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单词 embarrassed/embarrassing
释义 embarrassed/embarrassing1 words meaning embarrassed2 to make someone feel embarrassed3 the feeling you have when you are embarrassed4 when your face goes red because you are embarrassedrelated wordssee alsoashamed,1. words meaning embarrassed 表示窘迫”的单词 embarrassed /ɪmˈbærəst/ [adjective] feeling uncomfortable or shy and worrying about what people think of you, for example because you have made a stupid mistake or because you have to talk about your feelings, about sex etc 尴尬的,窘迫的,不自在的 tony spilled red wine all over their carpet. he was so embarrassed! 托尼在他们的地毯上洒了一地的红酒,他窘迫极了! the teachers are supposed to teach us about ‘safe sex’, but most of them are too embarrassed. 按理说老师应该教我们何为“安全性交”,但多数老师都羞于启齿。get/feel embarrassed kids get embarrassed if their mums kiss them in front of their friends. 小孩子如果当着朋友的面被妈妈亲吻,会显得很尴尬。embarrassed about i got very drunk at the party, and i feel really embarrassed about it. 我在聚会上喝了个大醉,感到很不好意思。embarrassed by/at marlon was always embarrassed by his lack of education. 马龙总是因为自己没有受过教育而感到羞愧。acutely embarrassed very embarrassed 异常尴尬 ‘i'm not sure if i actually want to marry her,’ harry said, feeling acutely embarrassed. “我不能确定自己是不是真的想娶她。”哈里很不好意思地说道。 self-conscious /self ˈkɒnʃəsǁ-ˈkɑːn-/ [adjective] shy and embarrassed about your body, or about the way you look or talk [对自己的身体、外貌、谈吐等]感到害羞的,忸怩的,不自然的 feel self-conscious i always feel really self-conscious in a bikini. 我穿着比基尼总是感到很不自在。self-conscious about teenagers are often very self-conscious about their appearance. 青少年往往对自己的外貌很在意。 self-consciously [adverb] he got up rather self-consciously and walked towards the stage. 他忸怩地站起身朝舞台走去。 uncomfortable /ʌnˈkʌmftəbəl, -ˈkʌmfət-ǁ-ˈkʌmfərt-, -ˈkʌmft-/ [adjective] feeling embarrassed because you cannot relax with the people around you 不自在的;尴尬的 all this talk about love and romance was making me uncomfortable. 所有这些有关情爱的谈话开始令我感到不自在起来。feel uncomfortable jim always felt uncomfortable on such formal occasions. 吉姆在这么正式的场合总是感到不自在。 an uncomfortable silence 一阵尴尬的沉默 uncomfortably [adverb] rhys shuffled his feet uncomfortably, trying to think of an excuse to leave. 里斯不自在地挪动着双脚,很想找个理由离开。 awkward /ˈɔːkwəʳd/ [adjective] feeling so shy, nervous, and embarrassed that you cannot behave in a natural way 尴尬的,忸怩的;局促不安的 feel awkward i didn't know anyone at the party, and i felt really awkward at first. 聚会上我一个人也不认识,开始的时候我感到十分尴尬。an awkward moment/silence etc when you or other people feel awkward 令人尴尬的时刻/沉默等 for one awkward moment i thought i had said something terribly wrong. 那一刻我感到很尴尬,我想我是说了很不该说的话。 carrie laughed out loud, and there was an awkward silence. 卡丽大声地笑了出来,接着便是一阵尴尬的沉默。 awkwardly [adverb] david felt too shy to say anything, and looked at them awkwardly. 戴维羞得什么话都讲不出来,只是局促不安地看着他们。 awkwardness [uncountable noun] there was an awkwardness in her manner which made it difficult to talk to her. 她的样子忸忸怩怩的,和她讲话很不舒服。 sheepish /ˈʃiːpɪʃ/ [adjective usually before noun] looking or feeling a little embarrassed because you feel guilty about something [因做错事而]窘迫的,不好意思的 he gave her a sheepish look and said, ‘i'm very sorry, i forgot it was your birthday.’ 他不好意思地看她一眼,说道:“非常抱歉,我忘记那天是你的生日。”look sheepish debbie arrived late for work looking a bit sheepish. 戴比上班迟到了,看上去有点难为情。 sheepishly [adverb] ‘i only have one or two cigarettes now and then,’ he said sheepishly. “我只是偶尔抽一两根烟。”他不好意思地说道。 mortified /ˈmɔːʳtɪfaɪd, ˈmɔːʳtəfaɪd/ [adjective not before noun] very shocked, embarrassed, or ashamed because you realize that you have done something wrong, or because of something unpleasant that happens to you 很羞愧的,困窘的[因意识到做错事或因为遇到不愉快的事] mortified by deaver was mortified by his mistake and immediately admitted that he was wrong. 迪弗为自己的失误感到很羞愧,立即便认了错。mortified at the thought of something carla felt mortified at the thought of having to repeat another year at school. 卡拉想到要重读一年就觉得很羞愧。!mortified to find/see etc something i was mortified to find that everyone else was wearing evening dress. 我发现其他人都穿着晚礼服,感到很尴尬。 squirm /skwɜːʳm/ [intransitive verb] to feel extremely embarrassed and uncomfortable because of something stupid that you did or said, or because of something that someone else does [因做了愚蠢的事或说了愚蠢的话,或因为别人做的事]感到极为困窘 whenever i think back to what i said at the party it makes me want to squirm. 