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单词 institution
释义 institution noun¹ 1large organization大型组织adjective | verb + institution | preposition adjective➤central, large, major核心/大型/主要机构◆the central institutions of the nation's constitution这个国家政体的中央机构➤powerful强大的机构▸➤established已确立的机构▸➤existing现有机构◆they argue for the reform of existing political institutions.他们主张对现有政治机构进行改革。➤traditional传统机构➤elite, prestigious, venerable最有名气的/有声望的/久负盛名的机构◆the college is one of the most prestigious medical institutions in the country.这家学院是该国最知名的医学院校之一。➤public公共机构▸➤private私人机构▸➤government, governmental, state政府机构;国家机构▸➤international, national国际/全国性机构▸➤local当地机构▸➤democratic民主团体➤for-profit, non-profit营利性/非营利性机构▸➤academic, education, educational, higher-education, higher educational, research学术机构;教育机构;高等教育机构;研究机构◆cultural institutions such as the danish institute丹麦研究所之类的文化机构➤banking, economic, financial, lending银行/经济/金融/贷款机构➤administrative, charitable, cultural, legal, military, political, religious管理/慈善/文化/法律/军事/政治/宗教机构verb + institution➤build, create, found建立/创建/创立机构◆we need to create institutions that benefit our community.我们需要创建一些有益于我们社区的机构。➤reform改革机构◆they are studying ways to reform government institutions.他们正在研究改革政府机构的方法。➤attend就学于机构◆young people who attend higher-education institutions就学于高等院校的年轻人preposition➤at a/the institution在机构◆a course at an institution of higher education一所高等院校的一门课程➤in institution, within institution在机构内◆examination procedures within educational institutions教育机构内部的考试程序  ➡ note at organization (for verbs) institution noun² 2building for people with special needs福利机构adjective | verb + institution | preposition adjective➤mental精神病院➤correctional, penal管教/刑罚机构➤state (name) 国家收容机构◆he was released from the state institution where he had been confined for four years.他获释离开了那个关了他 4 年的国立收容所。verb + institution➤build建立机构◆the state built institutions for those who were considered insane.国家为那些被认定精神不正常的人建立了收容机构。➤be admitted to, be placed in被福利机构收容;被安置进福利机构◆many people with dementia would rather remain at home than be placed in an institution.许多患有痴呆症的人宁愿留在家里也不愿被送进福利院。➤be kept in被留在福利机构preposition➤at institution, in institution在福利机构中◆patients in mental institutions精神病院里的病人➤institution for为⋯设立的机构◆an institution for mentally ill offenders为患有精神病的违法者设立的精神病院institution noun³ 3custom风俗adjective | verb + institution adjective➤national民族风俗◆football is a national institution in this country.足球是这个国家的一种文化。➤cultural, economic, legal, political, religious, social文化习俗;经济制度;法律制度;政治制度;宗教习俗;社会习俗◆cultural institutions such as religious and legal codes教规和法律规范之类的文化习俗➤mainstream主流习俗◆these values are embedded in mainstream social institutions.这些价值观渗入到了主流社会习俗之中。➤sacred神圣的传统◆he claimed this threatened 'the sacred institution of marriage'.他声称此举威胁了“神圣的婚姻传统”。verb + institution➤threaten, undermine, weaken威胁/破坏/削弱习俗◆these changes threaten some of our most cherished institutions.这些变化威胁到一些我们最为珍视的习俗。➤strengthen强化习俗➤preserve, protect维护/保护习俗◆american laws once protected the institution of slavery.美国的法律曾经保护过奴隶制。institution /ɪnstɪtjuːʃn; name -tuːʃn/ noun1. [countable] a large important organization that has a particular purpose, for example a bank (银行等规模大的)机构◆a banking/an investment/a lending institution 银行/投资/贷款机构◆the sale has already been accepted by the big city institutions (= the banks and finance companies in london). 这个销售项目已得到伦敦的大银行和金融机构的认可。◆the royal institution of chartered surveyors 英国皇家特许测量师学会2. [countable] a custom or system that has existed for a long time among a particular group of people (由来已久的)风俗习惯,制度◆the web as an institution seems more important than ever. 万维网作为一种习惯似乎比以往更重要。3. [uncountable] the act of starting or introducing sth such as a system or a law 建立;设立;制订◆the institution of new safety procedures 新安全措施的制订 depository institution ◇ financial institution ◇ thrift institution ☞ institution institution nouninstitution ♦︎ home ♦︎ orphanagethese words all mean a place where people who cannot care for themselves live and are cared for by others.