tackle解决问题;考虑问题;涉及问题;处理问题;调查问题;探究问题;看待问题➤clarify澄清问题➤see, understand发现/理解问题▸➤focus on专注于问题◆we really need to focus on this one issue and not get sidetracked.我们确实需要专注于这一个问题,不能离题。➤touch on提及问题◆the issue of birth control was touched on, but we need to examine it in more detail.有人提到了人口控制问题,但我们需要进行更加详尽的研究。➤highlight强调问题◆the report highlights three issues.这份报告强调了 3 个问题。➤confuse混淆问题◆this argument should not be allowed to confuse the issue.不要让这个论点混淆这一问题。➤avoid, evade回避问题➤become变成问题◆security has become a real issue.安全已成为一个真正的问题。issue + verb➤arise问题出现◆issues arising from the survey调查中出现的种种问题➤surround sth, underlie sth问题围绕⋯/构成⋯◆a more important issue underlies this debate.一个更加重要的问题引起了这场争论。➤affect sb/sth, face sb/sth问题影响⋯/摆在⋯面前◆a number of issues are affecting the dairy industry.有许多问题在影响着乳品业。preposition➤at issue处于争论中◆what you say is interesting, but it does not affect the point at issue here.你所说的很有意思,不过对讨论中的话题没有影响。➤on an/the issue就⋯问题◆she spoke on the issue of private health care.她就个人卫生保健问题发表了讲话。➤issue about关于⋯的问题◆fundamental issues about working conditions关于工作条件的根本问题➤issue concerning涉及⋯的问题◆issues concerning the environment涉及环境的问题➤issue relating to与⋯有关的问题◆the conference examined key issues relating to the reform.会议探讨了与改革有关的各种关键问题。phrases➤make an issue of sth就⋯借题发挥◆i'm not worried about the cost-you're the one who's making an issue of it.我不担心费用问题 - 是你在这个问题上小题大做。issue noun² 2one in a series of publications连续出版物的一期adjective | verb + issue | issue + verb | preposition adjective➤current当期刊物▸➤back过期刊物▸➤special特刊;专号◆a special issue of stamps一套特别发行的邮票verb + issue➤bring out, publish出版一期issue + verb➤come out, go on sale一期刊物出版/发售▸➤be out一期刊物售罄preposition➤in an/the issue在一期刊物中◆an article in the current issue of 'newsweek'本期《新闻周刊》中的一篇文章issue verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤directly直接发布◆in a statement issued directly to the public on thursday...在星期四直接向公众发布的一份声明中⋯➤jointly联合发布◆a document issued jointly by the two departments两个部门联合发布的一份文件➤immediately, promptly立即/当即签发◆he left the company and promptly issued a writ claiming $45 million in damages.他离开公司并当即发出一份索赔函,要求赔偿 4,500 万美元。➤formally正式发行◆the bank which formally issues and handles these credit cards正式发行并管理这些信用卡的银行preposition➤on behalf of以⋯的名义发布◆a statement issued on behalf of the un secretary-general以联合国秘书长的名义发表的一份声明➤to向⋯发布◆the new guidelines have been issued to all doctors.已经向全体医生发布了新的指导方针。➤with配发◆some of the police were issued with rifles.有些警察配发了步枪。phrases➤newly issued新近发行的◆newly issued stamps新发行的邮票issue /ɪʃuː; bre also ɪsjuː/ noun [countable] (finance 金融) the act of offering shares, bonds, etc. for sale (股票、债券等的)发行◆the bank plans to raise $1.37 bn through a new share issue. 这家银行计划通过新股发行募集 13.7 亿元。◆the company has announced an issue of bonds in the coming weeks. 这家公司已宣布得在未来几周内发行债券。 syn issuance (finance 金融) the number of shares that a company offers for sale at one time (证券)发行额,发行量◆the new issue was heavily oversubscribed (= more people wanted to buy shares than could have them). 新股票的认购严重超额。◆there was strong demand for new corporate bond issues in january. 一月份新公司债券发行的需求量很大。3.the act of producing coins and paper money and making them available to the public; the coins and paper money produced (货币的)发行;发行的货币◆a new issue of banknotes 新纸币的发行 bank of issue ◇ bonus issue ◇ capitalization issue ◇ cash issue ◇ free issue ◇ new issue ◇ note issue ◇ public issue ◇ rights issue ◇ scrip issue ◇ share issue ◇ standard issue ◇ stock issue issue /ɪʃuː; bre also ɪsjuː/ verb [transitive] (finance 金融) to offer shares, bonds, etc. for sale 发行(股票、债券等)◆the engineering group issued $105 million of bonds. 该工程集团发行了 1.05 亿元的债券。◆several large euro-zone companies have recently issued 30-year securities. 几家大型的欧元区公司最近已发行了 30 年期的证券。 produce coins and paper money and make them available to the public 发行(货币)◆three institutions in hong kong are allowed to issue banknotes. 香港有三家机构获准发行纸币。issue sb with sth | issue sth (to sb) to give or supply sth to sb; to make sth available 签发;供给;发行;开证◆new employees will be issued with a temporary identity card. 新员工将配发临时身分证。◆they found that payroll checks had been issued to dead or non-existent employees. 他们发现薪金支票签发给了已死亡或不存在的员工。 