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单词 abandon
释义 abandon verb¹ 1leave sb/sth离⋯而去;丢下adverb | phrases adverb➤hastily仓促离开◆the town had been hastily abandoned.这个小镇被匆匆离弃了。phrases➤abandon sb to their fate听任某人由命运摆布▸➤be left abandoned被遗弃▸➤be found abandoned被发现遭遗弃◆the car was found abandoned in a nearby town.那辆轿车被发现丢弃在附近的一个镇上。abandon verb² 2stop doing/supporting sth停止做;停止支持adverb | verb + abandon | preposition adverb➤altogether, completely, entirely, totally完全/彻底/全部/统统放弃◆the government does not propose to abandon the project altogether.政府并不打算完全放弃这个计划。➤effectively, largely, virtually事实上终止;很大程度上停止;几乎停止◆this principle has now been effectively abandoned.这一原则事实上已被放弃。➤eventually, finally最终/终于放弃▸➤simply根本上废除◆traditional policies were simply abandoned.一些传统政策根本就给废止了。➤formally正式废除▸➤abruptly, immediately, quickly骤然/立即/迅速废除▸➤gradually逐步废除▸➤quietly无声无息地废止◆the plans for reform were quietly abandoned.改革的诸多计划都悄无声息地终止了。➤temporarily暂时中止▸➤voluntarily自愿放弃verb + abandon➤be forced to, have to被迫/不得不放弃▸➤decide to决定放弃preposition➤for为⋯而放弃◆he abandoned the army for politics.他弃戎从政。➤in favour/favor of放弃⋯而转向⋯◆she abandoned her teaching career in favour / favor of singing.她为了做歌手而放弃了教师职业。abandon /əbændən/ verb [transitive] stop doing sth, especially before it is finished; to stop having or using sth 放弃;抛弃◆the group has been forced to abandon its plan to raise capacity by 8%. 这集团被迫放弃提高生产能力 8% 的计划。◆the company was abandoned by many of its customers. 这公司被众多顾客抛弃了。 (insurance 保险) to give up the legal ownership of sth, such as a ship or cargo that has been damaged, to an insurance company in exchange for an insurance payment, especially when the cost of repairing it is more than its total value 委付,放弃(某物的法定所有权,如将受损船只或货物的法定所有权委付给保险公司以取得保险赔偿,尤其当修理费超过该物的总值时) (law 法律) to stop trying to make a claim in a court 放弃,撤回(在法院的索赔要求)◆the claim was abandoned with the permission of the court. 经法庭许可,索赔要求已经撤回。 ▸ abandonment /əbændənmənt/ noun [uncountable]  ➡  idiom at ship ☞ abandon abandon verbabandon ♦︎ desert ♦︎ vacate ♦︎ evacuatethese words all mean to go away from a building or place, leaving it empty.这些词均表示离开或腾空。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to abandon / desert / vacate / evacuate a building / house / home◆to vacate / evacuate the office / premises◆to abandon / vacate / evacuate sth immediately■ abandon /əbændən/ [transitive] (rather formal) to leave a thing or place, especially because it is impossible or dangerous to stay(不得已而)舍弃,丢弃,离开◆snow forced many drivers to abandon their vehicles.降雪迫使许多司机弃车步行。◆they had to abandon their lands and property to the invading forces.面对侵略军,他们不得不舍弃自己的土地和财产。◆he gave the order to abandon ship (= to leave the ship because it was sinking).他下令弃船(因船快要沉没)。 ➡ see also abandon → leave 5 , abandoned → deserted ■ desert /dɪzɜːt; name dɪzɜːrt/ [transitive, often passive] to go away from a place and leave it empty舍弃,离弃(某地方)◆the villages had been deserted.这些村庄已经荒无人烟了。◆the owl seems to have deserted its nest.猫头鹰似乎已经弃巢而去。ⓘ people are more likely to desert their homes because there is no longer work or food for them in the area, rather than because of danger. desert is most often used in the past participle form, and is mainly used to talk about places where people have lived at some time in the past.因为缺乏工作机会或食物而非出于危险而离开某地,用 desert。desert 常用过去分词形式,主要用来谈论以前住过的地方◆the house / croft / encampment / village / settlement had been deserted.房子/小农场/营房/村庄/定居点已经被遗弃了。  ➡ see also deserted → deserted ■ vacate /vəkeɪt, veɪkeɪt, name also veɪkeɪt-->/ [transitive] (formal) to leave a building, room or seat, especially so that sb else can use it腾出,空出(建筑物、房间或座位)◆guests are requested to vacate their rooms by noon on the day of departure.客人须在离店当日的中午以前退房。■ evacuate /ɪvækjueɪt/ [transitive, intransitive] (rather formal) to move out of a place because of danger, and leave the place empty(从危险的地方)撤出,搬出◆employees were urged to evacuate their offices immediately.已经敦促雇员立即撤离办公室。◆locals were told to evacuate.当地居民接到了疏散的通知。▸ evacuation noun [uncountable] ◆the emergency evacuation of the building楼内人员的紧急疏散abandon /əbændən/ [transitive] (rather formal) to leave a thing or place, especially because it is impossible or dangerous to stay(不得已而)舍弃,丢弃,离开◆snow forced many drivers to abandon their vehicles.降雪迫使许多司机弃车步行。◆they had to abandon their lands and property to the invading forces.面对侵略军,他们不得不舍弃自己的土地和财产。◆he gave the order to abandon ship (= to leave the ship because it was sinking).他下令弃船(因船快要沉没)。 ➡ see also abandon → leave 5 , abandoned → deserted abandon [transitive, often passive] to leave sb, especially sb you are responsible for, with no intention of returning离弃;遗弃;抛弃◆people often simply abandon their pets when they go abroad.人们出国时常常会把宠物遗弃。◆the study showed a deep fear among the elderly of being abandoned to the care of strangers.研究表明,老人十分害怕被丢给陌生人照管。 ➡ see also abandon → abandon abandon [transitive] (rather formal) to stop doing sth, especially before it is finished; to stop having sth中止;放弃;不再有◆they were forced to abandon the game because of rain.因为下雨,他们被迫中止了比赛。◆we had to abandon any further attempt at negotiation.我们不得不放弃进一步谈判的任何尝试。abandon/əˈbændən ||; əˈbændən/verb[t] 1. to leave sb/sth that you are responsible for, usually permanently (通常指永远地)离弃,废弃: ◇the bank robbers abandoned the car just outside the city. 抢劫银行的匪徒把汽车弃置在郊外。 2. to stop doing sth without finishing it or without achieving what you wanted to do (中途)放弃;半途而废: ◇the search for the missing sailors was abandoned after two days. 两天后,搜索失踪船员的工作就作罢了。 ➔abandonment noun [u] abandonsee ⇨ leave 27 ⇨ put 1 ⇨ stop 3 a·ban·don /ə`bændən; əˈbændən/v [t] 1. to leave someone or something for a long time or forever, without intending to go back and get them 放弃,离弃,遗弃[某人或某物]:◇the baby had been abandoned outside a hospital in liverpool. 婴儿被遗弃在利物浦的一所医院外。 2. to stop doing or using something because of problems [因某事物有问题而]放弃; 中止:◇the new policy had to be abandoned. 新政策被迫中止。




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