这些词均表示社会福利机构、收容所。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆in an institution / a home / an orphanage◆to live in an institution / a home / an orphanage◆to move to an institution / a home■ institution /ɪnstɪtjuːʃn; name ɪnstɪtuːʃn/ [countable] (sometimes disapproving) a building where people with special needs live and are taken care of, for example because they are old or mentally ill慈善机构;社会福利机构◆they had him committed to a mental institution.他们把他送进了精神病院。◆we want this to be like a home, not an institution.我们希望这里像个家,而不像收容所。■ home [countable] a place where people who cannot care for themselves live and are cared for by others养老院;养育院◆she had to move to a residential care home when her health deteriorated.她的健康状况恶化后不得不住进一所安老院。◆she has lived in a home since she was six.她从六岁起就在保育院生活。ⓘ this meaning of home is used in a number of compounds, including children's home, retirement home, old people's home (in british english only) and nursing home (= for people, especially older people, who need medical care as well as personal care). * home 的这一意义用在一些复合词中,包括 children's home (儿童福利院)、retirement home (退休疗养院)、old people's home (养老院,仅用于英式英语)和 nursing home (疗养院)。■ orphanage /ɔːfənɪdʒ; name ɔːrfənɪdʒ/ [countable] a home for children whose parents are dead or otherwise unable to care for them孤儿院◆my sister and i were adopted from an orphanage.姐姐和我都是从孤儿院领养的。ⓘ orphanage is usually used to talk about institutions in poorer countries or in the past. in richer countries these institutions are now usually called children's homes or residential care homes. * orphanage 通常指较贫穷国家的或昔日的孤儿院。较富裕国家的此类机构现在通常称作 children's home 或 residential care home。institution /ɪnstɪtjuːʃn; name ɪnstɪtuːʃn/ [countable] (sometimes disapproving) a building where people with special needs live and are taken care of, for example because they are old or mentally ill慈善机构;社会福利机构◆they had him committed to a mental institution.他们把他送进了精神病院。◆we want this to be like a home, not an institution.我们希望这里像个家,而不像收容所。institution /ɪnstɪtjuːʃn; name ɪnstɪtuːʃn/ [countable] a large, important organization that has a particular purpose, for example a university or bank(大学、银行等规模大的)机构◆the deal is backed by one of the country's largest financial institutions.这笔交易得到了该国最大的一家金融机构的支持。◆the system is targeted mainly at academic and research institutions.该系统主要是针对学术和研究机构而设的。 ➡ see also foundation → charity institution/ˌɪnstɪˈtju:ʃn; us -tu:ʃn ||; ˌɪnstəˈtuʃən/noun1. [c] a large, important organization that has a particular purpose, such as a bank, a university, etc (有特定目的的)大机构(如银行、大学等): ◇the financial institutions in the city of london 伦敦商业区的金融机构 2. [c] a building where certain people with special needs live and are looked after 为有特殊需要者设立的建筑物: ◇a mental institution (= a hospital for the mentally ill) 精神病院◇she's been in institutions all her life. 她在不同的特殊服务机构里度过了一辈子。 3. [c] a social custom or habit that has existed for a long time 习俗;惯例: ◇the institution of marriage 婚姻制度 4. [u] the act of introducing a system, policy, etc, or of starting a process 建立;设立;制定: ◇the institution of new safety procedures 制定新的安全程度 institutionsee ⇨ organization 1 ⇨ tradition 1     • • •• ⇨ mental institution in·sti·tu·tion /ˏɪnstə`tjuʃən; ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃən/n [c] 1. a large important organization such as a university, church, or bank [大学、教会、银行等]大型团体,机构:◇higher education institutions 高等教育机构 2. a place such as a hospital or prison where people are looked after [医院、监狱等]社会公共机构 3. a custom accepted by most people in a society 习俗,制度:◇the institution of marriage 婚姻制度 ☞ institution




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