announce sth formally or officially (正式)宣布◆yesterday the group issued a fresh profits warning. 昨天该集团公布了新的利润预警。◆the board will issue a statement on thursday. 董事会将于星期四发表一份声明。☞ issue☞ issue issue noun  ➡ see also the entry for subject另见 subject 条issue ♦︎ matter ♦︎ question ♦︎ concern ♦︎ itemthese are all words for sth that people are discussing or need to deal with.这些词均表示正在讨论的或有待处理的问题、事项。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆an issue / a matter / a question / an item relating to / concerning sth◆on an issue / a matter / a question◆an important issue / matter / question / concern / item◆a vital / key / major / serious / general / complex issue / matter / question / concern◆a controversial / contentious / sensitive issue / matter / question / item◆a difficult / delicate issue / matter / question◆the basic / fundamental / underlying issue / question / concern◆a / an political / moral / technical / economic / ethical / practical issue / matter / question / concern◆to discuss / consider / deal with / tackle / raise an issue / a matter / a question / a concern / an item◆to examine / explore / focus on / address an issue / a matter / a question / a concern◆to debate an issue / a matter / a question / an item◆to look at / touch on / bring up / broach / debate / clarify / decide / settle an issue / a matter / a question◆an issue / a matter / a question arises■ issue [countable] something important that people are discussing or arguing about重要议题;争论的问题◆the union plans to raise the issue of overtime.工会打算提出加班的问题。◆this is a big issue; we need more time to think about it.这是个重大问题,我们需要多花些时间考虑。◆she usually writes about environmental issues.她通常写环境方面的题材。◆you're just avoiding the issue.你只不过是在回避问题。◆don't confuse the issue.不要把问题弄复杂。◆what you say is interesting, but it does not affect the point at issue here.你说的很有意思,但与现在讨论的问题无关。■ matter [countable] something that you must discuss or deal with(须讨论或处理的)事情,问题◆it's a private matter.这是件私事。◆i always consulted him on matters of policy.我总是向他咨询一些政策方面的问题。◆the incident is definitely a matter for the police.这事肯定须由警方处理。◆that's a matter for you to take up with your boss.这个问题你得去和你的老板交涉。◆i don't have much experience in these matters.在这些事情上我没有多少经验。◆i wasn't prepared to let the matter drop (= stop discussing it).我没打算把这事搁下不提。ⓘ a matter [singular] is a situation that involves sth or depends on sth. * a matter 意指“关乎⋯的事情”◆that's not a problem. it's simply a matter of letting people know in time.这没问题。不就是要及时告知大家么。◆she resigned over a matter of principle.她因为原则问题辞职了。◆just as a matter of interest (= because it is interesting, not because it is important), how much did you pay for it?好奇问一下,你这是花多少钱买的?◆'i think this is the best so far.' 'well, that's a matter of opinion (= other people may think differently).'“我认为这是迄今为止最好的。”“唔,见仁见智吧。”■ question [countable] something that you need or want to consider or deal with(待考虑或处理的)问题,事情,议题◆let's look at the question of security.咱们来看一下安保问题。◆this raises fundamental questions about the nature of our society.这提出了关于我们社会性质的根本性问题。◆which route is better remains an open question (= it is not decided).哪条路线更好些,这是个悬而未决的问题。note 辨析 matter or question?in many cases you can use either word. a matter is often sth practical that needs to be dealt with: people typically talk about, look at, discuss, debate, refer, pursue, deal with, handle, investigate, resolve or settle a matter. a question may also be practical, but is often sth more philosophical that is interesting to think about without actually coming to any conclusions: people typically think about, focus on, raise, address or ponder a question. however, all these collocates can be used with either word.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用。matter 常指须处理的实际问题,通常与 talk about、look at、discuss、debate、refer、pursue、deal with、handle、investigate、resolve 或 settle 搭配。question 也可指实际问题,但较常指哲学性问题,思考起来颇有意趣,实际上得不出任何结论,通常与 think about、focus on、raise、address 或 ponder 搭配。不过,所有这些词均可与这两个词搭配使用。■ concern [countable] something that is important to a person, an organization or society(对某人、组织或社会)重要的事情◆what are your main concerns as a writer?身为作家,你主要关注的是哪些问题?◆the overriding concern of the organizers is the safety of the participants.