每当我想起自己在聚会上说的话,就感到困窘不安。squirm with embarrassment the little boy squirmed with embarrassment when his mother told him off in front of his friends. 小男孩的母亲当着他朋友的面训斥他,他窘得坐立不安。 i could have died/i almost died /aɪ ˌkʊd həv ˈdaɪd, aɪ ˌɔːlməʊst ˈdaɪd/ spoken say this when you are telling someone about a time when you felt extremely embarrassed 【口】我真恨不得死掉;我简直无地自容[感到极度羞愧时说] when i realized that sally had heard every word i said about her, i could have died. 我发现萨莉听到了我说她的每一个字,我简直无地自容。 egg on your face /ˈeg ɒn jɔːʳ ˌfeɪs/ if someone, especially someone in authority has egg on their face, they have done something wrong or embarrassing in a way that makes them look stupid [尤指当权者]丢脸,出丑 don't underestimate this club or you'll be left with egg on your face. i've got one of the best squads ever in the premier league. 可别小瞧本俱乐部,免得自己弄得脸上无光。我有超级联赛中最好的一支球队。 the government ended up with egg on its face when it was found to have withheld documents for political purposes. 政府被发现出于政治目的扣留文件,最后弄得颜面尽失。2. to make someone feel embarrassed 令某人感到尴尬 embarrassing /ɪmˈbærəsɪŋ/ [adjective] something that is embarrassing makes you feel embarrassed 令人尴尬的;令人难堪的 it was so embarrassing - i couldn't remember his name! 太尴尬了—我想不起他的名字来! the doctor asked me a lot of embarrassing questions about my sex life. 医生问了我性生活方面许多叫人尴尬的问题。embarrassing to/for the revelations about the president's university life were to prove deeply embarrassing to him. 总统的大学生活曝光给他带来极大的难堪。 embarrass /ɪmˈbærəs/ [transitive verb] to make someone feel embarrassed 令[某人]感到尴尬 i hope i didn't embarrass you in front of your friends. 希望我没有让你在朋友面前感到难堪。 one woman was trying to embarrass me by asking me questions i couldn't answer. 有个女人想叫我难堪,提了一些我回答不了的问题。 cause embarrassment /ˌkɔːz ɪmˈbærəsmənt/ [verb phrase] if a situation or an action causes embarrassment to someone, it makes them feel embarrassed in front of a lot of people [情形或行动]令人尴尬,造成难堪 if you want i'll leave - i don't want to cause any embarrassment. 如果你希望我走,那我就走—我不想使你难堪。cause somebody embarrassment his wife's frequent affairs with other men had caused him acute public embarrassment. 他的妻子与别的男人风流韵事不断,这令他在公众面前极为难堪。cause embarrassment to somebody the article was intended to cause the greatest possible embarrassment to the government. 这篇文章旨在给政府造成最大可能的难堪。 be an embarrassment /biː ən ɪmˈbærəsmənt/ [verb phrase] if someone or something is an embarrassment to someone, they make them feel embarrassed or ashamed to be connected with them [某人或某事物]令人感到难堪 look at the way he's dressed. it's an embarrassment. 瞧瞧他穿的衣服,真够丢人的。be an embarrassment to his heavy drinking was an embarrassment to his friends and family. 他酒瘾很大,令朋友和家人丢脸。 excruciating /ɪkˈskruːʃieɪtɪŋ/ [adjective] use this about something that makes you feel extremely embarrassed 令人极其难堪的 the ambassador opened the gift in front of all his guests - and the box was empty! it was the most excruciating moment of my life. 大使当着所有的宾客打开了礼物—可礼盒竟是空的!这是我一生中最窘迫的时刻。 there followed an excruciating silence that lasted for at least a minute. 接着是一阵尴尬的沉默,至少有一分钟的时间没人说话。3. the feeling you have when you are embarrassed 窘迫的感觉 embarrassment /ɪmˈbærəsmənt/ [uncountable noun] the feeling you have when you are embarrassed 窘迫,尴尬 he looked down at the floor in an attempt to hide his embarrassment. 他低下头看着地上,试图掩饰自己的窘迫。i almost/nearly died of embarrassment spoken a humorous way of saying you felt very embarrassed about something 【口】我尴尬得要命[幽默用语] she read my poem out to the whole class - i almost died of embarrassment. 她把我的诗念给全班同学听—我窘得要命。4. when your face goes red because you are embarrassed 因窘迫而脸红 blush/turn red also go red especially british /blʌʃ, ˌtɜːʳn ˈred, ˌgəʊ ˈred/ [transitive verb/verb phrase] if you blush or turn red, your face becomes red because you are embarrassed [因尴尬而]脸红 as soon as mark came into the room, she blushed and looked away. 马克一进房间,她就红了脸,转头看着别处。 david's really shy - he always turns red when the teacher asks him a question. 戴维真的很害羞—老师问他问题时他总是会脸红。go/turn as red as a beetroot british become very red 【英】满脸通红 i can't wait to see his face when you tell him - he'll go as red as a beetroot. 我好想看看你告诉他时,他的那张脸会变成什么样子—肯定会红得像甜菜根似的!




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