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单词 harrowing
释义 harrowing /hærəʊɪŋ; name hæroʊɪŋ/ very shocking or frightening and making you feel extremely upset令人肠断的;恐怖惊悚的◆there were harrowing scenes at the airport as relatives heard news of the crash.亲属听到飞机失事的消息后,机场里一片令人伤心欲绝的情景。◆you've had a harrowing experience and a lucky escape.你的经历很恐怖,能逃出来真是运气。harrowing/ˈhærəʊɪŋ ||; ˈhærəwɪŋ/adj making people feel very sad or upset 悲惨的;令人伤心的: ◇the programme showed harrowing scenes of the victims of the war. 这个节目展示了战争受害者的一些悲惨景象。 harrowingsee ⇨ upset 4 har·row·ing /`hærəwɪŋ; ˈhærəʊɪŋ/adjvery shocking and upsetting 令人震惊的,令人伤心的,令人难过的:◇harrowing pictures of the prison camps 拍自战俘营的骇人照片




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