组织者首要关注的是参与者的安全问题。◆environmental concerns have been thrust to the head of the party agenda.该党已将环境问题推为头等大事。 ➡ see also consideration → factor ■ item [countable] one thing on a list of things to buy, do or talk about事项;项目◆what's the next item on the agenda?下一项议程是什么?◆check the list carefully, item by item.逐项仔细核对一下清单。issue [countable] one of a regular series of magazines or newspapers(报刊的)一期,期号◆i'm after the july issue of 'what car?'.我在找《汽车指南》的七月号。issue [countable] something important that people are discussing or arguing about重要议题;争论的问题◆the union plans to raise the issue of overtime.工会打算提出加班的问题。◆this is a big issue; we need more time to think about it.这是个重大问题,我们需要多花些时间考虑。◆she usually writes about environmental issues.她通常写环境方面的题材。◆you're just avoiding the issue.你只不过是在回避问题。◆don't confuse the issue.不要把问题弄复杂。◆what you say is interesting, but it does not affect the point at issue here.你说的很有意思,但与现在讨论的问题无关。issue [countable] (rather informal) a problem or worry that sb has with sth(有关某事的)问题,担忧◆money is not an issue.钱不是问题。◆i don't think my private life is the issue here.我想现在问题并非在于我的私生活。◆i'm not bothered about the cost-you're the one who's making an issue of it.我不在乎钱 - 是你一直在拿钱大做文章。◆ (especially name) she's always on a diet-she has issues about / with food.她总是在节食 - 她对吃的东西很注意。issue [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) to provide sb with sth, especially officially(正式)发给,供给◆we can issue a passport within a day.我们能在一天之内发放护照。◆new members will be issued with a temporary identity card.新成员将获发临时身分证。◆work permits were issued to only 5% of those who applied for them.工作许可证只发给了 5% 的申请人。issue [transitive] (rather formal) to make information formally available to the public宣布;公布;发布◆they issued a joint statement denying the charges.他们发表联合声明否认这些指控。◆the police have issued an appeal for witnesses.警方发出了寻找目击证人的呼吁。▸ issue noun [uncountable] ◆the issue of a joint statement by the french and german governments法德两国政府联合声明的发表issue [transitive] (rather formal) to produce sth such as a magazine, new book or cd and sell it to the public; to offer new stamps, coins or shares in a company for sale to the public出版,发行(杂志、新书、光盘等);发售(邮票、硬币或股票)◆we issue a monthly newsletter.我们出版通讯月刊。◆the royal mail issued a special set of stamps to mark the occasion.英国皇家邮政为这一盛事特别发行了一套纪念邮票。▸ issue noun [uncountable] ◆i bought a set of the new stamps on the date of issue.我在首发日购买了一套新邮票。issuenoun [uncountable] ◆the issue of a joint statement by the french and german governments法德两国政府联合声明的发表issuenoun [uncountable] ◆i bought a set of the new stamps on the date of issue.我在首发日购买了一套新邮票。issuenoun [uncountable] ◆the issue of a joint statement by the french and german governments法德两国政府联合声明的发表issuenoun [uncountable] ◆i bought a set of the new stamps on the date of issue.我在首发日购买了一套新邮票。issue¹/ˈɪʃu:;ˈɪsju: ||; ˈɪʃυ; ˈɪʃjυ/noun1. [c] a problem or subject for discussion 问题;论题;议题: ◇i want to raise the issue of overtime pay at the meeting. 我想在会上提出加班费的问题。◇the government cannot avoid the issue of homelessness any longer. 政府不能再迴避有些人无家可归的问题。 2. [c] one in a series of things that are published or produced (期刊等的)一期: ◇do you have last week's issue of this magazine? 你有没有这杂志上个礼拜的那一期? 3. [u] the act of publishing or giving sth to people 发行;给予: ◇the issue of blankets to the refugees 向难民发放毛毯 make an issue (out) of sth to give too much importance to a small problem 小题大做: ◇ok, we disagree on this but let's not make an issue of it. 好吧,我们在这一点上有分歧,可是不要小题大做。 issue²/ˈɪʃu:;ˈɪsju: ||; ˈɪʃυ; ˈɪʃjυ/verb1. [t] to print and supply sth 发行: ◇to issue a magazine/newsletter 发行杂志╱简讯 2. [t] to give or say sth to sb officially 正式发给;发表: ◇the new employees were issued with uniforms. 新员工都发给了制服。◇to issue a visa 发给签证◇the police will issue a statement later today. 今天晚些时候警方将发表一项声明。 3. [i] (formal 正式) to come or go out 传出;发出: ◇an angry voice issued from the loudspeaker. 扩音器里传来一个怒气冲冲的声音。 issuesee ⇨ provide/supply 1 ⇨ subject 1     • • •• ⇨ cloud/confuse the issue• ⇨ make an issue (out) of• ⇨ make an issue of• ⇨ make/issue a statement• ⇨ make/issue threats• ⇨ side issue• ⇨ take issue with☞ issue¹☞ issue²




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